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I've just looked many sites and forums about that. I'm lucky, since the PAL Snes power supply adaptor is 100% compatible with the Super Famicom. On each site and forum where I saw that, nothing was mentionned about some problems that cold happen when playing. Thanks to you I tried to find some information and I know what to do. If you hadn't asked me about it, I would have used the japanese power supply adaptor and my Super Famicom would have instantly died XD Thank you =)
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You're welcome. And when you'll make the thing work, tell me the results — I might try to do something like that as well.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 3/16/2006
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Uh, the frequency of the electricty going to the power of the TV doesn't have an effect on the operation of the TV. There's certain types of cicuitry that will change the frequency to what it needs. Everything does that quite easily actaully, so there should be no problems.
I am just a silhouette, a silhouette of a memory of a solitary night .. nothing more.
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P.JBoy wrote:
Here's my first crappy attempt of a super metroid tas, actually it's metroid limit
yay! limit is one of my favorite hacks. is this going to be a any run or full? also, you should look at this topic if you havent already.
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My route's better, also I was never going to finish that run. It was me discovering the physics of the game
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Hi, im new here and wanna ask to everyone if anyone can tell me which are the exact frames (25, 50, 70, 85) to do the shinespark in short distance: if anyone can post images//vid w the 'press moment' or how i can 'calculate' the moment to press... i''l be very happy. :)
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Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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There's a couple ways. The 25, 50, 70, 85 are the numbers to use if your first frame of pressing right or left is frame 0. Just count them as you advance frames. The second way is to use the memory watch function of SNES9x v9 (Cheat -> Search for cheats -> Watch button) to watch the address that contains the Speed Booster level. If you press on the correct frame, this value will increment. A third way is to study existing movies with controller input (comma) and frame counter (period) toggled on. After some success, you'll notice the animation frame that requires the press, and can somewhat use that as well. You can also thank laughing_gas for linking to a page that you have most likely read already. (He likes to do that.)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
You can also thank laughing_gas for linking to a page that you have most likely read already. (He likes to do that.)
well he did ask for the exact frames ... why would he ask that if that he already read that page?
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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He didn't ask for the frames, he listed them. The process itself is what he was asking about.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Posts: 14
JXQ wrote:
There's a couple ways. The 25, 50, 70, 85 are the numbers to use if your first frame of pressing right or left is frame 0. Just count them as you advance frames. The second way is to use the memory watch function of SNES9x v9 (Cheat -> Search for cheats -> Watch button) to watch the address that contains the Speed Booster level. If you press on the correct frame, this value will increment. A third way is to study existing movies with controller input (comma) and frame counter (period) toggled on. After some success, you'll notice the animation frame that requires the press, and can somewhat use that as well. You can also thank laughing_gas for linking to a page that you have most likely read already. (He likes to do that.)
Thx for your answer. :). I saw "when-to-do" (for Laughing_gas XD) this morning... and is not very dificult but i must press the Run Button 5 times instead of 4 cause the "0-25" animation is hard to see in motion on 0 when you're walking (under the water before get the Gravity Suit is easy). Again More, thx for the answer. BtW: Your 100% Item on 37 Mins is f*****g crazy. Th for that. :)
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Hero of the day how's your run going on? Any WIPs or something?
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691 <BisqBot> Deign rolls a blackhole and destroys the planet.
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I have been working on Metroid I for the past few days, so I haven't really spent much time on Super Metroid. I had beaten the Torizo, then I stopped working on the run. I am also considering starting over, because moozooh has found some small frame savers which would make my run improvable by about 20 frames. I will make a post here when I start working on the run again, which might be some time soon.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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I just thought of something. Couldn't speed walljump saved time in that Norfair room with rising lava? This came to my mind when I was watching Saturn's RBO teaser, since there are so many of those pillars to speed walljump from. Just like in that eye door room before Ridley.
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691 <BisqBot> Deign rolls a blackhole and destroys the planet.
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You mean enemy knockback? Except that the knockback will move very fast being suitless there, the damage for it also takes only 2 small energy tanks immediately, and those ensures you to reach the top left exit of that Lava room death-safely! ;-)
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Heh I wasn't thinking about enemy knockback, I kinda imagined how much energy it would drain with already being in a room that's heated. I meant the speed walljump. The same one you used in that eyedoor room before Ridley, remember? Catnap222 has a video uploaded on Youtube about it, you performed that jump in that video. Ringing bells? :)
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691 <BisqBot> Deign rolls a blackhole and destroys the planet.
