Play Jet Force Gemeni. Cuz it doesnt work in 3:rd person veiw if you dont have something like a mouse to use as aim.
I loved JFG. It controlled extremely well. That was actually the one thing I was hoping JXQ didn't mention in response to my post - just move to third person.
(why did I mention that here? I have no idea)
TixFrix, do you seriously repeat yourself this much in normal conversation?
1) Realism does not imply fun or not fun.
Source: previous post, first response to you.
2) MP2 and Jet Force Gemini is not Metroid Prime 1.
Source: previous post, point 2.
3) I have no reason to pretend I hate the game.
Source: previous post, last paragraph, plus sarcasm flag.
4) I didn't forget that "games are made to be fun". That's my main complaint.
Source: entire article, previous post, fifth paragraph (quote included).
5) Giving workarounds to existing problems (such as blinding steam vents) does not make the problems go away.
Source: previous post, fifth paragraph.
6) This article is not a misguided frustration due to my lack of Metroid Prime playing skill.
Source: previous post, point 4, plus sarcasm flag.
7) Pictures were there for comic relief. I did not actually complain about the CNN ticker being in the way of shooting enemies.
Source: previous post, second paragraph.
You dont seem to be able to read in english either since what I said about counting on 1 hand is about the number of realistic features in the game, iow they are no more than 5.
The irony of this quote is hilarious.
You can continue to repeat yourself, but I'm bored with it. Thanks for an entertaining morning. And remember, reading is fundamental!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
I also didn't like Metroid Prime that much, but I only ever played it once. I kept getting lost (which is fine for a Metroid game, that's why there's a map) and exploring,a nd it was OK, but I couldn't aim at all (autoaim in games never ever works for me) and I couldn't jump at all and I ended up drowning in lava in some jumping puzzle where I couldn't see my feet.
EDIT: But I'm really, really bad at 3D games in general, so that's probably a lot of it. If I had a Gamecube I'd probably play through the game just to see it all, even though the music sucks and the game is nothing like other Metroid games, and I don't like 3D games. So it's not a terrible game. Just, music is a huge part of the game experience for me, and I get really disoriented in 3D games.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster.
I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
There wanst anything that needed to be read cuz it was just crap that you didnt like.
Excuse me, are your posts any different? Moreover, they're even less justified than the article, because there's much more assumptions, irrelevant suggestions and obvious lack of the reading comprehension in them.
TixFrix wrote:
Things that are "neat" like graphical effects on your visor is just for fun
"Fun" is subjective. What is fun to you, may not be fun to someone else. Saying that something somewhere "is just for fun" basically implies the partial (and sometimes complete) redundancy of that item.
TixFrix wrote:
You are running around underwater and whine about the game being dark.. Try to dive into the sea/lake and see how much you will see in there.
If the water is clear, you'll see pretty much everything. You know there's a lake called Baikal somewhere in Eastern Siberia? It's still so clear that you sometimes can see for hundreds of meters down.
TixFrix wrote:
Too much shit on the screen!? You tried to make a fun picture with things from TV, Commications programs and other games when the accual game's hud isnt that complicated. Its acually pretty small compared to other games.
Example of 3-4 good games with more cluttered HUDs please.
TixFrix wrote:
The toggle through beams would be more annoying than the system as it is now if you accually knew what the game requires sometimes.
Implying that a person does or doesn't know something is irrelevant if they still don't like it. How about this:
— How was this piece of dogshit?
— It tasted… like dogshit.
— But y'know, it was a special, ultra-rare expensive delicatessen piece of dogshit.
— Wow, that does it, I want more of this stuff!
Doesn't make much sense, does it? So do your arguements.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
— How was this piece of dogshit?
— It tasted… like dogshit.
— But y'know, it was a special, ultra-rare expensive delicatessen piece of dogshit.
— Wow, that does it, I want more of this stuff!
Here's part of a positive review at Gamefaqs that seems to accompany another common reason that many like this game:
Fans of first-person shooters may look at these controls and die of a heart attack, but it should be noted that Prime is not meant to be a first-person shooter. In fact, “first-person adventure” seems to more accurately describe the game as a whole. In all, you’ll find that these controls are very effective and worthy of the game.Source
So I should change my mind on how bad the controls are because fans of the game put it in a new, make-believe genre? Please.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 2687
Location: Seattle, WA
moozooh wrote:
Example of 3-4 games with more cluttered HUDs please.
Deus Ex 2
Thief 2
UT 2004 MPQ (the one that played a lot like Tribes)
Hexen when you're switching items
Tribes if you're a nooblet
In actuality, though, none of these games can compete with the overall useless clutter that is MP1. The game has more crap on screen at one time than a complex battle in Phantasy Star.
Deus Ex 2
Thief 2
UT 2004 MPQ (the one that played a lot like Tribes)
Hexen when you're switching items
Tribes if you're a nooblet
Heh, nice examples. Except that Deus Ex 2 was nowhere near a good game (or maybe just nowhere near the first part), and I believed the Heretic&Hexen HUDs' size was kinda configurable with + & – keys (no?).
EDIT: Wait, isn't UT'04's HUD configurable as well? I thought it was…
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 2687
Location: Seattle, WA
You never said good games, just games. Deus Ex stays.
As for Hexen, I made mention of when you're switching items. It turn the top 20-25% of your screen in to a big bar of items. That, mixed with a weapon that takes 20-30% of the screen from the bottom and a randomly placed health/mana bar leads to some great moments. The N64 version is a bit better with this, but... eh.
