Game Description

The game takes place in an urban city called Metro City. As the story unfolds, the city's local superhero named Vortex is outnumbered by gangs and killed. With the city's protector murdered, the crime grows rapidly. Soon enough the city's crimelords start fighting over control of the city, until a villain named Sutekh takes control, combining all the gangs into one. With the city completely overrun by Sutekh and the other crimelords, it is soon devoured in crime. A vigilante named Nightshade decides to step up and take the law into his own hands, vowing to rid Metro City of crime.


  • Aims for Fastest Time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut


This is the second attempt at this run, and suprisingly, it's a whopping 25 seconds faster!
Several improvements have been made; some major, some minor (only garnering a few frames). The really major change is to the route. The rat boss is taken out last now, and i die shortly afterwards to avoid a lot of backtracking. In fact, when compared to the first release, it's about a 1200 frame improvement when death is used as a shortcut (the route from the sewers to the stairs up to the street).
The fights are all slightly better, though the Goliath fights still eat up the majority of the movie. I pick up even less items this time so the final rating is 55%.
This run was played on fceu-0.98.16

adelikat: Large improvement over a published run. Accepting.
adelikat: Processing...

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1165: Maximus's NES Nightshade in 08:27.67
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3610)
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Improves a published movie, that is always good so I am voting yes. However, I found the run boring. I was all prepared to vote no until I was made aware that there is a published one.
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adelikat wrote:
Improves a published movie, that is always good so I am voting yes. However, I found the run boring. I was all prepared to vote no until I was made aware that there is a published one.
The question is "Did you like watching this movie?" not "Do you think this movie should be published". Does this mean you should have voted no? Either way, the comment explains you intentions, so it's fine.
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Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3610)
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I don't vote based on enjoying the movie. I vote based on whether I think it should be published since, as a judge, that is what I will have to ultimately decide.
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Although this game is dull to watch, this tas does improve over the previous one by a decent margin. Voting yes.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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I take it from the last couple of comments that no one's interested in a 100% of this game ;) Now, just out of curiosity, is this run being deemed dull due to my efforts or the game? If there's something that could be done to spice this run up, please let me know.
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I'd say the game is what's really dull. Slow movement/cursor movement. Boss fights are the only things that are quick - all except for the goliath fights which aren't all that interesting either. You seemed to do a good job on this run, but I don't think anything could make a 100% run publishable.
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Maximus wrote:
I take it from the last couple of comments that no one's interested in a 100% of this game ;) Now, just out of curiosity, is this run being deemed dull due to my efforts or the game? If there's something that could be done to spice this run up, please let me know.
The game. As far as I know, your playing of this game is of good quality. And no, I personally would not be interested in a %100 of this game.
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adelikat, if you're bored one day, the game is actually entertaining to play. The dialogue, which i skip the majority of in this run, is pretty amusing. It's not a bad game overall, though definitely not a megaman or zelda when it comes to TAS entertainment value :P
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Actually, there are many games that are interesting to play, but not interesting to watch, and vice versa. This is absolutely normal. :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Well, hopefully it was entertaining enough to hold people's interest for 8 1/2 minutes :)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [744] NES Nightshade by Maximus in 08:27.67
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Description text needs to be updated, as he does escape a death trap besides the bomb at the beginning.
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>Description text needs to be updated, as he does escape a death trap besides the bomb at the beginning. I can fix it. Which one was that? I watched the run, but since I don't know the game well I didn't notice any other deathtraps escaped.
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After the Rat King, I die (as it were) and you see nightshade strapped to a conveyor belt, heading towards his doom. This is what happens when you die in this game; you get a chance to redeem yourself (though if you mess up, it's game over). Btw, did anyone find that the audio desynchs in the avi?
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3610)
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Damn, yes the audio does desync. Turns out that I screwed up and left a step out of my encode process. The video is running at 60.0 while the audio is running at 60.1. Sorry.
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Well, if you're already dead when it happens, it's not really a death trap, is it? It's more like an extra life chance.
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I guess "technically" it's a death trap cause if you don't escape, you die :P
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adelikat wrote:
Damn, yes the audio does desync. Turns out that I screwed up and left a step out of my encode process. The video is running at 60.0 while the audio is running at 60.1. Sorry.
Maybe I should have just sent you my encoding. ^^;;
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All I can say is Great quivering enigmas with a side salad and light tartare sauce.
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I've made an HD encode of this located here: