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I don't think you should waste your time at all with this halfbaked mockery of three great games, which already has fantastic movies for NES. But that's just me.
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It lets you see the old games in a new way!
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Yeah, and play them with goofy graphic, bad controls and botched music. Minus the interesting glitches of the originals. No.
Joined: 6/14/2004
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Stop the hating! I'm sure enough people would be interested in it (realize the forums aren't the be-all-end-all demographic), so if anyone ever wants to work on it, then by all means go ahead.
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Joined: 4/11/2004
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The graphics really aren't that "goofy" -- the only odd things are how short Protoman/Blues is compared to Megaman/Rockman, and that Roll and Dr. Light look like they should be on the shortbus. Various aspects of all three games were changed -- for example, in the first, you can now use invulnerability to stand on spikes, while you couldn't in the NES version. There is also no select-button-pause trick, so you have to actually fight the robot masters. Imagine that. In all three games, enemies tend to have an invulnerability period that is longer than it was on the NES. This is especially true for the robot masters. This makes most boss battles, to some degree, more difficult. Not doing a full run also brings up the whole Savestate vs. SRAM argument, to which there was never a conclusion, if somebody just wants to run Wily Tower. My vote? Go for the four-game run.
Post subject: Rockman Megaworld: Wily Tower(UPDATED April 5th)
Joined: 11/20/2004
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Alright, so... I'm sure, if you've been keeping track of my posts, you might think this is a request. Surprisingly, you'd be wrong! This topic is to announce that I am going to try and do a tool-assisted speedrun of Wily Tower from Rockman Megaworld! Now I know some of you are thinking, "How is that even possible? Rockman Megaworld doesn't save right and starting from a Save State is completely against policy!" Then again, I'm sure some of the older and more knowledgable of you are also entirely aware of the Alternate Dump for Rockman Megaworld which does allow saving. Obviously, that's the one I'm going to be using. Let's get some info up here, shall we?: The storyline for Rockman Megaworld goes something like... Dr. Wily built a time machine and went back into the past to retry his first three schemes. Rockman somehow found a way back as well and stopped him. As it turns out, re-enacting his old schemes was just a ploy this time around, for while this was going on, he built three deadly 'droids made exclusively to destroy Rockman. Enter the Mega World Corps: MWN-001, Buster Rod-Gokuu. With his extending battle staff and monkey magic, he'll run circles around Rockman before he even knows what hit 'im! MWN-002, Mega Water-Sagoya. Water and waves are the powers of this particular robot. A flood of fury and a flurry of harpoons await Rockman! MWN-003, Hyper Storm-Hakkai. Strength and wind surround this tank-like robot.(Particularly wind.) Can Rockman possibly survive against this brick wall of a Battle Android?! Additionally, should Rockman survive this, he'll have to face the perils of Wily Tower, Wily's latest fortress! All and all, the game is short, but fun. I think my Speed Run is gonna be entertaining if I can pull it all together... And just to prove I wanna at least start on it, here's Buster Rod-G's stage. No damage, very light treading, only one shot missed, and a tiny bit of lag in one area. I also didn't nail Buster Rod right on his vounerable frames for a couple of shots... Sorry. Wily Tower Speed-Run, v0.43(All Mega World Corps Stages) IMPORTANT NOTICE: Use "Rockman Megaworld [a1] [!].bin" ONLY. This was also recorded using GENS Movie v9f. Not sure how huge a difference that makes, honestly. ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTICE: You absolutely have to use this SRAM for the movie to play correctly. ...well, or any SRAM that has Wily Tower open in the first slot, but untouched, I guess. *shrugs* Edit: Updated April 3rd with other two Mega World Corps stages.
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Are you sure you don't want to play the other three parts of the game? Dan and Frenom even made some test runs in http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=533 to get you started.
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Quite positive. My patience for this sort'a thing is kind'a low, truth be told. So doing the shortest game(and possibly getting the ball rolling a little faster on the other related speed-runs) is probably my best bet. Plus, I'm not in this to be "The Best Wily Tower Tool-Assisted Speed-Runner". I just wanna move things along a little. In fact, if I finish this and it gets published, I'd want someone to beat it. I'm just odd like that... Oh, and 'fore I forget, I've already comprised the best weapon selection for Wily Tower anyway, as well as recording all the bosses weaknesses, strengths, and moves. So I figure...why not?(Disregarding the whole "SRAM" issue.)
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I'd love to see this or even create it, but I don't know the first thing about TAS'ing other than it's done in slow-mo and uses savestates to overwrite mistakes in gameplay. I'm looking forward to your progress in this!
Signature under contruction, still.
