Joined: 8/1/2004
Posts: 2687
Location: Seattle, WA
So much drama. All I can say is (and pardon my langauge) ITS JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Its not like someone calling him out means that the internet itself will collapse into one big pile of 'I hate Reciprocal'.
However old that guy is, he needs to get laid. Or get out more. Get out and get laid.
Hey, he got like 1500 visitors (and I doubt everyone actually read it all) so far and now de decides to quit? His reign was just starting and now he's leaving. That kinda sucks.
I mean, imagine if we would quit if someone wrote one negative post about us in a forum.
Na, I say we shall continue to brainwash and convert ppl to our evil ways until we get our hands on nuclear weapons, then we shall show the world just what we are capable of!
I taint myself by becoming involved with this conversation.
I would've loved to rebuttal him in his own forums. Alas, registerations just-so-happens to be disabled. Now no one will be able to bring new ideas into the forum. Ideas which would challenge his poor, dying self-esteem.
The part that disgusts me is that he spews off his opinions left and right and tells you that they're the truth; as if no one is competent enough to judge the truth for themselves. That's the whole thing wrong with his arguments. Rather than state the facts and let people judge for themselves, he just says "I'm right, you're wrong."
The part that disgusts me is that he spews off his opinions left and right and tells you that they're the truth; as if no one is competent enough to judge the truth for themselves. That's the whole thing wrong with his arguments. Rather than state the facts and let people judge for themselves, he just says "I'm right, you're wrong."
Well, yeah. He's claiming that we are using brainwashing and propaganda to get people on our side. And how is he trying to convince people of the truth? By using his own brainwashing and propaganda. Everything about that site is self-defeating satire and the best part is that he doesn't even seem to get it.
He's using that site to try to discredit us and everything we do but what he is really doing is discrediting legitimate speedrunners.
The real speedrunners are the ones who should be upset about that site, not us. He's making them all look like fools.
Corresponding IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are placed next to some cheaters, and if the reader is knowledgeable of the possibilities resulting from a known IP address they are encouraged to try any of them, such as UDP flooding and related actions.
Encouraging people to packet flood IP-addresses is low, very low. Verbal insults and such are in a whole different class, packet flooding is also bad for the network and is an offense, or at least will usually result in actions by their ISPs.
"Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home."
( Pratchett & Gaiman: Good Omens )
Look, we are not as evil as you think we are. We all understand what you're problem is with these movies. We just can't understand when you make up crap about us and tell people to attack our systems. Not to mention the board's homophobia and their many posts about what we do in our free time. If you want to make a site against rerecorded movies, do so. But don't be a complete ass about it.
Thanks SalsaFlies.
I'd welcome an article that explains how exactly tool-assisted movies are hurting competitive gaming and how that could be helped.
Reciprocal failed to accomplish this goal.
The only good thing he accomplished was that by deliberately misinterpreting or twisting some texts, he unintentionally showed which statements were ambiguous and needed rewriting.
And I'm afraid I didn't catch all of it yet.
Look, we are not as evil as you think we are. We all understand what you're problem is with these movies. We just can't understand when you make up crap about us and tell people to attack our systems. Not to mention the board's homophobia and their many posts about what we do in our free time. If you want to make a site against rerecorded movies, do so. But don't be a complete ass about it.
Right, well, it was all just exagerrated. The board is down now. I have no intnetion of making a site against you guys at all. I'm glad to hear you willing to talk instead of banning me on the spot.. it shows something about The Truth Garden.
I rarely read the forums, and I had no idea there was homophobia. I am a homosexual myself, and that strikes me as.. odd, to say the least. There's so much crap written about you guys, I didn't bother. It's headache inducing.
It will come someday and there will be Palatinum also.
Yeah, it's just a matter of time, whatever, i don't care what this (or any other) dude talks about me or anybody else. I think it is funny all the stupidities he writes.
It will come someday and there will be Palatinum also.
Yeah, it's just a matter of time, whatever, i don't care what this (or any other) dude talks about me or anybody else. I think it is funny all the stupidities he writes.
The site is down but I'm pretty sure he will reopen it somewhere else.
Phil, I don't think he will reopen it if he sticks to his "leaving the internet forever" thing.
I've seen a lot of "LAST POST EVAR!!!!!1!1one". Trust me, they always come back.
In any case, I find it hilarious how he can write pages and pages of trash about us and compare Bisqwit to Hitler, but runs away sobbing for one post at a messageboard. "OH MOMMY! Someone wrote something bad about me on teh intarnet!! It's not funny, people are going to read that!"
But, as we know, two standards are twice as good as one. >:D