Post subject: question: why so few N64 movies?
Joined: 4/23/2007
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how come there are only a few n64 speed runs on is it because they are hard to do speed runs? not uploaded? just wondering... there are so many i'd like to see, and maybe even try to make a speed run! [EDIT by Bisqwit: Replaced thread title with more descriptive one. Please try to include relevant information in the topic (that distinguish it from other topics by giving a brief idea what it's about) when you make new topics.]
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ARE YOU SERIAL?????????????? LOL GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It's because people like you are always asking why there are so few N64 tases when they could be making it themselves.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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I think I'll handle this one. They are technically harder to do. In theory 3D movement makes optimizing harder. N64 games are generally longer. People can debate about whether they are "harder" to make, but IMO, someone who specializes in N64 TASing (like myself) woill not produce as many speedruns as someone who specialized in NES TASing. N64 TASing is more recent, started in 2005ish, compared to others, so it's fairly new, i.e. less time for TASers to make them. N64 games are harder to get running in mupen. Many N64 games either have many graphical problems, or simply do not run at all. So the number of games that can be run is lessened. The EXP Pak can make N64 TASes desynch very easily, thus ruining many potentially good games because desynchs are very hard to work with. There aren't as many N64 TASers as other systems, but the number is steadily growing. I'm delighted to hear that you're interested in trying it out. go see the N64 forum, and give me a PM, I can certainly get you on the right track.
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comicalflop 2 da rez-q (read: limit) e: Wait, what is a "N64-TASer"? Do we really assign people to certain systems now? Anyone who will only work with one system is a lot of phrases I'm not allowed to use as per verbal contract with Bisq-Master 5-thizzle. A lot of negative phrases, mind you.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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jeese...i thought i only needed a translator for i need one for Zurreco too
I'm sciencing as fast as I can ! ______________________________________ <adelikat> once more balls enter the picture, everything gets a lot more entertraining <adelikat> mmmmm yummy penises
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a N64 TASer is someone who happens to be TASing/has TAS'd a N64 game, does not have to be exclusively. They have a pretty good knowledge about mupen and 3D movement to be able to make a N64 TAS. Sometimes it can be exclusive, but only in some cases where the only games they have looked at are few and far between, and only in the N64 system. and never in a negative way. hope that clears that up.
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So, in short, we are classifying people now? I think it's pretty weak to label like that, but I guess you non-universally applied runners need to be proud of something. e: Exclusivity denotes a lot. I think someone binding themself to a system or specific type of game exclusively is limiting themselves, thereby shortchanging themselves and the community. Deign: Like I think that girl from the Verizon commercial "says" (I think); "tibby up you [homie]?"
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I think you are being a little hyper-sensitive. Someone who TASs NES games, is an NES-TASer. Someone who TASs N64 games is a N64-TASer. It's accurate, easy to understand, and very non-offensive. I don't see why you are trying to pick a fight here. He just used the classifications to simplify his explination, not as a personal insult to anyone.
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Zurreco, you took exactly what I said and made it seem like the opposite. I never said it was an official classification. I CLEARLY said it was not about being exclusive at all. I never said people binding themselves to one system (which by the way some people do) is a bad thing.
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For starters, there is no 'fight' here. Never did I say anything was an official classification. You, comicalflop, said "sometimes it can be exclusive," which allows me to air my opinion about exclusivity. I understand that you don't find it to be negative, and I never said that you thought it was a bad thing. I merely submitted a statement with a slight support. If you disagree with my statement that exclusivity to a system or game type is limiting and, therefore, not a good thing, I invite you to give a rebuttal. Afterall, I don't think either of you actually responded to what I said. Being dismissive with "you're being too sensitive/aggressive" or "you're interpreting a situation [incorrectly]" does no one any good, but it does a lot of bad by forcing me to write out this drawn out statement that will hopefully pull us out of the ditch we have so craftily curmugeoned our way in to. The ball is in your court. Haughtily yours -Z
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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S3R14L-X wrote:
how come there are only a few n64 speed runs on is it because they are hard to do speed runs? not uploaded? just wondering... there are so many i'd like to see, and maybe even try to make a speed run!
Ignoring all the posts except this brillantly constructed post. There are few N64 TASes at the moment becuase its a relatively new and unstable system. The games are quite a bit longer and more complex to make and many members are still intimidated by the prospect of doing a 3D game, simple eh.
Post subject: Re: question
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S3R14L-X wrote:
how come there are only a few n64 speed runs on
How come some people are unable to write meaningful subjects to their posts?
Post subject: Re: question
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God, i just love how newbies & lurkers are welcomed here. To answer your question S3R14L-X.... Oh! It was already answered?
S3R14L-X wrote:
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in three short, sweet words: enjoy your desyncing
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It's harder to make a TAS of a 3D game. Compare Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario 64. SM64 has been improved by well over a minute. On the other hand, it's easy to slap together a run of SMB that's just 10-15 seconds worse than the best run. And, as has been said by others, Mupen is an unreliable emulator, as it has to use more power and have more controls. What game are you planning on TASing for the N64? N64 games are tricky to make TASes of, but they make more impressive results.
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Chamale wrote:
It's harder to make a TAS of a 3D game. Compare Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario 64. SM64 has been improved by well over a minute. On the other hand, it's easy to slap together a run of SMB that's just 10-15 seconds worse than the best run.
It's easy to slap together a run that is 3-4 seconds away from the best run provided you use enough rerecords, but the thing is that no-one expects such level of precision in a 3D game, anyway. Saving a frame in SM64 would be thousands times easier than saving a frame in SMB, and you're free to try.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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mupen64 doesn't emulate all games very well (or at all)
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I have a question but don't want to create a new thread. The Smurfs (UE) (V1.0) (M4) [!] what does M mean? EDIT: (UE) (V1.1) (M3)[S][o1]. and S and o ? EDIT: thanks Kyrsimys
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(M) means multilanguage, and the number is the number of languages. [S] I think stands for Super GameBoy or something and [o] means overdump (a ROM you shouldn't use, at least for TASing).
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Location: stuck in Pandora's box HELLPP!!!
...............: STANDARD CODES ::...............
:                                               :\
:   [a] Alternate        [p] Pirate             :\
:   [b] Bad Dump         [t] Trained            :\
:   [f] Fixed            [T-] OldTranslation    :\
:                        [T+] NewerTranslation  :\
:   [h] Hack             (-) Unknown Year       :\
:   [o] Overdump         [!] Verified Good Dump :\
:  (M#) Multilanguage (# of Languages)          :\
: (###) Checksum       (??k) ROM Size           :\
:  ZZZ_ Unclassified   (Unl) Unlicensed		:\

