Hi, I was just curious concerning the randomness factors for Megaman 3 of how exactly it works out as there wasn't any info about it for that game in particular on
Well first of all, I do have very good knowledge with 6502 Assembley and have taken the advantage a few times of using randomness in my own coding for some projects using Megaman 3, such as when making a boss/enemy do different actions randomly. Ex: 2 different attack phases, but only 1 of them happen at a time by modifying 2 of 4 RAM registers used by the randon number generator routine.
http://rafb.net/p/OOy0xg74.html - This executes once per every frame, and it uses E4, E5, E6, and E7. I don't really get why it needs 4 though exactly.
But one of the ways in order to use it though is something along the lines the following in terms of determining if a enemy were to drop a item or not.
STA $00 = #$B3
LDA #$64
STA $01 = #$BF
And another way which i've used just to return a specific random value i'd want is like:
AND #$xx
branch ; where ever
However I don't actually understand though how this random number generator works though in general for Megaman 3 and was wondering if anyone had better insight of the way it fucntions.
I hope this wouldn't be the wrong board to ask on.