Post subject: NES Megaman/Genesis Wily Wars
Joined: 1/8/2007
Posts: 4
K, first time posting. Been watching/making TAS and non-TAS speed runs for a while just to make my friends think I'm that good. Anyways, I found a Genesis ROM called Megaman - The Wily Wars, which is basiclly just Megaman 1, 2, and 3 redone for the Genesis. After watching Dehacked bust out Megaman X and X2 at the same time, it got me thinking what it would be like to try to bust out a Megaman 1, 2 or 3 run on both a NES emulator and Genesis emulator at the same time. You know, playing Mega Man on NES and Mega Man Genesis version at the same time. The gameplay feels different on each system. It's definetly something that is worth the time. But... I tried it. I don't have the patience for it anymore. I have school and work going on, and I'm just not that good at doing the really in depth and quality speed runs I've seen done on this site. If anyone gets the wild hair up their ass, I would love to see this done. I'll cross-post this in the Genesis section. Yes, I searched the forums for anything relating to the Wily Wars and didn't see anything. If this is a duplicate post, sorry. I didn't want to dig through a shitload of posts to find out if this idea was already out there. Tosti
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Could be interesting... No?
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this should be only in the genesis forum......
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Player (177)
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How would you make an input file that works in both emulators?
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Post subject: Representation
Former player
Joined: 7/6/2004
Posts: 155
You could have that the movies files had essentially the same information in them. You could have:
stuff like that. It should be possible to have equivalent movies. However, I imagine that syncing the emulators while recording the movie would be extremely difficult. Also, you would have to state the button correspondances for the game. (A on NES could be C on Genesis and SELECT on NES could be A on Genesis, for example.) I suspect that you should pick whatever button mapping is convenient for the particular games being played. To have a movie like this, a program should be included that automatically converts from one of the movie formats to the other, so it would be easy to see that they are in fact the same. I don't think that playing 2 of the same Megaman game at the same time would be that interesting.
Post subject: Re: Representation
Joined: 1/8/2007
Posts: 4
scubed wrote:
I don't think that playing 2 of the same Megaman game at the same time would be that interesting.
I thought it would, started working on it some. But while I would love to see it done, I think my subconscienous says that the finished product would be kind of boring. So I do agree. Could be why I bailed on it. More likely though is it just got too damn time-consuming. Or that I just don't have the constitution to see it through. I just do some TAS for fun...wish I could do some of the quality work I've seen done here.
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Well if its the same game why even bother thinking of doing this? It would obviously suck unless they would be played differently while being very entertaining. Even then i dont think it would be accepted..... Anyways who knows.
Joined: 4/25/2004
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it would only be impressive to know the same file plays the game on different consoles. But it would take a lot of micromanagement since you can't really input and check on both emulators at once, so you're stuck loading and playing the file one the other emulator, almost framestepping, to check if an action killed you or nay.
Joined: 1/13/2007
Posts: 340
Using the same input for both would be very boring to watch, mainly due to the fact that the glitches do not work the same. so everything will have to be played "honestly". And it's very likely you will desync as soon as you pick up a random powerup, so you stop moving so both recording stop, and thern you get hit by an enemy on the other recording. But hey if you can actually puill it off, it would be interesting, but the only thing that would be interesting would be the fact that it was finished.
Joined: 5/1/2007
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Hmm, I think the Wily Wars has some additional Bosses. I'm not sure. I only have beaten Mega Man 1 so far.
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Lorenzo_The_Comic wrote:
Hmm, I think the Wily Wars has some additional Bosses.
As far as I know, there are three Megaworld-only bosses, but you can only access them in Wily Tower which is unlocked after beating all three games.
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Hey Joseph, could you reupload your files? I decided I wanted to watch this, but it's expired.
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Player (177)
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Did you know you can clear this jump without using Rush?
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Nope. I didn't know mega man could jump so high.
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Actually, I don't think it's so much that he jumps higher as that the game is more lenient about catching onto ledges. You may have noticed that you can start to slip off a ledge for a moment but still be able to sneak right back on if you're fast enough. Another trick I found is to fire a Hard Knuckle the instant before you hit a boss gate. You'll cause a shortened transition where the door doesn't close behind you, and you can't open your menu anymore until you leave the area. If you enter the boss's room that way, you also get to move around while the boss is entering, so you can get some early strikes in that way. But since you can't change weapons now, you need to be able to beat that boss with your remaining stock of Hard Knuckle. Whether you win or lose, the game seems to proceed normally. This could be useful against Top Man and Buster Rod G, at least. You can also fire Hard Knuckle just before falling into a new room to get frozen at the top of the next room. Just open the menu to be able to move again. This probably isn't useful, though.
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Player (177)
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Has anyone zipped through this spiked ceiling before? Bad Gens, resizing my screenshot!
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