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kirbymuncher wrote:
But how long does it last for? The rest of the level?
Iirc, it lasts quite a while--long enough to get from the beginning to the end of the level several times, probably.
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Bouncing against uphill slopes are slow, my suggestion is to either slap it up, or just roll it up. Bouncing pushes you backwards and given the decrease in speed when it's up in the air (that's why turbo slapping is relatively fast), you'd be better off rolling it or slapping it. .... AND STOP TAKING MY WORDS OUT OF CONTEXT </fume>
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I did some testing and noticed that a lot of stairs have small "slopes" on them that when bounced off of, give HUUUUGE boosts. So uhm.. when will v1 be done ?_? gogo world 4!?!?! That only leaves like.. 3 more worlds left.. I think.
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Well, if anyone is interested, our test run is done. It is 1hr .6 minutes long. It is VERY unoptimized plus there are a load of shortcuts we have noticed since so v2 should be much shorter and look a lot better.
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Wow! That really is very rough, as you said (and we all know why!). 1 hour movie would be quite long, but I'm sure you'll be able to shorten it _much_ when you're redoing it. I can't wait to see the optimized one, it'll look so cool x). Here's couple things i began to wonder while watching: 1) Shouldn't you turn that bowling ball into steel ball each time you are under water and don't need the huge weight (to increase moving speed). I noticed you didn't do this in the "treetops level". 2) Is snow-covered ball any slower than normal ball? If it is, don't forget it while making the final run ;) 3) The Frankenstein boss. Couldn't you climb the pillars with the ball as they were, and throw it couple times to reach the button? Of course there where other things that also got my attention, but I'm quite sure you know all those.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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The game doesn't end correctly you terminate the process too early and it causes the game to pause, so I had to finish off the game myself. Personally I'm not sure this is such a great game to do after all, its really not that interesting for a game thats gonna be nearly an hour long, although it'll take a lot of surprising tricks an shortcuts to make me vote yes so you better be looking for them.
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AKA, it's only a test run. And a very rough one, to tell the truth. I'm sure the final version will be _much_ more entertaining. Plus it'll be with absolute certainty under an hour long (though I'm not exactly sure how much :p).
Which run should I encode next? :)
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So about the first run: - Lacked death shortcuts (only 2 were used to save time, we didn't even bother with plotting out a good route or utilising save points to help with death shortcuts) - Lacked optimisation (Our run is.. as said before, pretty sloppy mechanics/movement/route-wise) - Lacked boss battle strategy and luck manipulation - Has no abusing of glitches (as we haven't tested enough to find any) So while adelikat doesn't agree me on this, I'm unofficially declaring sub40 or BUST!! YA-HA!!! >_< Edit: OH MY GOD. FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. - It doesn't look entertaining at all. Glover can be much more entertaining than this. :) And cute. <3
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In the second level, you don't have to throw it at the end, you can bounce right in. In the second circus level, you can turn the ball into a sinking variety at the last bit of water, then fly up while carrying the ball. In the third level of the pirate place, I don't think you need to hit the switch that flips the platform. In the third dinosaur level, it looks like you don't need to throw the ball at the last rock. It looks like you could bounce and throw it onto the center one after hitting only three. In the first castle level, is the flying power abusable? Could you fly over the gate that you lowered down? It's been mentioned already, but you can just bounce up the gold platforms during the boss battle instead of pounding them. I don't think you need to hit the switches that are off the path in the second space level. The first obstacle can be bounced over and you can go around the green slime pit on the left. It might not be fast enough, though. I'm not sure if you don't use this because it's slower, but if you press Z while holding the ball, you let go of it. Useful so that you don't have to throw it up in the air everytime you want to hit a switch. Also, your movie didn't end, it paused the game right outside the cave for the last time.
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Location: Tennessee v2 world 1 complete: 1179 input frames, 3500 real frames ahead. Some new tricks are added, and a lot more went into optimzation. I definately want to hear any possible tricks that might improve these levels. (preferrably now while it isn't any trouble to redo :P).
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A few possible improvements. 1. I think in the first level it would be of benifit to change the ball into a bowling ball it'll save you having do to a hand slam on the switch which looks really slow. I fairly certain of you roll over the switch with the bowling ball then you should just have enought time to flip the bowling ball onto the platform above. 2. When you flip the ball onto the platform where the river is I think you should test to see if you can get the ball right over without making glover fall of course. 3. For the boss, shouldn't it be possible to flip the ball high up against the last part of the boss and save all that waiting.
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liked the new batch of optimized baked goods. at the charging bulls, I don't feel as if that part was handled fast enough. it seems that on a mostly flat surface that normal speed can be attained, but it seemed like Glover was struggling at times to maintain a good velocity.
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The very first bounce in 1-1 looked like it could be improved (because you made it in that slope), though I'm quite sure you have checked that your choice was fastest. It was nice to see the megaheavy bowling ball "jump" in the boss level when that exit circle descended on you :P
Which run should I encode next? :)
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AKA wrote:
1. I think in the first level it would be of benifit to change the ball into a bowling ball it'll save you having do to a hand slam on the switch which looks really slow. I fairly certain of you roll over the switch with the bowling ball then you should just have enought time to flip the bowling ball onto the platform above.
rolling a ball over those buttons will not activate them. They can only be activated by hand slamming.
