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Can't you superslide up those slopish hills and skip going over the bridges? I have no idea if this works, just throwing out an idea.
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I think you should skip it. my guess is that, as a TAS it'll be fast enough with extreme gameplay and more sequence breaks; and yes, you should be able to play the song near the end if you start to get short on time.
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Mukki wrote:
Also, the scarecrow song, I want something good/imaginative/different.
List of what I think would be coolest:
  • Majora's Theme
  • Zelda Overworld Theme
  • Mario Theme
  • Mario dead jingle
None are particulary imaginative/different, but...
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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The Simpsons theme tune works pretty well as it doesn't require any sharp or flat notes Simpsons theme: Cd, Cr, Cl, Cu, D-Cu, D-Cl, Cd, A, 3-Z-D-A, D-A-Z-D-A, D-A
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Mukki wrote:
Also, the scarecrow song, I want something good/imaginative/different. I have a few ideas running around my head, but I am definitely open to others.
Theme from The Mask? Not very recognizable, but kinda clever. The map theme from ff6? No sharps or flats there, either, IIRC.
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I suggested the Bolero of Fire from OoT. I'd prefer to stick to Zelda, as many people don't watch The Simpsons or play Final Fantasy, and won't recognize music from other franchises. It's your choice, though.
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Simpson sounds cool. I think I saw a site somewhere with alot of thems you can play on ocarina..
Those who sees this must accept that TAS'es almost skips the whole game..
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Eye of the Tiger /thread Or "Push it the limit" See here (one of the more famous YTMNDs)
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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I second bolero of fire
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Bolero ftw.
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I think playing a Zelda tune in a Zelda game hardly qualifies as "something imaginitive and different". Simpsons sounds like a good candidate: highly recognized and notes that can be played on the game (I'm guessing that's what was meant by "no sharps or flats".)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Keep in mind the speed that the notes are going in at. No one will recognise the song. It'd be cool to have a song in there that sounds like a mess of shit to everyone else, but we get it. All we really need is that song. Im all for Bolero of Fire if that's what everyone wants, the Simpsons sounds good, also the theme from 'The Mask' was funny. I'll sleep on it tonight and I'll see if I can come up with something. I'll redo the last part of the Second cycle tomorrow. I'm confident it won't desync either so I can just play through at my leisure without having to watch back every 30 seconds. Here's what I will change -- - Will not do owl statue later. Unproven whether faster or not. - Will start off on the bridges. Will try supersliding up the slopes (unlikely, but worth a shot). Will try and luck manipulate Wolfos so I can superslide. - Will try the backflips and sidehops across invisible platforms (doubt it will work). - Will otherwise roll jump on platforms. - Will roll jump from bridge and try sidehoping up the slope. - Will try backwalking into graveyard. If I am missing anything speak now or forever hold your peace.
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No no do the Hallelujah Chorus!!! C^ C> C<C> C^ C> C<C> I always sing hallelujah whenever the scarecrow shows up to save me from a jam. "But why d'ya sing hallelujah if it means nothin' to ya?"
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I redid the bridges area and saved 126 frames. I threw my strategy about a bit. I ended up with one that was somehow 15 frames slower (no idea how, it seems much better), however, it does let me superslide brilliantly across the last two bridges which saves the time. I think that area is about as good as it's going to get. Now for the village.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
No no do the Hallelujah Chorus!!! C^ C> C<C> C^ C> C<C> I always sing hallelujah whenever the scarecrow shows up to save me from a jam. "But why d'ya sing hallelujah if it means nothin' to ya?"
I was once a few notes off from doing the Hora (Hava Nagila). Anyway, is there some way to luck manipulation Link's uber-jumping-gymnastics so he always does the front flip (which I think is the fastest)? I also think it would be cool if all the major new unpublished N64 TAS's (OOT, MM, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Jet Force, GoldenEye) could be published at once. That would be awesome!
