Surprise! It's a new Rockman TAS time. This movie is 10.2667 seconds faster than the published movie. How did this happen? I won't spoil you. Watch the movie. You'll definitely know it when you see (and hear!) it. Hint: Wily2.


  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck (for refills and for random involuntary movements)
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Utilizes a robot player (refills, Wily3 boss, Wily4 boss, death, seizures)
  • Utilizes frame counter, frame advance, RAM watch, subpixel positions etc.


AngerFist, Morimoto, Vatchern, Hanzou, Blechy, 4matsy, Feitclub, Truncated, Spider-Waffle, Boco and others.

Bisqwit's comments

You will never know when a TAS is "final". Especially not with this game. I don't honestly expect Rockman 1 ever to be completed in less than 10 minutes, but with these advances, you can never be 100% certain of the final limit.
Naturally, the page Rockman Tricks, which has the purpose of explaining every trick and glitch known in NES Rockman games, is becoming rather outdated. It does contain the foundation of Rockman glitching, but the applications surprise us, and are hard to describe.
The first six stages of this movie are identical to the previous movie. The first changed stage is Wily 1 (collected 1 refill less there).
In this submission, I list finalfighter as a co-author, because he is basically the architect of this submission. His contribution in this movie outweighs anyone else's, only equal to perhaps mine. The movie retains certain portions played by AngerFist (described in the previous submission), and I thank him for that.
Ps: I'm finally ready to state that this game has been broken.

FinalFighter's comments

This newly discovered technique is very interesting, especially in that it makes it possible to cross walls in various places.
Because it also causes the game sound to shift, people who are interested of glitches should definitely try it.
This technique was found two years ago, but because Megaman died when the technique was used, it was judged unusable by me, Bisqwit and Morimoto.
It was very fortunate that an insight struck me to try the technique once more before throwing it completely away, for it enabled yet another kind of Megaman 1 TAS to exist.
Many people ask me how to discover new techniques.
  • Continuously use slow playing speed.
  • Test known techniques, and remember them.
  • Love the software.
These things are vital in my opinion.
I am thankful to people who make the TAS-movies when I find new techniques, despite the tough work involved in it.
Thanks to Bisqwit for creating the computer program for optimizing this new idea. Your programming ability amazes me once again.
PS: Please enjoy this new TAS!
(FF's comments translated by Bisqwit)

Truncated: Accepting as an improvement to the previous Mega Man movie.

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Player (189)
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Am I the only one who knows the game well enough to remember those blocks are there?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
> when you pull out elecman's weapon, it seems to lag caused by the shots you use... whats up with that? It's graphically intensive, it throw out three large sprites every time it's used.
You have the right idea, but the wrong facts. The Elecman weapon, in fact, generates 7 (seven) live objects -- five of which go ahead, one goes up and one goes down. With seven live objects, two of them large, it is indeed very laggy every time it is used. (Live as in, each of them has an AI routine to run.) From the game code:
MegamanWeaponFireData: ; at A999
                ; 0->ObjectSpriteNum
                ; 1->ObjectUnknown440
                ; 2->ObjectFlags        
                ; 3->ObjectYSpeedFraction
                ; 4->ObjectYSpeed 
                ; 5->ObjectXSpeedFraction
                ; 6->ObjectXSpeed
                ; 7->ObjectPosY
                ; 8->ObjectPosX
        .byte $60,$00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$04,$00,$10 ;f shot
        .byte $61,$00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$00,$EC,$00 ;f shield (?)
        .byte $00,$00,$24,$00,$00,$00,$00,$F0,$10 ;guts debris (?)
        .byte $6C,$00,$15,$00,$03,$A0,$03,$F0,$10 ;guts?
        .byte $1A,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$04,$00,$10 ;P
        .byte $5C,$00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$04,$00,$10 ;I
        .byte $62,$40,$04,$00,$00,$50,$01,$FC,$10 ;elec
        .byte $63,$30,$04,$00,$00,$50,$01,$08,$14 ;elec
        .byte $64,$20,$04,$00,$00,$50,$01,$FC,$18 ;elec
        .byte $65,$10,$04,$00,$00,$50,$01,$EC,$20 ;elec
        .byte $66,$01,$04,$00,$00,$50,$01,$EC,$28 ;elec
        .byte $6A,$00,$04,$00,$06,$00,$00,$F0,$10 ;elec
        .byte $6B,$00,$04,$00,$FA,$00,$00,$10,$10 ;elec
        .byte $5D,$00,$11,$00,$03,$80,$01,$FC,$0C ;B   
        .byte $5B,$00,$04,$00,$02,$00,$02,$FC,$0C ;C   
        .byte $5E,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;M


