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This is my First Submission!
Gradius 2 is the third series of Gradius. It introduces the plane of Viper that will fight your way to save the world. There are four Types of weapon that you're gonna choose. Hopely, your goal is to fight your way in space by going into the cell and defeat the brain. This run is 22 seconds faster than my previous run that is not published movie and Ouzo's run by 98 seconds without rerecords in Speedrun competition in Gradius II Survival Thread.
My speed run that's not published movies:
Ouzo's speed run without rerecords: Forum/Topics/2359
  • FCEU 0.98.16
  • Aim for Fastest Time
  • Manipulate Luck
  • No Death
  • Genere: Shooter


I used Type2 Weapon that will defeat most of the boss quickly.

Level Breakdown

Level 1
  • I killed some enemies that gives you power-up
  • Killing the Dragons will give you pod.
  • I made the nice improvement of the boss.
  • I killed the boss before they attack you.
Level 2
  • I playaround the enemies and killing them few if not needed.
  • I shooting the veil to make the path.
  • I killed few enemies in the cave and playaround.
  • I avoided the big blue arms instead of shooting the big blue arms.
  • I killed the Eye boss in One Round.
  • I killed the Skull boss quickly and then it rammed on the left screen completely.
Level 3
  • This is the remake of Gradius first level.
  • I took few hits while playaround the enemy's bullet in Volcano section.
  • In Ice section, each time you shoot the ice cube or you see too many ice cube, it causes the slowdown.
  • I made the improvement by dodging most of the ice cube and shooting down the few.
  • I killed the Ice Ice boss before the arm closes that you have to wait for few seconds before the arm opens.
Level 4
  • I playaround the ring that come out of the mouth from Easter Islands Head on some section.
  • I killed some Easter Island's Head.
  • I killed the Jumping Easter Head's a little faster than my Gradius 2 Speed Run without published movie.
  • I killed the Easter Head boss in one round before it closes the mouth.
Level 5
  • In power-up phrase, I playaround the enemy and not killing it.
  • I killed the Big Space Ship from Gradius 1 boss and making it ram when the core appeared.
  • I maded the small improvement in Big Space Ship Boss.
  • I maded no improvement on the brain boss and killed them in one round before closing the eyes.
  • I killed the Ship with Tentacle arms boss before the arm will start to close and got the improvement.
  • I killed the Giant Embryo boss a little slow because my position is over the eye.
  • I made some improvement than my previous run that's not published in Armored Ship and positioned it perfectly.
Level 6
  • I playaround the enemy in enemy base and killing some enemies.
  • I did the entertaining in speed zone and destroyed one big ball at the start of the speed zone.
  • I navigating through the tunnel and do entertaining through the speedy tunnel and not destroying big ball in the tunnel.
  • I made my improvement of the Gun Wall by positioning the line perfectly than my previous run that's not published movie.
  • I killed the mechanical spider without guiding through the leg that's done in previous run that's not published movie.
Level 7
  • So if you die in this level, you'll restart at the beginning of the level.
  • I did the entertaining of going through the walls that block's your path.
  • I made the improvement of the final boss by positioning into the eyes perfectly.
Enjoy this run!
Krocketneo: I'm cancelling this run, because I'll make better movie.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1471: KRocketneo's NES Gradius II in 22:21.15
Active player (436)
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You used FCEU 0.98.16 to record this movie. The ROM is named: Gradius 2 (J).nes. The J indicates that it is a Japanese game. You can press the fire button to kill enemies in this game. But also, "speed-ups" will make you move faster. You moved fast by speed-ups. In the author Info: you can type your nickname or your real name so people can use their eyes to get information of who the author is. You used your fingers to type your nickname. A nickname is usually a substitute for a persons real name. You choosed to type your nickname and not your real name. Edit:
mmbossman wrote:
You played Gradius 2 for the NES in 22:21.15. It all autoscroller. You do not kill all enemy. You have very low rerecord. You make long wait times. Long wait times + not kill all enemy + not do anything special= Long boring movie= No vote.
What he said.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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You played Gradius 2 for the NES in 22:21.15. It all autoscroller. You do not kill all enemy. You have very low rerecord. You make long wait times. Long wait times + not kill all enemy + not do anything special= Long boring movie= No vote.
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Skilled player (1409)
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You made Gradius 2 tool assisted speedrun that beats previous run by 22 seconds, and Ouzo's run by 98 seconds without rerecords in Speedrun competition in Gradius II Survival Thread. You can use rerecords to undo mistakes that are made. This movie is 22 minutes and used 409 rerecords. With 5 powerups, you can get option. You used 4 options in your movie. Options fire weapons just like the ship does. When bosses are fought, lots of weapons are fired with options. Lag are produced when too many moving things appear on the screen. Lag slowed you down. I have to vote no, sorry.
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Five posts have been posted in this thread! This makes the sixth.
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Would it have been possible to use the shield as a weapon? ...Or would that knock the options out of alignment too quickly? I was amused, overall. Mainly because it's a Konami game, and they do good music. That's not much of a basis for voting, so I'm not going to. I'm wearing pants, but no socks.
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This looked like a normal playthrough that happened to use rerecords. It's a nice looking movie, but since there could be so much better for the game I'm going to have to vote no. You seemed to have inconsistent goals. You got forcefield but you shouldn't, you destroyed some but not all of the red suns, when dodging enemies in level 2 you didn't go inside the ones that loop in a sine pattern, you destroyed too many enemies in level 2 and not enough in level 1, etc. I didn't watch past level 2 bosses because the second of them was destroyed too late. Please start with clearer goals in mind, use idle time for entertainment, and post WIPs in a thread on this forum for feedback on small sections.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Baxter: Nice krocketneo style post!
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mmbossman wrote:
You played Gradius 2 for the NES in 22:21.15. It all autoscroller. You do not kill all enemy. You have very low rerecord. You make long wait times. Long wait times + not kill all enemy + not do anything special= Long boring movie= No vote.
Dromiceius wrote:
Would it have been possible to use the shield as a weapon? ...Or would that knock the options out of alignment too quickly? I was amused, overall. Mainly because it's a Konami game, and they do good music. That's not much of a basis for voting, so I'm not going to. I'm wearing pants, but no socks.
LOL! I'll get more rerecords by retrying each point where I saved the state. I'll do better by killing like almost every enemy. I don't want to miss the shot. I'll be accurate and be good. In some boss, I continue shooting when the target is destroyed. It will take up to five hits of force field before fading out. In level 3, when you get to the ice section, each time you shoot the ice cube, it causes a slowdown. In my run, I focus on avoiding the ice cube in some section rather than shooting the ice cube. I used force field in every level that I haved on my submission's that aims for fastest time on Speed Run for Gradius 2 for NES. I'll try to aim for entertainment. The Force Field is not a Weapon, its a Defensive that allows to take 5 hits before fading. Oh, sorry I'm triple posting and I had to use the edit function. But, I've had to post one at a time. How can I delete the post when I don't see the X icon? I moved my post into where I first posted about the retry movie.
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KRocketneo, Please use the edit function instead of double/triple posting.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!