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theenglishman wrote:
I also think it would be cool if all the major new unpublished N64 TAS's (OOT, MM, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Jet Force, GoldenEye) could be published at once. That would be awesome!
I'll bet you you can't hold your breath until this occurrs.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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it would be cool, but very, very unlikely. Myself and the authors doing on the runs you mentioned (Guanobowl, Mukki, Sami, Rising Tempest) all work at different speeds, and playing with games of different length. I think that Link's different jump animations- side flip, foward flip, boosted jump, etc.- are all situational. I don't think that every single jump off of the egde could be exactly the one that you describe. I think that the camera angle, the distance that needs to be covered (some of the flip animations is based on how far away the nearest ledge is, and calculates what the proper animation to do in that instance is) and other factors make so that no animation can be done every single time. I also am not sure if that foward flip is the fastest of them all, I think they have the same speed.
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I wouldn't expect to any of these runs until summertime at least. I can't speak for the others, but in my case -- - I've been working on this solidly for two months now. I have had 37 desyncs, 25000 rerecords, each area has probably been redone at least once and I'm not even 10% of the way there yet :) - Also as the year goes on other commitments will arise (eg. exams etc.) and I have also recently found new job and girlfriend. In short, I do have a life. - You will probably see most progress over 'bare' areas of the year e.g. over xmas and new year I did quite a bit of this run because most other commitments were put on hold. Future times such as this are mid-february, easter and (the good news!) 100% free from June to September (this is my target area). Anyway, in short, don't expect to look in the workbench forum tomorrow morning and see it. Sorry :(
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Is it possible to backflip up the ledge at 23:39 in my video? If you didn't get it, then I mean the rooftop of the house right after you get the lens of truth and go back over the platforms.
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I would think so, however, if I can backflip and sidehop across the invisible platforms (ie. Shop to Mido style) then sidehopping up there and then backlipping onto the path above would probably be faster.
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I've redone up until leaving Goron Village. Take a look at this WIP and get back to me on it. I was going to hold off until the end of the cycle, but this redo has been a stress. There are so many ways to get to the lens of truth and it was a nightmare to test them all. I think I have the fastest methods, but tell me if you think I have missed anything. I want this cycle done and out of the way asap.
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Posts: 1215 I'm not sure I understand why you didn't have a different backwalk angle around 1:31, so that you don't have to do a roll at 1:35 without even it being a roll jump. And I'm guessing the ledge at 1:25 was too high to backflip up? And couldn't you maybe superslide around 2:30? maybe so you go against the wall a bit but don't have to readjust anything until you're very close to the exit?
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MUCH better. it really looks more smooth, and that the fastest possible method for each section was sought/used. great improvement, and best of all it is pretty varied in Link's moves, which is an added bonus. No more need to do this particular section ever, you nailed it. :) go and finish the second cycle now. bkDJ: hm... those segments... lemme take a close look. I think they are good, but lemme see at the parts that you mention... 1:31- that's the angle that gets around the snoball and a rock ledge perfectly. and it makes it so that Link is the perfect distance for a roll in the right direction, with it ending with a jump to the first invisible block. 1:25: I'm guessing yes. 2:30- possible... but the goron and gaps are in the way, it'd be a very short superslide.
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It looks good, the only thing that bugged me is that you didn't shield drop the bomb when doing a superslide across the last wooden bridge.
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monotoli doesn't seem to be loading up for me at the moment. I'll have to guess at the times you're refering to. 1:31 -- If you are refering to between the first superslide and the invisible platforms. The angle I used was te best I could use to get as close as possible to the platforms without activating the owl text.. 1:25 (if this is right then 1:31 is wrong) -- No, I tried many a time. I was sure it looked possible, but the little guy never quite made it. The same was true when doing the invisible platforms. The backflip isn't all that good. 2:30 -- It would be pointless to superslide because I sidejump just after the Goron to position myself for the jump towards the exit. Yautja -- I'll look at that as soon as I get the download to work.