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This is an "Any Percentage" completion of Mario Kart 64, to see the end credits players are required only to beat the Special Cup on 150cc and that's exactly what I do. This run began as the next step in proof-of-concept runs I'd been doing for my research work with ComicalFlop's 16 course run. I had done a Flower Cup run earlier this month and concentrated purely on strategy exploration with time and optimization as a secondary importance. As I began the Special cup I remembered that one need only beat this single cup to view the credits and be greeted by Mario saying "Hey, you're very good! See you next time" as the words "THE END" bounce across the screen. So, I figured I'd test out the TASing skills I'd been developing thanks to Comical Flop's guidance and make this cup as optimized as I could stand. I think the result is quite impressive and certainly entertaining. I developed new strategies, especially on RRd, with surprising results.
Mario Kart 64, Any Percentage Completion
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Manipulates luck
  • Genre: Racing
  • Video: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6
  • Sound: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6
  • Input: TAS Input Plugin 0.6
  • RSP: RSP emulation Plugin
Course Times:
DK: 20"21 (10"48, 6"21, 4"22)
YV: 29"43 (9"33, 10"33, 9"77)
BB: 1'29"80 (33"36, 22"99, 32"45)
RRd: 1'02"32 (34"95, 13"92, 13"45)
19,045 Last race frame (5 min 17.42 sec)
20,018 Second to last frame of necessary input (5 min 33.63 sec)
24,194 Last frame of input to initiate the End Credits (at 6 min 43.23 sec)
8317 rerecords
Credits end at about 9 min 34 sec.
Suggested Picture:
Frame 10,923
First, I use two extra frames at the beginning to choose Toad rather than Yoshi. For the record, I have no reason to believe that there is any difference between Toad, Yoshi or Peach in terms of performance and control (and the variety of characters used for WR’s over at is further proof of that). However, there is a discernable difference in weight between Toad and Yoshi/Peach. The difference is very small but every bit helps for SC’s like Banshee Boardwalk. So, I chose Toad to ensure maximum hops off of cpu players.
I tried two very different strategies on this level but neither panned out. They were: 1. CPU hop back through the trees on the left and somehow drop down into the tunnel while triggering the regular SC. This completely failed.
2. More promising, I drove forward and cut around the trees by the water towards the waterfall. I managed to get behind those trees and my hope was that I would be able to jump down into the cave from here to speed up the first lap. Unfortunately there is a large, invisible polygon that forces a tumble and put me right into the drink no matter what I did.
So, I ended up using the typical SC strategy and just optimizing it. The very first turn is more aggressive and direct than normally attempted on a console. Please keep in mind that if you try to compare this run to the WR times, I am playing in 150cc when Time Trials is approximately equivalent to 100cc. However, I have only two mushrooms.
Now for a course where the SC brings me nowhere near an item box. With no mushrooms I was forced to get creative with the strategy. The first lap was fine, the SC is perfectly doable without an extra shroom. It’s the second and third laps that are tricky. The third lap strategy is obviously the fastest (and just barely possible without a mushroom) but when Lakitu puts you back on the track it is further forward and just far enough to make it impossible to trigger the SC (at least based on my testing). So, I came up with what you see in lap two as a way to allow three quick SC’s because this strategy places me in the right spot for lap 3. I would like to dedicate this particular trick to the late Martin McMullan who discovered the fast lap strategy that uses a similar fence bouncing technique.
First, I’d like to mention that the wall-hit early on in this level was intended to demonstrate how some corners can be used to make abrupt corners. This is especially true in Bowser Castle (not shown in this run) but it may not have been faster here. No matter, I had to wait a bit for Bowser later on anyway. For the record, manipulating cpu movement is next to impossible. Hopefully, with time, a greater understanding of how to do this can be obtained. I first performed the massive jump about 2 years ago using save-states but no slow down or re-recording. I think it is worth noting that I cannot guarantee this jump will be possible in Comical Flop’s run that Fried and I are supporting. Bowser happened to swing wide and fast and I was just barely able to get enough speed by shroom-sliding.