................: SPECIAL CODES ::...............
:                                               :\
: .-----Gameboy-----.  .----Super Nintendo----. :\
: [  [C] Color      ]  [ (BS) BS ROMs         ] :\
: [  [S] Super      ]  [ (ST) Sufami Turbo    ] :\
: [ [BF] Bung Fix   ]  [ (NP) Nintendo Power  ] :\
: `-----------------'  `----------------------' :\
:                      .--------Atari---------. :\
: .-----Genesis-----.  [ (PAL) Euro Version   ] :\
: [ (1) Japan       ]  `----------------------' :\
: [ (4) USA         ]  .---------GBA----------. :\
: [ (5) NTSC Only   ]  [ [hI??] Intro hacks   ] :\
: [ (8) PAL Only    ]  `----------------------' :\
: [ (B) non USA     ]  .--------Coleco--------. :\
: [ [c] Checksum    ]  [ (Adam) ADAM Version  ] :\
: [ [x] Bad Checksum]  `----------------------' :\
: [ [R-] Countries  ]                           :\
: `-----------------'                           :\
:                      .--------NES/FC--------. :\
: .--NeoGeo Pocket--.  [ (PC10) PlayChoice 10 ] :\
: [ [M] Mono Only   ]  [   (VS) Versus        ] :\
: `-----------------'  [ [hFFE] FFE Copier fmt] :\
:                      `----------------------' :\

................: COUNTRY CODES ::...............
:                                               :\
:   (1) Japan & Korea      (4) USA & BrazilNTSC :\
:   (A) Australia          (J) Japan            :\
:   (B) non USA (Genesis)  (K) Korea            :\
:   (C) China             (NL) Netherlands      :\
:   (E) Europe            (PD) Public Domain    :\
:   (F) France             (S) Spain            :\
:   (F) World (Genesis)                         :\
:  (FC) French Canadian   (SW) Sweden           :\
:  (FN) Finland            (U) USA              :\
:   (G) Germany           (UK) England          :\
:  (GR) Greece           (Unk) Unknown Country  :\
:  (HK) Hong Kong          (I) Italy		:\
:  (H)  Holland          (Unl) Unlicensed       :\