$A7FA> A5 60:   LDA WeaponFiring
$A7FC> D0 28:   BNE +
$A7FE> A5 5F:   LDA WeaponSelect
$A800> 09 C0:   ORA #$c0        
$A802> 85 60:   STA WeaponFiring         
$A804> A9 06:   LDA #$06          ;Elecman item index
$A806> 85 0C:   STA $0C         
$A808> AA:      TAX             
$A809> CA:      DEX     
$A80A> 20 13A9: JSR LaunchMegamanWeaponShot
$A80D> E6 0C:   INC $0C         
$A80F> A5 0C:   LDA $0C         
$A811> C9 0D:   CMP #$0d         ;Done elecman indexes?
$A813> D0 F1:   BNE -           
$A815> A9 00:   LDA #$00   
$A817> 85 61:   STA NumberOfFramesSinceShooting
$A819> A9 1F:   LDA #$1f        
$A81B> 8D 4006: STA ObjectFireDelay+0
$A81E> A9 1E:   LDA #$1E ;elec sound.
$A820> 20 77C4: JSR IssueSound                                      ; $C477
$A823> 4C C0A8: JMP MegamanWeaponConsumePower
$A826> 60:      RTS             
Experienced player (828)
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I've never seen a game so terribly broken, that was ridiculous. Waiting for that sub 10 min run;)
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Player (88)
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Excellent work, as always. I noticed something during the clone battle. After he's defeated, it seems like it takes a relatively long time for the white puffs to exit the screen. Perhaps this is only an illusion, but the delay seemed significantly larger than for other bosses. My question is, would it be faster to manipulate him towards the center of the screen (perhaps mid-air) for the final blow, so that the puffs don't need to travel so far? If so, could this be used for other bosses as well? Or is the delay a fixed duration?
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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primorial#soup wrote:
Perhaps this is only an illusion, but the delay seemed significantly larger than for other bosses.
It is an illusion. Here's what happens after a boss is killed. * Clear all sound. * If last stage, play game clear music. Else play stage clear music and remove all actors except Megaman. * Load levelend graphics. * If last stage, delay 510 frames. * Delay 383 frames more. * If last stage, remove all actors including Megaman. * Hide energy bars. Draw a batch of text. * Calculate score, 1000 points per frame * Delay 64 frames. * Draw second patch of text * Calculate bonus pearls, one per frame (3000 points each). * Delay 383 frames * If first 6 stages, add the weapon to owned weapon list, and goto stage select screen. * If last stage, hide score and stuff permanently, and prepare for ending. * Start next stage. (Which might be the ending.) There are no waits in the ending that depend on the duration of the explosions on the screen.
Player (189)
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Don't the explosions ever lag the game?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Don't the explosions ever lag the game?
AI is the lagging thing. But in Wily stages, once the boss is killed, no AI is run. Only the coordinates are updated by the function of velocity, and it doesn't eat enough CPU cycles to lag.
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Bisqwit wrote: (205 kB) -- discovery of the infinite ad-hoc-gutsblock technique.
am I the only one who wants to know what Bisqwit did with FCEU to make it throw in all those debug-like messages, or is this something I just didn't know about that everyone else does?
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curtmack wrote:
am I the only one who wants to know what Bisqwit did with FCEU to make it throw in all those debug-like messages, or is this something I just didn't know about that everyone else does?
Pretty sure Bisqwit's editing fceu to display messages. This would have to be on a game by game basis though (correct me if I'm wrong) because I'm assuming he's capturing assembler events.
Joined: 1/13/2007
Posts: 340
I believe a glitch-free run to be pointles for this game. 1) Pause damage bit is method for this game. once this glitch made it's way into nintendo power, EVERYONE did it. ;) 2) The game itself has a number of harnful glitches in it. (i've fallen through those damn elevators and died many times) 3) Every screen is still entered. (unlikr the glitched zelda 2 run which is definite BS :) ) 4) this glitch run is much more interesting then any normal run would be. Still the best glitch run ever is boy and his blob, because every one of those glitches is reasonably doable on the actual console.
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zaphod77 wrote:
3) Every screen is still entered. (unlikr the glitched zelda 2 run which is definite BS :) )
Not entirely true. The rooms of last two boss rematches are omitted. But thank you for the feedback :)
Joined: 3/24/2007
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Of all the TAS's I've seen, this is by far my favourite. I would have never thought it possible that you could mess up a game this badly and still blaze through the levels, leaving chunks of charred metal in your wake. What makes this run more entertaining than others is that it displays amazing ingenuity as well as precision. Climbing into the laval fall in Fire Man's stage, scrolling through the walls in Cut Man's stage, appearing on the wrong side of the wall before facing Bomb Man, and messing up Wily Castle 2 so bady that I'm amazed you made it to the clone in one piece. FODA was right when he said we should be scared at this. In fact, I'm terrified to conceive it will ever be beaten. If any submission deserves a resounding "YES!", this is it. Kudos! PS. I recently saw a video where you can use the Magnet Beam to scroll behind the wall next to the first teleporter in Wily Castle 4 and reach Wily's scrambled saucer early. Why can't that trick work here?
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Glitcher wrote:
