Post subject: Sweet Home
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Has anyone tried this game?? is a horror rpg flick done by capcom and is said to be the game that preceeded the resident evil series, i think is one of the best games on the famicom and truly has the creepiest background story ever done for a nintendo game, the game never made it out of japan(because og the crudeness of the plot) but someone made a quite professional english translation, i thought of making a run for this game and planned it quite carefully so i don't have to retreat every room in order to get the items necessary to advance, i hoped to make at least an under 50 minutes run cause it's a pretty long game and also has random battles but it was impossible, there are some points in the game where you are forced to have a certain level in order to advance so you HAVE to stay and build some levels sometime, to sum up, i did a 70'12'' run and i think is way too long to even send it to bisqwit, if anyone is interested pm me and i'll send you the address where i host it, the play is very fast (no battle but the last boss last more than 15-25 seconds) i tried my best to keep it entertaining not staying way too long building levels in a row but doing it in 3 times, i use secret items that can not be seen nor gotten unless you know they're in there. Also is the only game i know where you have to make an exorcism in order to beat a boss...
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
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You have to have a certain level to proceed in some places? Ack. Otherwise, this is more of a survival horror / adventure kind of game than a traditional RPG.. it's all puzzle solving. I'd love to see the run.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Boco wrote:
Otherwise, this is more of a survival horror / adventure kind of game than a traditional RPG.. it's all puzzle solving.
I think it's a mixture of both genres it has almost all the ingredients of a rpg, levels, equipment (basically weapons), random battles etc, and also has the routine of using the items in the correct places (puzzles) just like modern survival horrors.
Boco wrote:
You have to have a certain level to proceed in some places? Ack.
Yes, you need at least 3 times in the game to be in a certain level to cast a spell strong enough to do something that lets you go further, weird but unique and obscure XD.
Boco wrote:
I'd love to see the run.
I'm also looking forward to see your Link no Bouken run, the partially finished fmv you left in the other forum was pretty cool.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
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Jackic wrote:
Boco wrote:
I'd love to see the run.
I'm also looking forward to see your Link no Bouken run, the partially finished fmv you left in the other forum was pretty cool.
The full version 2 FMV is at Version 3 will be started sometime this week.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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It can actually be found on my page too. I made a FMV-only entry.
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How about a run with all five characters surviving? (for the uninitiated, in this game, if a player dies, they're dead permanently)
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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i would asume this was the case anyways... or does it really save a lot of time?
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Here's the famtasia movie I did in case anyone wants to see it: Home (J) [T-Eng1.0].zip Copy the link and paste it in your browser.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
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ITs kinda funny that I JUST learned of this game today and here it is on my fave site....sounds intriguing indeed. I'll be watchin this one for sure...
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I second seeing a run of this. I haven't played the game all that much, but it's very interesting to me. If the player of a run isn't going for an 'everyone survives' game, Taro/Taguchi could be killed off, if the frescoes don't trigger story events and puzzle solutions, and Akiko can also die if status effects are manipulatible. For the most part, though, it can be a little hard without a 5 person party, especially at lower levels.
It's good? You've got to be jackin' me, Steve.
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Is a nice game, i have here on english (translated i think). I already see the "fast ending", with deads (fantasia). OK, rpg's are a bit long, but this game deserves a any% and a 100% mode (100% = all frescos, no characted dead, "good" ending)
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I just tried that game, and I think it'd make an awesome run.
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It'd be nice to see the translated version accepted, but I really doubt it will be. Bleh.
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Xkeeper wrote:
It'd be nice to see the translated version accepted, but I really doubt it will be. Bleh.
Why? Do you think that the english translation is longer/shorter than the original japanese one? I never checked it out so I don't know. :P I also don't know if the time difference between roms of two regions is important for a TAS. =) I think the english one is shorter/equal to (J)-text, because the limit size of a rom can't be altered up, except you find a way to extend it.
Contra Force deserves a TAS. D':
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Well, don't translations usually put extra text in unused areas of the code, and add extra control codes to show more text?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I think translated versions are OK. Just treat them as hacks and throw the movies of them into the Concept demos/Other section.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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Finally! After 2 weeks of TASing, I did it! Sweet Home (J) in less than 1 hour! Complete Test Run here. And yes, I know it uses a bad rom, but the good rom doesn't work. =\ Anyway, the game uses a step counter for each encounter, so during powerleveling, I mainipulate this address: 617D to be under 20. The enemy's hp is 6252. Edit: This run is improvable. Improvements include: Better enemy management Better inventory management Better use of "Call" Better team management Edit: Glitch to avoid encounters found. May be useful to delay encounters.