I would like to thank Malcolm Young for making a video of a lap trick on this course back in 2001. He used toad to jump off of Bowser in Versus mode to trigger the strange SC. This was largely an inspiration to me to search for more interesting GP mode SC’s involving cpu jumps and items. In this course I took Malcolm’s discovery to another level and used items readily available to me from the conveniently close item boxes behind the finish line. My hope was that I could go back to those item boxes and grab two sets of triple green shells never to return. However, I was surprised to discover that it is impossible to get triple green shells in last place (a strange predicament). So, I decided to try my luck with red shells. Unfortunately, if you hit yourself with a red shell and fall off the side, you continue to tumble straight down (unlike the green shells). So, I grabbed a set of mushrooms as well (triple rather than golden, so I could use more after Lakitu brought me back). I knew that one way to protect yourself against a red shell was to jam a mushroom at the last possible and hope and, if you were lucky, your character would make a big hop rather than tumble. With TASing I didn’t have to hope, but I did have to experiment to see the cause. Turns out this occurs if you use a shroom the frame you would normally get hit the jump occurs on its own. In fact, if you press R to jump during this frame, you will get hit.
After this strange part of the first lap, I used the magic of AB-spin-shrooming to make some tight maneuvers and grab a set of triple green shells. Please note that hitting the wall at the very end was somehow “01 faster than not hitting the wall. If you watch the speedometer, it indicates that this does not slow me down but it does allow me to spend less time turning.

Truncated: Firstly, I don't like the idea of running only one cup. That would either mean that we publish every cup as a different movie, or have both a "full run" and an "any % run" which would be identical for the last cup. Neither of these is a good idea.
Secondly, some people have pointed out that this movie is badly played.
For these two reasons, this submission is rejected.

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I am human, and have every right to my feelings. Something that many authors before me have had is demonstrating things first in TAS's that the community was either anticipating or not expecting. I'm allowed to be upset when that is taken from me. And I'm not stretching the definition; I think my definition is clearer, Upthorn's seems initially to be correct but has a majors flaws. Motivation and anticipation are key factors in making movies. Nothing feels better when making a run than someone saying "loved, it, keep it up!" this is why I take a look at some people's work that wouldn't normally be looked at a lot, in order to give them confidence. As I've stated before, I have a mixed bag of personal motivation to complete it (as shown in first post) and a desire to give the audience what they anticipate. This is conflicting by your argumanets, but it seems to me to be a combination of motivators; you don;t do so well on TASes that bore you, and you make TASes for your audience to enjoy, or you wouldn't be making it entertaining. Does that make me hypocritical, since you're implying a pride movie is one or the other (even fi you can't decide which it is?) Many authors I know of strive for both, does that make us all bad with your definition of pride? And guess what? Had you read through all of my comments (which is something I do not think people are doing, which is a bad thing) you'll see that I was giving mature reasons for considering quitting or not. None of them have to do with "waaaaah, I wasn't first!" It was "why should I bother to do so much work to create something that will not surprise the audience with new stuff?"
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comicalflop wrote:
I am human, and have every right to my feelings.
You say that, but you are still awake despite my 6hour sleep session. Therefore, you must be a robot. Edit: Boy, Toad sure is a party animal. He can't stop with the AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH YAHOO I'M THE BEST! Yes vote.
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spockybiemmichab wrote:
Seeing those shortcuts is truly insane, but I most enjoyed BB where some "real driving skills" are shown. The other three tracks "only" have repetitive shortcuts. Saying this, I'm really looking forward to the full run (which is not ruined at all by this). PS: Yes
If you wanna see "real driving skills" in BB, then watch this vid: Much cleaner than this TAS, and 0 re-records.
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I'm gonna vote "no" becuase a 16 course TT more than satisfies all the condictions needed for such a game, then again I'd be happy to see this published and then get obseleted by a full run.