PS. I recently saw a video where you can use the Magnet Beam to scroll behind the wall next to the first teleporter in Wily Castle 4 and reach Wily's scrambled saucer early. Why can't that trick work here?
That trick causes game crash. Although the saucer appears, the game reboots as soon as the saucer power meter starts charging.
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I see. What about that trick where you pull rocks out of thin air at the end of Wily Castle 3? I know the glitch where you can pick up a rock while still leaving it in place, but magically conjuring up rocks when they've all been thrown seems impossible. And another point: when you get hit by Bomb Man in Wily's Castle, you mysteriously float upwards. These things beg to question...
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Glitcher wrote:
I see. What about that trick where you pull rocks out of thin air at the end of Wily Castle 3? I know the glitch where you can pick up a rock while still leaving it in place, but magically conjuring up rocks when they've all been thrown seems impossible. And another point: when you get hit by Bomb Man in Wily's Castle, you mysteriously float upwards. These things beg to question...
Beg to question what? About pulling rock out of thin air: When you hit the B button at the precise frame when the thrown brick disappears, the brick will be returned to Megaman's hand. Whether he's facing another block at that moment, or whether there are any blocks remaining on the field, does not matter. As for floating upwards -- when you hit the Start button when Megaman is receiving damage, the weapon box will normally be brought up. However, if there's one of your weapons at the screen at the same time (bomb, magnet beam, any projectile), the weapon box will not appear, and instead, Megaman will appear to receive the damage again. When Megaman receives damage, he bounces up a little bit. This was simply repeated multiple times. Also, each time he receives damage, some sweatdrops are generated. In Bombman's battle, the number of these sweatdrops is intentionally increased above the maximum limit so that when Bombman's bomb denotates, the object table, which can only contain a fixed number of objects, is overflowed, and as a result, Megaman's data is overwritten, causing some glitching.
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Bisqwit wrote:
As for floating upwards -- when you hit the Start button when Megaman is receiving damage, the weapon box will normally be brought up. However, if there's one of your weapons at the screen at the same time (bomb, magnet beam, any projectile), the weapon box will not appear, and instead, Megaman will appear to receive the damage again. When Megaman receives damage, he bounces up a little bit. This was simply repeated multiple times. Also, each time he receives damage, some sweatdrops are generated. In Bombman's battle, the number of these sweatdrops is intentionally increased above the maximum limit so that when Bombman's bomb denotates, the object table, which can only contain a fixed number of objects, is overflowed, and as a result, Megaman's data is overwritten, causing some glitching.
I never knew that was how the glitch worked... This is insightful
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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Bisqwit wrote:
Beg to question what?
It's just a figure of speech, meaning it demands an answer. Your profile says you live in Finland, but is your native language english? I don't want any miscommunications in future.
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Glitcher wrote:
It's just a figure of speech, meaning it demands an answer. Your profile says you live in Finland, but is your native language english? I don't want any miscommunications in future.
No, my native language is not english. I know what "begs to question" means, but the way you wrote it, I thought you were thinking this run is somehow dubious, that you're suspecting it's cheated or something.
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Glitcher wrote:
I don't want any miscommunications in future.
Well then, I'll clear it up for you. It's actually "begs the question" and the way in which you used it made no sense whatsoever. To educate yourself further, read
Joined: 2/7/2008
Posts: 185
I voted 'meh' even though this is obviously a skilled run and I don't hope to match your expertise. I feel that the reason I didn't enjoy it was simply because I wasn't familiar with the game and so in future I'll probably avoid games I don't know. It was mildly entertaining the first few times I saw Megaman skipping through the walls and teleporting downwards through screens. However, it seems to me that unless you have some experience with that game world, it lacks a substantial portion of the 'WTF' factor. I've never played a Megaman game on the NES so the feats performed quickly became 'normal' for me, being my first exposure to the game.
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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you do realize that voting on a run that has been published for a year and a half doesn't really do anything right? it would make more sense to rate it...
Has never colored a dinosaur.
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Twelvepack wrote:
it would make more sense to rate it...
Until literally five minutes ago, I thought you'd need published movies to rate others'. In any case, I won't rate this, since as I said, the reason it didn't entertain me so much was because I hadn't played the game. Seems unfair to mark down a game because of that. I'll go ahead and rate other movies I saw though.Ta.
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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