without repeating arguments: I don't think this new rank would help in any way. The few core members who would understand the formulas behind the rank are likely to know each player's achievements anyway.
Veteran player player sounds to me like someone who is good for retirement.
I think most people will somehow know what the ranks mean, and those who are interested in how the ranking system works (with a formula or whatever) can always look it up.
I think some people are taking this thing too serious. I think it would just be a fun thing to have some forum ranks, nothing less, nothing more. And the main reason why I am in favour of this suggestion is that (and people seem to be forgetting this); we already have a forum ranking system right now. It's just that the way it is now, there are about 150 players, and about 2 ninja's. I'm not saying that the ninja rank should go away, but if we have ranks anyway, why not make some new ranks where the groups are a little more equal in size (perhaps some ranks or at least a rank between player and ninja), and some ranks that are not completely subjective (hence the formula).
Baxter, if the problem is that we have ranks now that are unbalanced and subjectively assigned, why not petition to remove those unbalanced and subjectively assigned ranks instead of petitioning for new ranks that are assigned in a more fair manner? This makes it seem that you are saying that adding additional ranks of different types is the solution to unbalanced and subjectively assigned ranks. It's not, it's simply a coverup.
If, on the other hand, you don't think this is the problem, then you should stop bringing it up in your arguments for a new rank, as it would be irrelevant.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
What would be more fun is if you could make up your own rank for yourself whenever you want to! Just have a box on the profile page somewhere where you can type in what you want to be called, and it'll show up under your name! Don't you think that's a good idea?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
IMO if someone takes a little piece of text on the left-side column of an internet forum so seriously, this someone should get a life.
Who cares what that little piece of text says? Come on.