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Kind Request for forum mods to take all debating posts, including mine, to be shunted to the Mario Kart 64 thread for further discussion, so as not to stray away from this submission. ones to stay here: Comicalflop (initial post with content pertaining to my vote on the submission, none afterwards. that can be moved alongside others to MK64 thread) laughing_gas Hero of the Day Inzult Michael Fried Nitsuja SpockyBiemmichab AKA (and any others I may have missed that contained a vote) sorry if this sounds like I'm making a demand, but I realize there was too much debate about a different run in progress, and not as much with this submission.
Raiscan wrote:
comicalflop wrote:
I am human, and have every right to my feelings.
You say that, but you are still awake despite my 6hour sleep session. Therefore, you must be a robot.
My sleeping schedule this semester has been as erratic as lightning. and remember, we're in different time zones.
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Michael Fried wrote:
spockybiemmichab wrote:
Seeing those shortcuts is truly insane, but I most enjoyed BB where some "real driving skills" are shown.
If you wanna see "real driving skills" in BB, then watch this vid: Much cleaner than this TAS, and 0 re-records.
I never intended to abase the console players who have real driving skills (no quotes this time; that serves a purpose). My point was that I liked to see a race completed the way the programmers planned to (well, at least almost).
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I'll vote after the .avi download finishes, but I had to interject first that a lot of the people in this community do not happen to see anything that gets posted to this site until its submission, and even more don't see anything until it gets published. E.g: I peruse the forums occasionally, but if it's not in the SNES or GBA sections, I'm likely to miss it. But I use the submissions RSS feed, so anything that hits the submission queue is instantly a blip on my radar. On the other hand, a friend of mine also checks the main index, but neither reads the forums nor checks the RSS feed, so he is blissfully unaware of anything in the works until its publication. The Kart series is immensely popular to even casual fans, and MK64 is probably the crown jewel of the series. The number of people who are going to view demos compared to the number of people who are likely to see the published .avi is small. Miniscule, even. Finish the Time Trials run. Plenty of people will still see it and be surprised and thoroughly impressed. If that's not good enough for you, then maybe you needed to find a new project anyway.
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This movie was alright, not much to say really. It seems a little empty with all the makeshift shortcuts that cut the run down considerably. I'm all for a total annihilation of the CPUs run but this one is just uninteresting because it seems there was no competition. Great job none the less but I'm voting meh on this.
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comicalflop wrote:
And guess what? Had you read through all of my comments (which is something I do not think people are doing, which is a bad thing) you'll see that I was giving mature reasons for considering quitting or not.
Maybe everyone is reading your comments but then disregarding them because they think they're stupid.
comicalflop wrote:
None of them have to do with "waaaaah, I wasn't first!" It was "why should I bother to do so much work to create something that will not surprise the audience with new stuff?"
They amount to the same thing anyway I mean, if 75% of the game is really identical to the other 25% like you seem to mean, then maybe you really shouldn't have bothered
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Not sure what to say. Honestly, if it's as unoptimized as it seems by some of the posters in the know (mainly Michael Fried), and also basically what, just four maps out of sixteen, I don't see the point when there is a full run on the way. UNLESS - the run is officially being discontinued. Which would suck bad. As for stuff being spoiled... We've already got a couple of clips, and even on youtube which - I think? - you uploaded yourself? And what have we seen? Awesome shit. Do I want to see more awesome shit? Hell yeah. Will I love it? Yes. I still smile and enjoy the work done every time I watch any of the clips seen so far, "surprise" or not. A full run will still have 12 maps out of 16 that we haven't even seen TAS'ed at all yet, and then I don't care what your psychology class teaches you to be honest. You really seem to want to hear something, else you wouldn't be here writing all this - what? I ask because if we (hardly alone in this) knew, we'd say it, because we really want to see the run. If it is nothing about ego, then it's perfect because you'll be giving an awesome run to people. If it is about ego, well it's equally perfect because there's no way people won't be praising the shit out of you for a run of the quality seen so far :/ Anyway really hope you find motivation man. I like your runs and your person is a good addition on these forums and community in general.
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I watched it again, I now think that its unoptimized espeacially Rainbow Road and Banshee Boardwalk.
