This movie completes the European version of Rygar with just 1 item (grappling).
  • It dies four (4) times intentionally- two of which are necessary to complete the game like I did.
  • It also takes damage to speed up movement.
I thank DJ_FozzBozz for informing about the most important trick - dying in a way that leads from boss room to another - and I wish him luck in beating my movie :)
I played the European (PAL) version instead of USA (NTSC) version for just one reason:
  • Rygar jumps farther in the PAL version than in the NTSC version.
Jumping over the river is not possible in the USA version. In PAL, it's possible to just make it.
As a drawback, the enemies blink longer in PAL than in NTSC. Fights take longer.
I first attempted to create the movie with VirtuaNES, but I couldn't handle VirtuaNES - it was too clumsy tool for me.
Thus I ended up breaking my own rule - this is a PAL submission made with Famtasia. It plays 16.7% too fast. Famtasia shows the time as 09:13.
Note that this time is not comparable to USA version, because the USA version is different, as mentioned before.
In this movie, I spend some time collecting experience (power) before going to fight against Ligar (the last boss). It's possible to skip that step, but then the fight would take a lot longer.
I could have got enough mind points to cast the power up spell, gaining more speed and length for the weapon, but it wasn't useful, and it would have been lost in deaths anyway.
It's not possible to gain the powerup spell to use against Ligar with this method, because Ligar's room is separated from the rest of the world by a pit that can't be crossed without an item I didn't get.
It's also not possible to go straight to the rocky world boss instead of meeting the forest world boss first, because you normally need to use the same item to get there.

Bisqwit: Gave DJ_FozzBozz a few days to announce victory over my result... Didn't happen, so publishing it now :)

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15434
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #319: Bisqwit's NES Rygar (Europe) "warp glitch" in 11:03.78
Banned User
Joined: 3/10/2004
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You seem to spend some time collecting stars, but I don't see you using them. Did I miss something?
Editor, Active player (297)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Location: Arzareth
I don't collect stars. They come as a side effect. I kill monsters because it gives tone points. (Ok, there is one star point I explicitly "collect", but it was a timefiller because I killed more monsters in the same screen.)
Former player
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I saw the movie, and I'm voting yes. There are only three things that I saw that I didn't like. -The lag. You've probably noticed this as well, and since you did'n't mention, so I'm going to assume that you couldn't help it. -You took two points of damage from a bird. Could you have made it so that instead of getting hit by them, you get boosted forward by two other enemies? -You took damage against the last boss. Was this so that you could hit him faster? Well, I also didn't like the leveling up, but that can't be helped I guess. Besides these though, it was played very well and precisely.
Editor, Active player (297)
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> Re: lag It happens when there are many enemies on screen. I couldn't avoid them, and at the second time I was going to kill some of the monsters so the lag was a little longer than it should have been. > Re: Damage from a bird I don't know what you refer to. Every time I took damage I was boosted forward, except in the boss battle. Edit: In the heavily lagging scene, I got boosted backward, but this was a calculated risk: it allowed me to kill both "birds", which I was aiming at. > Damage against the last boss Health was a resource I could use. I took damage when I would have needed to jump far to avoid the projectiles otherwise.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15434
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [190] NES Rygar by Bisqwit in 11:03.78