Kid Icarus is one of my most memorable games.
My parents used to plop me off at my grandmother's house when they went on vacation, and Kid Icarus was the game I passed my time with, because no matter how long I played it, I never beat it. I was stuck in castle 3 for a full 3 years. It never occured to me to actually map it on paper though.
Anyway as you can probably imagine listening to this
music and running around like this:

for three years leaves a lasting impression. Also, eggplant wizard? That is the best enemy ever made! He doesn't even do anything to you, except put an eggplant on your head! It isn't even magic, he just has huge eggplants. So big you need a doctor to get it off your head.
He used to have an eggplant staff, and have an eggplant coming out of it, but then I changed it to a JXQ flag recently, because I love JXQ's work.