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As I see it, there are 3 options: 1) Publish this as "completes 4th GP", and also publish the 3 other GP's seperately. 2) Publish this as an any%, and obsolete this when the 100% is done. 3) Don't publish this. I think it's great weatherton is getting some attention. He has been working very hard at finding stuff like this, and I think he has every right to make it public. This goes for this run, the flower GP test, and possibly in the future a star GP test. If Comicalflop wants to keep it a surprise, he should have included weatherton in his TAS. Since weatherton is not officially a co-author, when the 100% run is done everyone will say "great job Comicalflop" in the first place... especially since the shortcuts weren't public before. To me, it didn't spoil that much really, for a 100% run. It shouldn't be a reason for Comicalflop to stop his 100% run... not even a bit. Comicalflop said somewhere in this thread he would be just optimizing stuff that is already shown... what's wrong with this? Most of the TASing is about optimizing stuff. Everybody is doing this all of the time. In fact, it is exactly what you were doing before; optimizing strategies. I believe you said this is the reason why you were the only author of the 100% run, since you did all the input of the actual run (read, optimizing). I think this run exactly shows what weatherton does, and your 100% run will exactly show what you do. I would even go as far as saying it would be unfair to your audience if you decided to quit your 100% TAS. For months you have said you were going to do and finish this run, and I'm sure that this submission didn't change anything for anyone in respect to wanting to see the finished run. As for the run itself, like I said, I think it's s good thing it's submitted, but (especially reading some of the comments), I'm quite sure it could be improved. Out of the three options I posted at the the top of this post, I dislike option 1, since that can just be done in 1 run. I also don't like option 2 that much, since a 100% run would just show the same (probably better optimized) and more. So I'm gonna vote no on this one.
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comicalflop wrote:
laughing_gas wrote:
Rainbow Road is worth the amazingness on its own. Nobody has seen anything like that done by one kart alone, nor seen any times that are about 1/3rd in total of what the TT sc flap is. As I stated, shock was THE major part about my GP run, both for what audiences wanted to see and why I wanted to make it. The whole point is that all the tricks for all 16 courses are all cool, and that now none of them are unknown. Unless something is discovered by myself, Fried or Weatherton, my run will offer nothing new shortcut wise.
Josh, if you take a minute to pause and think about this reasoning you will see yet another reason I felt compelled to submit the run. That BB SC basically seems like my baby, I've been nursing it for two years and it finally worked successfully in GP! I was so excited I wanted to show everyone (many of whom probably saw the SC demonstrated in my compilation video, even if they didn't understand it). As for the RRd. SC's The amount of strategy development I had in that last night working on the TAS was exilerating for me. I had gone from doing a CPU jump over to a part of the track in BEYOND the spiral to firguring out the Green Shell hit does not make you continue tumbling and that the drift would eliminate my need for cpu boosts for the big SC. After realizing that the item boxes behind me were very close making that spiral skip jump possibly not worth optimizing. I then confirmed that going backwards was the fastest way to go forwards (and that the SC still worked when doing that). But this did not occur until after I realized you can't get green shells in 8th place and that red shells don't let you "untumble." I was then able to replicate the desperate shroom hop using triple shrooms (difficult to manipulate in 8th and usually not the preferred item, and I used my recent discovery that shooting one item seeds the random item generator). By the way, the triple green shells are the most difficult item to manipulate in first place. I WAS EXCITED, and I optimized it all as best I could stand. I don't necessarily see why the strategies I developed are yours to surprise people with. I am happy to work with you on your run though and appreciate your friendship. PS. Your tendency to have a bunch of runs going and the pace at which your mk64 run had been developing (not necessarily your fault, I know Fried's perfectionism combined with yours equals slow development) was another REASON I wanted to submit. You yourself said you planned to get to the Special Cup in a little over a year (and that's assuming better than the current pace)...
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Is it just me, or are the parts in-between courses unoptimized? I think the text could scroll faster if "A" was held (or another button ... it's been too long since I last played).
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Comicalflop, from your message(s), it's rather clear you're attending psychology studies, and putting many things like a politician would, but it's still clear that you're effectively substituting concepts and categories to make them appear differently than they appear to others. Which includes Upthorn's and BoMF's points. Please consider the difference between making a run because you want to make it, and making a run for audience. These are two entirely different sets of goals which are in no way mutually exclusive, and the guidelines of the site unambiguously favor the first set. Why? Simple: to avoid crushing comicalflops' egoes. You have unambiguously stated that you wanted to be the first and that it was your run. Excuse me, since when do we have rights and patents on runs, tricks, strategies? I wouldn't be the part of this community if everyone claimed their projects and the means of accomplishing them as their own. Now I know it wasn't your point, and you had good intentions (to surprise audience, etc.) throughout, but it doesn't mean you have any more rights to submit than Weatherton, since it's his work, too. He made it and he wanted to make it public, and you should respect his choice, even if it's not awesomely convenient for your project. Waiting for you for a year to submit a short run that is already done? Come on, is that how you are treating your partners only to become the first to "surprise audience"? That's very cool, indeed. Another point to consider is: if you think people will get spoiled by this run and would want to watch the full run less because of it, then maybe they didn't have that much desire to watch the full run anyway. I've yet to see Fabian's upcoming SMW-96 improvement less favored due to the fact that there already are two other 96-exit runs published before it that feature all the same levels, and a handful of 11-exit runs in addition to that. And he takes enough pride in his work not to quit halfways only because a good portion of the levels won't be drastically (or even at all) different, and that surely deserves respect. Oh, and regarding this particular submission: I am a bit disappointed, although I can't say I couldn't see this coming. The only race I actually liked was the third one, all the others were interesting as concepts, but very unentertaining to watch. I'll have to vote meh.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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No vote. WAY too unoptimized and incomplete. Comicalflop, to be blunt, if you don't finish your run, you're a damned fool. I, personally, wouldn't have been surprised by anything; I already know the potential for crazy abuse is there, so unless you did anything massively out of the ordinary, it wouldn't be anything to me. However, seeing a perfectly optimized run on one of my favourite games would be so much better and enjoyable than simply a shortcut showoff. If you take all the tricks and shortcuts you've learned, and made them perfect, that would make my day so, so much more. If you're really doing it to impress us, do what will actually impress us, and not what you want to impress us.
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AKA wrote:
I watched it again, I now think that its unoptimized espeacially Rainbow Road and Banshee Boardwalk.
I think you'd have to understand RRd to say it's unoptimized... honestly, show me where.
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Kles wrote:
Comicalflop, to be blunt, if you don't finish your run, you're a damned fool.
Master-D himself could not have said it better.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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In regards to the run; I found it very entertaining. Sure, Michael Fried is going to complain that this number isn't quite as high as it could be, but I think the audience of the site as a whole will enjoy this movie. Nice job, Weatherton. In regards to Comicalflop, I have read through your posts with an open mind. And now I say that you are acting like a little bitch. I had a feeling before all this that a huge motivator for you was self-recognition. I derived this from the fact that you seemed to go out of your way on many occasions to mention: 1) How difficult something was to optimize, but that you were still going to do it! (see: OoT 100%) 2) How much others are anticipating something you are working on (see: userpage) 3) Anything to keep your project forum active, even when no progress has been made (see: MK64, here are some examples) Now this belief has been confirmed by you. It's no secret that I both can't identify with this attitude and detest it from others. And you accused me of run ownership? Here's something else I'm wondering - if Weatherton is finding all the shortcuts (macro-optimizing) and Michael Fried is finding all the tiny timesavers (micro-optimizing), then what the hell is comicalflop doing besides making a livejournal out of this forum and asking for creds™? Edit:
laughing_gas wrote:
Yeah, I'm sure HotD's super metroid any% run stole all of JXQ's thunder and now JXQ is sobbing in his shack.
Without creds, my shack is all I have :'(
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Weatherton, Sorry about your thread being hijacked. Good job on being so cool in your response to comicalflop, I certainly wouldn't have been if I were in your shoes. Also congrats on the run. comicalflop, It's understandable to feel disappointed and it's understandable to vent a little. I know I do it all the time. The impression I'm getting here though is that you're arguing these events are somehow unfair to you (realize that even if you're not saying this, that's how it's coming across), which is clearly ridiculous, and I think the best course of action here is to move on from this discussion. Others have said this same thing in a slightly less suger-coated way, and I realize it makes it all the more difficult to follow their advice. Like I said, I suggest you do, though. I mentioned this earlier, but if I were Weatherton I'd feel pretty insulted by this. That's something else you might want to consider. Regarding the run, I haven't watched it, but it sounds cool enough despite its unoptimized state.
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My opinion: Just because I've seen a trick or shortcut in a game doesn't mean I won't be impressed with a movie which is A) is longer, B) shows more courses, and C) is more optimized. I was amazed with FODA's 120 star run of Mario 64, and yet I keep coming back to see Rikku run the same game, with all the same levels, and many of the same tactics. This is why we have games that have 7 or 8 obsoleted versions; people on this site love to see perfection. While I understand that this movie hurts your feelings by spoiling some of the "surprise", much of what this site shows isn't surprises, it's perfection. As was said before, many people don't see the WIPs or the WR videos, and only pay attention to the published movies. Any full run of MK64 will be a surprise to many, many people. The 15 to 20 people who follow the MK64 thread may not be as 'surprised', but if they wanted that why are there so many requests for WIPs? The people who truly want to see this run completed want to see the whole game demolished beyond recognition. If you continue this run, they will get their perfection, and the other 98% of the community/the world will get their surprises. I haven't watched the run yet, so I can't comment on other people's observation, but I will later today and then lodge my vote. EDIT: This run is a perfect example of why a full run is needed. There was obviously great abuse of glitches, and I couldn't spot too many of the unoptimized parts that others have mentioned, and I hate to say this, but the amount of glitches per minute took away some of the entertainment. There was too little racing shown, and too much tricking of the CPU to put you in 1st place. While I'm sure that a 16 course run would have these tricks too, there would be other courses of racing to offset it and "water down" the glitches a little bit, which would be much more satisfactory to me. However, I won't compare a submitted run to a run that doesn't exist yet, as that would be incredibly unfair to Weatherton. Since we have no previous run to compare this to, this completes the goals that it sets out to complete, and is still impressive (even if the MK masters say it can be improved), I'm going to vote yes.
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Let's defocus the discussion from Comicalflop's feelings/full run and refocus back on the submission at hand please. If such a discussion needs to continue, it would be more appropriate in another thread.
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nitsuja wrote:
This made me think it's sad an all-cups run would also have to end so anticlimactically. Out of 4 races, 3 of them are essentially "drive around in circles at the start to win", and the most impressive trick was on the race that didn't let you do that. I can't decide what outweighs what here (short and surprising and impressive + repetitive and low on action and apparently low technical quality). I think there's better to be had from this game in an all-cups run.
I agree with this ol' chap. I expected a lot more than driving in circles. I prefer much more crazy shortcuts, maneuvers and totally unexpected events like hit an enemy to get a boost and land 1000 meters spot on where you wanted to land. A perfect example of this is obviously Banshee Boardwalk. That being said, Im afraid this submission did not do much of this. Voting no.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 7/26/2006
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I thought the run was nice, but didn't really need to be "submitted" since it could just be posted in the normal thread like the flower cup run, whether or not the end credits appear. Also this thread's drama isn't cool. voted yes anyway.
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Baxter wrote:
As I see it, there are 3 options: 1) Publish this as "completes 4th GP", and also publish the 3 other GP's seperately. 2) Publish this as an any%, and obsolete this when the 100% is done. 3) Don't publish this.
I would like option 1. EDIT. I just watched it, and I support having option 1 even more than before. Great movie, I was really amazed with the shortcuts! A yes from me. great job.