.............: STANDARD CODE NOTES ::............
:                                               :\
: [a] This is simply an alternate version of a  :\
:     ROM. Many games have been re-released to  :\
:     fix bugs or even to eliminate Game Genie  :\
:     codes (Yes, Nintendo hates that device).  :\
:             -------------------               :\
: [b] A bad dump often occurs with an older     :\
:     game or a faulty dumper (bad connection). :\
:     Another common source of [b] ROMs is a    :\
:     corrupted upload to a release FTP.        :\
:             -------------------               :\
: [f] A fixed game has been altered in some way :\
:     so that it will run better on a copier    :\
:     or emulator.                              :\
:             -------------------               :\
: [h] Something in this ROM is not quite as it  :\
:     should be. Often a hacked ROM simply has  :\
:     a changed header or has been enabled to   :\
:     run in different regions. Other times it  :\
:     could be a release group intro, or just   :\
:     some kind of cheating or funny hack.      :\
:             -------------------               :\
: [o] An overdumped ROM image has more data     :\
:     than is actually in the cart. The extra   :\
:     information means nothing and is removed  :\
:     from the true image.                      :\
:             -------------------               :\
: [t] A trainer is special code which executes  :\
:     before the game is begun. It allows you   :\
:     to access cheats from a menu.             :\
:             -------------------               :\
: [!] Verified good dump. Thank God for these!  :\

.............: SPECIAL CODE NOTES ::.............
:                                               :\
: **** SNES ****                                :\
: (BS) These Japanese ROMs were distributed     :\
:      through a satellite system in Japan      :\
:      known as the Broadcast Satellaview.      :\
:      They were transmitted along with a TV    :\
:      show which was connected to the game in  :\
:      some way. These games were only playable :\
:      during the show, and thus stop after an  :\
:      hour, and many were timed so that only   :\
:      certain time periods were playable.      :\
:             -------------------               :\
: (ST) The Sufami Turbo device allowed two      :\
:      GameBoy sized carts to be plugged into   :\
:      the SNES. Certain carts combined into    :\
:      new games much like the Sonic & Knuckles :\
:      lock-on technology by Sega.              :\
:             -------------------               :\
: (NP) Nintendo Power has been known to release :\
:      games only available to its subscribers. :\
:      Most of these ROMs are Japanese, as this :\
:      practice occured mainly in Japan.        :\
:             -------------------               :\
:                                               :\
: **** Genesis ****                             :\
:  (1) Carts with this code will run on both    :\
:      Japanese and Korean machines.            :\
:             -------------------               :\
:  (4) While this code is technically the same  :\
:      as a (U) code, it is a newer header      :\
:      format and represents that the cart will :\
:      run on USA and Brazil NTSC machines.     :\
:             -------------------               :\
:  (B) This country code indicates that the     :\
:      cart will run on any non US machine.     :\
:             -------------------               :\
:  [c] This code represents a cart with known   :\
:      faulty checksum routines.                :\
:             -------------------               :\
:                                               :\
: **** GameBoy ****                             :\
: [BF] Bung released a programmable cartridge   :\
:      compatable with the GameBoy which could  :\
:      hold any data you wished to play.        :\
:      However, many games do not function on   :\
:      Bung v1.0 carts and have to be 'fixed.'  :\
:             -------------------               :\
:                                               :\
: **** Nintendo ****                            :\
: PC10 The PlayChoice 10 was an arcade unit     :\
:      which played exact copies of NES games   :\
:      in an arcade cabinet. The machines had a :\
:      choice of 10 games to choose from and    :\
:      ran for about 3 minutes on 25 cents.     :\
:             -------------------               :\
:                                               :\
:   VS The Versus system ran on similar hard-   :\
:      ware to the PC10 machines, but simply    :\
:      allowed you to play against each other.  :\

...................: Credits ::..................
:                                               :\
: Document written by Psych0phobiA / q^-o|o-^p  :\
:                                               :\
: All codes developed by Cowering for the       :\
: Goodxxxx series ROM file renaming utilities.  :\
:                                               :\
: Visit #rareroms on NewNet in IRC!             :\ 