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Tonski wrote:
Heh I wasn't thinking about enemy knockback, I kinda imagined how much energy it would drain with already being in a room that's heated. I meant the speed walljump. The same one you used in that eyedoor room before Ridley, remember? Catnap222 has a video uploaded on Youtube about it, you performed that jump in that video. Ringing bells? :)
Ahh.. I doubt it would save anything in the rising lava Norfair room right before the green bubble one. Between jumps you always land on longer platforms, so there is no reason to use CWJ in that room if going purely for speed without caring about refills. In the pre Ridley room however, it could save a good amount of time. But since it's always faster to shinespark through that room in all kind of runs (also in improved any% hero-route) except RBO, it's not required anyway.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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I am pretty sure that it is faster to use continuous walljumps in the rising lava room. I think JXQ does this in his movie. I am almost positive that I will not have enough energy to do a shinespark in the pre-ridley room in my new any% run.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
Player (207)
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Hmmm, I thought we once discussed a way to keep enough health for the Ridley shinespark? Probably confused it with the Draygon Shinespark and Draygon refill pickups then...
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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still fooling arround in metroid with hope to find something usefull i found that (unusfull like allways) why does the grapplebeam make me take the item? why can i jump and turn right without taking it? and then why do i end up in the air after taking it ;)?! well i know all this is not good for a tas but i want to understand it somehow (i guess everybody knows how to get into it, it also happens on console pretty much)
Joined: 8/9/2004
Posts: 123
Obscure glitches nobody else will probably know the answers too... guess I better answer them. :P The middle question is the simplest. I'll answer that first. Samus's hitbox is not checked for block collisions while Samus isn't moving, *except* for the blocks she's standing *on*. You can literally be inside a wall of spikes and not be affected at all by them, as long as the block below Samus's feet is a normal solid block. Samus's hitbox is also only checked for block collisions in the direction Samus is moving. Jumping straight up only checks around Samus's head for collisions. Turning right moves Samus to the right, and checks the right half of Samus for collisions. The grapple beam does some odd stuff with Samus's hit box. It seems to reset something when it's released (I don't know precisely what). That *might* be why you pick up the item... What I'm not sure about is if that happens first or if your third question happens first. It might be that Samus is put into the air, the collision detection finds the item, and pops up the message box before the graphic data is updated. The message box halts ALL code processing (except for code called by interrupt). I'm drawing a blank here, but this should be common knowledge to the TASers here... say you pick up an item by turning around in mid-air, effectively walljumping off of the item to 'touch' it. You get the item before Samus is shown walljumping, right? either way, the grapple beam causes the game to check the blocks Samus is in and checks the item block and Samus picks it up. I'm just not completely sure on the order of events. Now, for the third question: This is an obscure little glitch with the grapple beam... or it might be intentional, but it works more often when it's not supposed to. It moves Samus up a bit if she's inside of certain block types... It seems to be happen on any block type 8-F, and the blocks above are *not* 8-F. This includes most notably ordinary solid blocks, two-high blocks, scroll PLMs, and items. Items are probably the least interesting to glitch around with, because they disappear as soon as you collect them. And solid blocks tend to be a bit difficult to get inside of. If you know where the scroll PLMs or two-high blocks are, though, you can sort of hover on them by rapidly firing the grapple beam. SMILE will show them with a bit of effort. A few easy places to test this: First room directly left of Samus's ship, just behind the breakable wall to the sloped energy tank room. There's a scroll plm and two-high blocks there, jump up and spam the fire button. Or you can jump in the pit just before the breakable wall, then jump back out and slowly inch to the right until the screen starts scrolling. Jump up and spam fire at the ceiling. That one's harder to hit right imo, though, but you can find the right spot a bit easier. The place I first found this glitch was in Maridia, the vertical mochtroid shaft 3 rooms before Draygon. Just jump from the ground, hug the right grapple wall, and spam the grapple beam (firing left so you don't hit any grapple blocks). I never found any uses for it for my glitch-hunting. :/
kwinse wrote:
Kejardon wrote:
Kriole wrote:
Samus is damaged by a Rinka in the opening.
That's a script action; no damage. ... it just dawned on me I know way too much about SM.
It took THAT to make you realize?
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hehe finally you did it ;) and iam glad about it well the grapplebeam sure a weird thing if i remember all the things it can do to the game ;D i didnt know the hitbox is just detecting collisions in the direction where you go i guess i can foolarround with this :P thx kej ;)
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Okay I can finally play jap version of Super Metroid on my Super Famicom =D !! As I said in an earlier post, I'll tell you when I find something interesting or when I think about something that might help someone and so on ^.^
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Location: Finland, Lieksa I continued my TAS, here's part 4. This is kinda funny part in its own way, as this one has some rooms and parts done very fast, and some rooms humiliatingly sloppy and slow. Maybe I could do the next part a bit longer, probably 8 min or so.
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691 <BisqBot> Deign rolls a blackhole and destroys the planet.
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