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Wow...I just discovered that almost everytime I open the menu, it's one frame slower =/. Also, that pause trick/glitch is pretty useful, so I'll have to redo the entire run. Edit: Here's the youtube link of the previous run.
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Here's a faster version of a section of the "test run". It is 1174 frames (00:19.57s) faster than the "test run" by the time it reaches the area with "MAN". WIP Any comments/suggestions on the route/strategy? Edit: For reference *Call option is faster than pause trick in some parts of the run. This defeats the purpose of "Dying" to save time, as I need 2 people to "Call" longer and 3 people to carry all those items. *MAN, MANIAC, SKELETON, and GHOUL are the enemies I'll use to train on. *Training is difficult; actions and delay both influence the RNG for steps needed for next encounter. *Dying is too long to make use of anyway. *The pulley wasn't used in the "test run", but it may have some use as it speeds up walking. *"GHOST", encountered in the dungeons with the quicksand, was used to quickly escape the place. *The steps for next encounter ranges from 10 - 74. With the pause trick, it can range from -127 - 127. More notes as I look through the run.
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Uh.....I managed to save 959 frames from the previous WIP. Here it is. Also, new discoveries regarding enemy id's. Based on this address: 624E From 0 - 30: Wisp, Evil Doll, Bats, Worms, Skull, Grave, Zombie, Mirror, Wall, Hound, Man, Armor, Maniac, Ghoul, Wraith, Ghoul(2), Skeleton, Madman, Bane, Ghost, Corpse, Wolf, Knight, Giant, Kazou, Akiko, Taro, Asuka, Emi, Mamiya, Mamiya You can see thier stats and picture here.
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The ROM checksum of your movies seems to refer to the good dump, not [b1] that has broken graphics. You seem to be missing a lot of tricks in this run. I had a WIP that was faster although it had some major flaws at the beginning. And I think now I have gained the motivation to complete the run again.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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Thanks klmz for your input! Btw, the bad dump [b1] was used. Why? Because in the good dump, I get killed off for absolutely no reason what so ever; my team members just vanish off the map, and I get a gameover screen in like less than a minute. =p Edit: Are you sure you used the good rom? Your WIP synced fine in the [B1] version. Edit 2: Can you explain the Wip I just watched please? Like your enemy choice?
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jlun2 wrote:
Thanks Klmz for your input!
Please write my nickname as klmz instead.
jlun2 wrote:
Why? Because in the good dump, I get killed off for absolutely no reason what so ever; my team members just vanish off the map, and I get a gameover screen in like less than a minute. =p
It appears to me that you were describing what happens with either the [b1] or [b2] dump. Were you using an out-dated iNes auditing tool? I think GoodNES 3.14 is able to give the correct result.
jlun2 wrote:
Edit: Are you sure you used the good rom? Your WIP synced fine in the [B1] version.
Could it be the moving white dots in the battle scenes that made some auditing tool authors to think that it was due to bad dumping? But I believe they also presented in the original images. Well, I don't recall all of the details on this matter.
jlun2 wrote:
Edit 2: Can you explain the Wip I just watched please? Like your enemy choice?
The principle was to minimize the time spent in fighting enemies, as well as that in back-tracking - provided that I could have enough EXP whenever I would be at a puzzle requiring using Mind/Pray Power (abbr. PP :p). Since fighting extra turns would consume a considerable time (1-2 seconds for every team member's individual turn, and over 4.3 seconds for every extra whole round), and all enemies available before the room with two Copper Armors (my own translation to their original Japanese names, might be inaccurate though) all gave too few EXP except for Mad Dogs, I chose to fight the fastest ones getting help from using the effective Hammer on Mad Dogs. However, I shouldn't have bothered with accessing the small room where I acquired the first Log and Rope.... And FYI, the items effective on enemies (remarkable ones in bold): * Ax: Man, Man Turned Around * Blue Candle (massive damage!): Zombie, Inveted Zombie * Blue Light (not sure whether this is useful since there's no enough room for it): Zombie, Inverted Zombie (I think there is a hint about this at the lake), Reaper, Skull Ghost * Bucket/Extinguisher: Spiritual (artesy name), Fiery Fireball (straight name) * Camera/Polaroid: Bats, Reaper, Skull Ghost * Candle: Grubs * Clay Figurine/Crystal Ball: EVERYTHING! * Gunbow: Mad Dog, Wolf * Hammer (weak but early): Mirror, Wall Face, Mad Dog, Wolf, Skeleton * Iron Bar: Half-Body Man, Mudman, Decomposited Corpse * Lighter/Matches (very weak but early): Grubs, Skull Snakes * Log: Half-Body Man * Rope/Rope Ladder: Copper Armor, Silver Armor (Wondering how? Just watch Star Wars Episode V!) * Shabby Board/Sturdy Board: Cursed Doll, Mudman, Decomposited Corpse The only two enemies with no weakness to items besides Clay Figurine and Crystal Ball are the two machete freaks. These items are mostly useful in the early stages. They become too weak to be worth the precious inventory spaces as the enemies get tougher later on and you can use more PP against them.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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klmz wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
Thanks Klmz for your input!
Please write my nickname as klmz instead.
Sorry. I've changed the above post.
klmz wrote:
It appears to me that you were describing what happens with either the [b1] or [b2] dump. Were you using an out-dated iNes auditing tool? I think GoodNES 3.14 is able to give the correct result.
Oh, thanks!
klmz wrote:
The principle was to minimize the time spent in fighting enemies, as well as that in back-tracking - provided that I could have enough EXP whenever I would be at a puzzle requiring using Mind/Pray Power (abbr. PP :p). Since fighting extra turns would consume a considerable time (1-2 seconds for every team member's individual turn, and over 4.3 seconds for every extra whole round), and all enemies available before the room with two Copper Armors (my own translation to their original Japanese names, might be inaccurate though) all gave too few EXP except for Mad Dogs, I chose to fight the fastest ones getting help from using the effective Hammer on Mad Dogs. However, I shouldn't have bothered with accessing the small room where I acquired the first Log and Rope.... And FYI, the items effective on enemies (remarkable ones in bold): * Ax: Man, Man Turned Around * Blue Candle (massive damage!): Zombie, Inveted Zombie * Blue Light (not sure whether this is useful since there's no enough room for it): Zombie, Inverted Zombie (I think there is a hint about this at the lake), Reaper, Skull Ghost * Bucket/Extinguisher: Spiritual (artesy name), Fiery Fireball (straight name) * Camera/Polaroid: Bats, Reaper, Skull Ghost * Candle: Grubs * Clay Figurine/Crystal Ball: EVERYTHING! * Gunbow: Mad Dog, Wolf * Hammer (weak but early): Mirror, Wall, Mad Dog, Wolf, Skeleton * Iron Bar: Half-Body Man, Mudman, Decomposited Corpse * Lighter/Matches (very weak but early): Grubs, Skull Snakes * Log: Half-Body Man * Rope/Rope Ladder: Copper Armor, Silver Armor (Wondering how? Just watch Star Wars Episode V!) * Shabby Board/Sturdy Board: Cursed Doll, Mudman, Decomposited Corpse These items are mostly useful in the early stages. They become too weak to be worth the precious inventory spaces as the enemies get tougher later on and you can use more PP against them.
Thanks for the info, I didn't know some of the weaknesses due to them not being mentioned in the fansite I used. The fansite uses the names of the enemies from the fan-translated version of the game mentioned earlier in the thread. Btw, what's the best enemy to train on? In my test run, I trained on *"MAN", "MANIAC", "SKELETON, and "GHOUL(2)"*. What do you think? Lastly, there are some items that I didn't take but could be useful. They are: "Dress", "Pulley", "Broom", and maybe some more. I was worried about inventory space at the end, so I left them. Since you took the "Broom", do you think the other 2 items will be useful? Anyway, thanks for all this info! Can we work together on the run?
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jlun2 wrote:
Btw, what's the best enemy to train on? In my test run, I trained on *"MAN", "MANIAC", "SKELETON, and "GHOUL(2)"*. What do you think?
They are good choices as long as you can finish them off quickly enough (that is to say, in one round). My original plan was to grind mainly on Copper Armors (easy encounter, use Rope), Decomposed Corpses (use Iron Bar), Skeletons (they are just cheap), Silver Knights (easy encounter) and Inverted Zombies (use Blue Candle, but maybe still too tough) though.
jlun2 wrote:
Lastly, there are some items that I didn't take but could be useful. They are: "Dress", "Pulley", "Broom", and maybe some more. I was worried about inventory space at the end, so I left them. Since you took the "Broom", do you think the other 2 items will be useful?
Pulley requires re-activating if you have activated a different team-wise item like Pickaxe or unite the character carrying Pulley as one without it. But I think it is still worth getting unless you figure out an overall superior inventory strategy that has to take up all six slots. With regards to Dress, it depends on when you are going to spend plenty of PP. However,
jlun2 wrote:
Can we work together on the run?
Sorry, but no, I'm afraid not. I've spent 2 years yearning for and planning on this run, and been believing that this is one challenge that I want to take by myself. I guess I may have also been tired of ending up staying behind the screen, assisting others to make theirs own and then asking for their thanks. I appeciate your offer, nevertheless.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do