I've decided that, to further probe intellectual discussion on this thread, every now and then I'll post my opinion on something in recent or nearly-recent news, stupid concepts or anything in general. Please feel free to add your own thoughts to what I write, or even go against me.
So, here's the first in my series:
We ♥ Stupidity
“This game is shit. Not even regular shit. Putrid, roughed-up road kill diarrhea shit. I’d rather slurp diarrhea up a rhinoceros’ anus-hole.”
Thus sayeth James Rolfe, a director for the Internet online community CineMassacre, as his alias, the Angry Nintendo Nerd. The Nerd’s videos, ripping into old (and bad) games on old video game consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Sega Master System and Sega Genesis, Rolfe pokes fun at game reviewers who take their reviews too seriously, using excessive profanity and references to feces for deliberately cheap laughs, all the while downing pint after pint of Rolling Rock beer. The point is that his stuff is so stupid it’s hilarious. His videos inspired the work of several other online reviewers on YouTube, such as Armake21, UnderCoverFilmer and the Grumpy Gamer Bitch.
In a recent interview with Blogcritics.org, Rolfe admitted, “When I first created the ‘Angry Nintendo Nerd’ [now known as the AVGN] in 2004, it was just an in-joke for my friends. I had no idea that so many other people would find it so amusing. These are targeted at mature gamers, people my age who grew up in the time of NES & SNES, but I guess everyone's interested in the past. Somehow, it just spread like wildfire. I abandoned most of my other film projects for the meantime, to try and keep up with the nerd videos, since people wanted more of it.”
Rolfe should know why his kinds of videos are in such high demand. Deliberately stupid humour is hot. From the AVGN to modern radio commercials, media outlets are constantly using deliberately dumb and cheap laughs to reach their audiences.
For some reason, humans love stupidity in one form or another. For example, popular films like
Jackass show stupid people doing stupid things. Some of the most-viewed videos on YouTube consist of bails, falls and slapstick of people trying impossible stunts. We laugh at them to make ourselves feel more secure.
However, there are limits to the level of stupidity which stupid ads can achieve. A recent ad by Sony promoting the PlayStation Portable shows a white teenager trying to rap, entitled “All I Want for Christmas is a PSP.” The ad, along with a painfully obvious fake blog (the now-removed
http://www.alliwantforxmasisapsp.com/blog/default.aspx), resulted in an uproar of protest against Sony, whose reputation had already taken a hit from several untruthful promises they made about the PlayStation 3.
People like the AVGN use themselves as deliberate self-deprecation magnets. We love poking fun at other people. Their pain and suffering is oddly amusing. It’s a sick side of our nature, but it’s existent nonetheless. Thanks to people like Rolfe, we can indulge in our own sickest amusement at their expense. Thanks for the laughs.