2. When you flip the ball onto the platform where the river is I think you should test to see if you can get the ball right over without making glover fall of course.
Well, I won't be able to get both over at the same time. Also, I tried different angles to see if I could get the ball to roll off the ledge so I don't have to jump up and get it but I could get that to happen.
3. For the boss, shouldn't it be possible to flip the ball high up against the last part of the boss and save all that waiting.
I tried hitting the flying enemy with the ball but it does not harm him. Seems that fist slamming is the only way to kill him.
Comicalflop wrote:
at the charging bulls, I don't feel as if that part was handled fast enough. it seems that on a mostly flat surface that normal speed can be attained, but it seemed like Glover was struggling at times to maintain a good velocity.
Um, charging bulls? which part is that. I did my best to maintain speed but I won't lie and say I did everything perfectly.
Maza wrote:
t was nice to see the megaheavy bowling ball "jump" in the boss level when that exit circle descended on you :P
hehe, glad you noticed :)
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I liked it, but it gave me a question. How do you change it from a Bowling Ball to a normal ball so fast in the second level? Normally you have to watch him spin it.
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Point at the ball by pressing B, then press R to zap it.
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Location: Tennessee 2-1 done Vidar discovered a very interesting glitch in this game that allows us to save some considerable time. It involves the chicken. If timed right it will jump and the ball while glover is holding it and both will get "stuck" together and being flying in the air :s At this point we are 9408 frames ahead of v1.
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that was a pretty funny glitch. kudos Vidar. I still like it every time Glover says "Shazam!" or "Abracadabra!" it's just so cute.
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Location: Tennessee 50% done, woohoo! We at the beginning of world four and 11059 input frames ahead of v1. That is approx 33,177 frames / 9 min 13sec ahead! We have found a ton of new shortcuts and having been saving about 1 minute per level on average. Enjoy.
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Hah! Hello all. I have been a silent observer of the goings-on in this forum for quite some time, and I always thought that I would someday like to see a Glover or Rocket: Robot on Wheels run done, and I believed that I would do one, following the lead of Mukki by doing one or two relatively unknown games for the N64. Unfourtunately I have never had any experience whatsoever in TASing. I still may well do a Rocket run sometime in the future. I was absolutely overjoyed to see a Glover run on the N64 page. I have played it through a couple of times and love it. This run is awesomely executed, and I love some of the sneaky shortcuts that Adelikat uses. Thankyou very much for this run. It is of a very high class. I hope to become a bit more active in this community. I'm going to the Rocket thread now. Thanks all. Cheers, Franklint
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Well, I have begun my version 3. Here is a WIP of the first world. I am 1399 frames ahead of my published movie. Much thanks to L-Spiro and his MHS tool. I have found the x/y level position coordinates which have helped greatly. The biggest improvement comes from using the speed potion in level 3. Both the speed potion and beach ball allow glover to get ahead of the camera. If your angle vs the camera angle is right glover can get ridiculous speed. Much more so than if the camera is allowed to follow glover. I don't know if this is intentional or I am exploiting a bug in the game. But the results are extreme. I am able to make a jump that would normally be no where near possible. The speed potion made up for the 20 seconds or so it took to get it and ended up saving about 800 frames by the end of the level. Also, glover can get a big height boost if he bounces the ball into the corner of a floor at the right angle. I am using that to make larger/time-saving jumps. Also, it turns out that on a flat surface, turboing the B button to dribble the ball is NOT the fastest mode of travel. It actually fails by a few frame to letting the ball bounce and only pressing b to avoid going into "glover rolling the ball" animation. Also, I think the better precision really shows in this movie. Much more entertaining that the published move :) Comments and improvement ideas are much appreciated. Also, if anyone familar with this game knows about any hidden speed potions, please let me know. I don't know the game and will probably only find them by dumb luck. FAQ's for this game aren't very helpful either.
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I was under the impression the published movie is really a half optimized test run, this WIP sort of confirms that. It seems to programmers took no account as to what could be achived with the speed potion which as you mentioned is probally worth taking a relatively major detour in later levels just for the sake of obtaining it. Yes, definitley has all the optimizations I could think of and more.
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here is the new and final wip. It plays through half the game (worlds 1-3). My goal for this version was sub40. Well I already surpassed that and then some. 6909 frames ahead at the beginning of world 4. The major highlight of this is the boss fight of 3-4 which I completely skip! The level exit is obcured by a wooden block. I managed to glitch through that block and end the level right away. There are numerous other new shortcuts as well as a lot more apparent precision. Another notable mentions are 2-3. I get the ball up on a wall to high to throw up to by slapping that blue guy in the head with it. By timing it right, he jumps as it hits his horn and makes the ball fly way up into the air and lands on the platform. This saves numerous seconds since I don't have to activate the switch. And I can more quickly skip the hand-wall. Anyway, enjoy.
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Adelikat, you cheating Cheaty Mc-Cheaty-Cheat. :-D Awesome stuff, it was incredibly noticeable where you're saving time and it's more entertaining to boot. Can't wait for you to finish this one.
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Broke the game. Expect a submission in the next days.