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On the DOSBox website, Windows 95 is classified as only "runnable" under DOSBox, and the setup is pretty complicated. Plus, I have difficulty imagining that an emulated game running on an emulated operating system running on another emulated operating system could actually run fast enough to do anything productive with. I think it would be best to stick to native DOS games for this discussion.
moozooh wrote:
Just checked the most up-to-date run I have (Qd100Ql2): E1M1 ends with 14 shells, E1M2 starts with 25 shells; E1M4 — ends with 35 HP, E1M8 ("Ziggurat Vertigo", comes after E1M4) starts with 50 HP… I'm pretty sure it was done to give players some leeway in the amount of expendables they have to deal with when running their maps "out of order" (unless it is a Quake feature I don't know about).
It is a feature you don't know about. ; ) If the player finishes a single-player level with under 50 health, the next level starts with health at 50. See section [3-12] Ending a Level in this FAQ. As for the scripts that laughing_gas is talking about: there seems to be some controversy over this in the QdQ community itself, but for all practical purposes the QdQ runs are unassisted. I used to play Quake and was very interested in the QdQ projects, so I know quite a bit about it... but that was a long, long, long time ago. If DOSBox TASing ever becomes a reality (hint hint, *knudges Bisqwit*), then I'm sure that the issue of console commands would need to be seriously discussed and settled before a TAS of Quake could begin. Also, I wouldn't entrust a TAS of this game to anybody but the finest tool-assisted speedrunners. (*cough* nitsuja! *cough*) : )
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Would a DOS version of MAME run in DOSBox? Emulating an emulator is like school in the summertime* and all, so it probably wouldn't be acceptable to submit those movies to the site, but for poops and giggles? *No class.
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"Like school in the summertime," absolutely. But actually, since, as I understand it, the requirements of implementing TASing capabilities into MAME are complex to say the least, that might actually be a halfway decent (albiet very hack-ish) way of producing tool-assisted speedrun videos of arcade games. Emulating an emulator and an operating system together is probably still not nearly as complex and computationally intensive as emulating two piggybacking operating systems (though it might be). Try it with the existing build of DOSBox and let us know how it works. Uh... just please don't emulate MAME32 on Windows 95 emulated on DOSBox..... ; P
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I nominate Ultrabots... Mechwarrior plus RTS equals FTW.
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Heres one! HALO!!
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This makes an interesting movie, but I think what would be really good would be an RTS game. Are there any decent RTSes that DOSbox can run? If they had campaigns, that would be really good.
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Chamale wrote:
This makes an interesting movie, but I think what would be really good would be an RTS game. Are there any decent RTSes that DOSbox can run? If they had campaigns, that would be really good.
You're referring to real-time strategy games. -- Wikipedia tells that Dune II would be one such game. Btw, I moved these two posts to the other thread because it's less about my Star Control II submission than it is about PC game TAS ideas.
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Here would be several possibilities 1. All the "where is carmen sandiego games. 2. Winnie the pooh: Adventures in the 100 acre wood. (Even more exciting than the GBC game) 3. Any Sims games 3. "jumpman lives" (not what you're thinking)
Renting this space for rent. Trying to fix image on this site. Please cut slack. As of April 6th, 2012: After a long absence, here we go again?
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Rridgway, 1. The whole "someone should TAS this" is getting a little old. One sentence is not enough to get real discussion started. 2. Your ideas for games to TAS are bad. 3. Your postwars with chalame are derailing perfectly good threads. 3. This post was brought to you by the number 4.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I'll third Descent and second Quake. I'd be interested having a bash at either, though realistically Quake needs mouse support to use bunnyhopping. There are plenty of old platformers which would work well in a TAS. Commander Keen comes to mind. Oh, and saying QdQ is tool-assisted is pretty inaccurate. :)
Voted NO for NO reason
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Abuse. I might actually do it myself.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Anything, really.
I like my "thank you"s in monetary form.
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Rridgway wrote:
Heres one! HALO!!
Um... Halo isn't a DOS game... Edit: About the earlier comments regarding copy protection... according to this link (thanks to L4y3r), since DOS isn't "reasonably available in the commerical marketplace", removing copy protection would be legal (although distributing the games would not) under U.S. law, at least. Perhaps similar legislation exists in other countries too?
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One Must Fall = ZOMG YES YES YES I'm not sure exactly how it would all work out, though. It would have to be Tournament Mode, and you should use the hidden options to turn on juggle combos and increase speed. The early parts would be boring since you're gimped, but with some leveling you can pull off insane crap. Also, with enough money, you could switch between all the different bots, thereby pulling off something akin to the Mortal Kombat II run. Also, I support Wolfenstein tenfold! Only a couple people have ever done any legit speedrunning, and the demo program is unreliable and just generally poor. You could have two categories: Pure speed, and 100% w/ secret levels. They would be vastly different from each other in gameplay, so it would not be redundant at all - I think the 100% would actually be a lot more exciting to watch, as the running & shooting is quite a bit faster than in Doom. Plus I want to see someone get 100% kills on E4M10 - I swear that shit's impossible IRL. =P The only issue here is that there's at least one level where you cannot reach 100%'s: E2M8 (a.k.a. The Aardwolf Level). I think there's also another level (ep6 somewhere?) with a glitched secret door. And since we're on the topic of Wolfenstein, nobody mentioned Spear of Destiny yet. This would be the same deal, and again there's at least one stage you can't 100% (the second hidden level). I guess the best way to work these out would be just to aim for the highest possible %'s. Takes a lot of testing, though... Thank you so much, Bisqwit! This opens up SO many classics. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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A big positive to TASing Wolfenstein, Descent, and Quake is that the source code for these games is public, making things like glitch discovery and abuse or luck manipulation much easier. I'm sure that this is the case with many other games as well... Off topic, I'm a bit frustrated that the word Wolfenstein doesn't follow the "i before e" rule...
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Isn't that because it's German?
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Deep Loner wrote:
Off topic, I'm a bit frustrated that the word Wolfenstein doesn't follow the "i before e" rule...
The rule is "i before e, except after c, or as in "a" in neighbor and weigh" So maybe we should call it wolfenstain?
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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"science" blatantly violates that rule.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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taking a quick look at my games... wolf3d, ultimate doom, doom 2, quake, descent, etc sim city 2000 bats dangerous dave h2o jazz jackrabbit one must fall 2097 quarantine some really crazy "stunts" tracks + bugs (demonstration)
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Heretic and Hexen would also be really good choices following the Doom mold.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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I'm holding out that some of the old Sierra-type adventure games could make decent TAS's Or maybe Red Baron?
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Once mouse support gets added I think I could make some interesting ZZT runs. Jetpack would also be interesting, even if it's just to see it played at inhumanly fast speeds.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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NrgSpoon wrote:
Anything, really.
Mystic Towers. Oh, and I fully support the Oxyd series as well, though it could easily get very tedious in some of the later levels (which are extremely large).
* Quietust, QMT Productions P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another
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Anyone remember Rise of the Triad? I think that game should be considered along with the Doom/Quake/Hexen/Heretic runs :)