All I want to say is JXQ is an artist. I loved the rant, and I love you defense of it. Both are spot on.
I have never played prime, and generally never liked Metroid series much. But I can already see way to much stuff on the screen. I don't see why you need a weapon display ... also I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with his TV. Obviously JXQ plays his fair share of video games probably on the same TV and the others don't require him to adjust the controls to play the game comfortably. If I had to adjust ther setting on the TV everytime I had to play the game, I would not play the game. Call my lazy.
I would also like to chime in on the whole realism argument. Realism is great, unless it hinders game experience. I don't want to play sim real life. I don't want to wipe bird crap of my virtual car. Sure it's realistic but it's stupid to implement. A more realistic game does not equal a more fun game.
Here is a fun example. Put in Grand Theft Auto, and obey the traffic laws. Check out how fun and realistic it is.
You know, there is a big difference between a preference and an opinion.
A preference is something that you don't need to prove. You don't say "I like blue better than black, because black is too dark." You just say "I prefer blue over black" and you don't need to give a reason for it.
An opinion is something that requires you to back it up with argument. You can't say "In my opinion, capital punishment is wrong." You have to say "It's wrong BECAUSE..."
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people arguing so avidly about preferences.
So, JXQ, you didn't like Metroid Prime. That's your preference. You don't need to go and "back it up" with a bunch of things that annoyed you in order to justify your preference. Preferences don't need to be justified. Trying to justify a preference is like making a bunch of excuses as to why your preference doesn't conform to most of everyone else's so that they'll respect you. The points you listed aren't problems at all, in fact, many of them are reasons that people enjoyed the game even more. I personally liked Metroid Prime because of the darkness, because the visor effects, because of the controls, the visors, the HUD display, and the backtracking... I loved Metroid Prime 2 because of the dark world, the ammo system, and the sky temple keys... I liked Wind Waker because of the sailing... And if you didn't, that's due to your personal preferences.
To put this a different way: The fact that you didn't like Metroid Prime is like the Flu, and the points you listed as to why you didn't like it are like the Flu symptoms which are there because of the Flu. The game rubbed you the wrong way, therefore as you were playing it or reflecting back on it, you were constantly searching for "valid" reasons not to like it so that you could justify your preference.
As for me, I don't like Ocarina of Time, even though many people say that it's close to being the greatest game ever made. I have played almost every other Zelda released (FSA and MM are all I'm missing so far). I played through OoT only once, and I didn't like it. I just didn't like it. I just didn't. Something about the graphics, the world structure, and the dungeon design rubbed me the wrong way. However, you're not going to see me going to try and find reasons why I didn't like it in order to back myself up and try to argue them like I'm arguing about an opinion.
Opinion vs. preference is just semantic nonsense. It's perfectly valid for me to say "In my opinion, Metroid Prime is a shitty game."
As for me, I don't like Ocarina of Time, even though many people say that it's close to being the greatest game ever made. I have played almost every other Zelda released (FSA and MM are all I'm missing so far). I played through OoT only once, and I didn't like it. I just didn't like it. I just didn't.
So far, so good.
Something about the graphics, the world structure, and the dungeon design rubbed me the wrong way.
But now, do you realize that you proceeded to follow your reasons for not liking the game...
However, you're not going to see me going to try and find reasons why I didn't like it in order to back myself up and try to argue them like I'm arguing about an opinion.
...with a sentence about how you won't do exactly that?
I'm not finding fault in the action itself - it's natural to do that. Just like the article I wrote. I just took a different writing style. I am finding fault for doing this when you just called me down for doing the same thing.
Looking back, I never realized so many people would take offense to this article. Luckily, I could give a shit less what other people think of it. If I wanted my opinion to be supported by the majority, I wouldn't pick one of the most popular games of all time to write about in this manner. But it's fun to see people tell me in various ways that my opinion (preference, whatever the hell you want to call it today) is invalid.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Is it just me, or in your opinion, you gave a lot of reason why you disliked the game and you think it's a shitty game. I might be wrong after all. . .
Something about the graphics, the world structure, and the dungeon design rubbed me the wrong way.
You call this an arguement? Unlike you, I didn't even cite any examples, back it up in any way (which would be pointless), or refuse to shut up until you respect my opinion. I just said it.
I've been in numerous "arguements" in that have followed this pattern:
<n00b123|MPH> Metroid Prime 2 sucks because of the ammo system.
<CtrlAltDestroy> Name one Metroid game that doesn't have an ammo system.
<n00b123|MPH> Prime 2's ammo system was completely different from the rest of the Metroids, and it sucked.
That's fine so far, but if I continued on to say something like...
<CtrlAltDestroy> Okay, exactly what is the difference you see between the ammo system in Prime 2 and that of other Metroid games? Is it the fact that it's BEAM ammo and not powerbomb, missile, or super missile ammo? Is that what's bothering you? What about Metroid Prime Hunters? That had ammo for SIX beams, but I see you like that game. So please, expand upon your dislike for the beam system so I can argue against it.
THAT's what's wrong with this thread. Note that it actually would have accomplished nothing if n00b123 replied to me about the beam system, because it's actually not the beam system he dislikes, but the game- his dislike for the beam system most likely did not cause, but came from his dislike of the game. The idea is, that once you figure out this little fact, you shut up because the arguement is going to go absolutely nowhere from that point. You can't make somebody like or dislike the game just by arguing some points, all you'd be trying to do now is make yourself look good, and accomplishing nothing but insulting other peoples' taste in games and making everyone involved look like a noobish fanboy.
P.S. Provoking fanboys is just as bad as being one.