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Here is a good example of what Snowhead might look like during a run, apart from it will pretty much all will have to be done with bombs, so it will be slower than this.
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AKA wrote:
Impressive. Two questions: 1) Would you use the Goron Punch to break all the snowballs after the bomb staircase? 2) What does more damage: normal arrows or the Goron Spiked roll? If it's the latter, wouldn't it be smarter to use the Goron method of killing Goht? (considering that you can replenish magic and avoid the lightning without losing time thanks to tools)
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Zurreco wrote:
1) Would you use the Goron Punch to break all the snowballs after the bomb staircase? 2) What does more damage: normal arrows or the Goron Spiked roll? If it's the latter, wouldn't it be smarter to use the Goron method of killing Goht? (considering that you can replenish magic and avoid the lightning without losing time thanks to tools)
1) No. Too slow. 2) Arrows deal 2 dmg/hit; Goron spikes deal 1 dmg/hit (quite surprising but true)
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Arrows do twice as much damage.
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1. Goron spike rolling up the ramp and smashing the snowballs will be faster. 2. You cannot roll in place with Goron rolling as well as swimming as Zora i.e. can't turn around in tight circles as much. Also, I believe shooting Ghot keeps him at his position and firing lightning bolts at you (I think, I definetly remembered him running around the circle and not standing still when my brother played by goron rolling way back when he played it on the console.)
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comicalflop wrote:
1. Goron spike rolling up the ramp and smashing the snowballs will be faster. 2. You cannot roll in place with Goron rolling as well as swimming as Zora i.e. can't turn around in tight circles as much. Also, I believe shooting Ghot keeps him at his position and firing lightning bolts at you (I think, I definetly remembered him running around the circle and not standing still when my brother played by goron rolling way back when he played it on the console.)
1. Have fun building up spike ability in such a small space. 2. You don't have to roll in place, since Goht will keep moving with you.
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if you roll very slowly without gaining much ground byt tilting very gently on the analog (needed in realtime playing to make some jumps in reaching snowhead anyways), you'll build up the spike after barely moving very far. However, a TAS should have no trouble in rolling at full speed and getting spike the moment the first big snowball comes along.
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comicalflop: I think you think I'm talking about Snowhead Ascent. I'm talking about inside the Temple. You don't seriously think you can get spike power in the distance of one planted snowball, do you?
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Ah, of course not, that is a much smaller distance. Although maybe something tricky can be done, like setting up a spike roll on an above platform, then rolling off a jump into the air, and landing below and going through the many snowballs and up the stairs. (this based on my memory of the SDA snowhead, where he flipped at weird angles to catch ledges below him.)
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Why don't you watch what AKA posted, eh? They get to the snowball ledge using the bomb staircase method.
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I think Goron punches will be used to clear the boulders as we'll have dwindling supplies at that point.
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AKA wrote:
I think Goron punches will be used to clear the boulders as we'll have dwindling supplies at that point.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Unless you want to use Fire Arrows (magic permitting)
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Zurreco wrote:
Why don't you watch what AKA posted, eh? They get to the snowball ledge using the bomb staircase method.
I had assumed the youtube link was for the Snowhead ascension, getting past the big Gorn blowing wind. I had already seen that youtube link for the ascension, so I'll take a look at what AKA posted. edit: it looked good. Can definetly be optimized, but I think the method is there. I especially liked using the sword gltich and the bomchus to get past the snowballs quickly, and even more so using bouncing off of walls/objects to gain speed while rolling as the goron.
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The TAS shown on youtube seems to have everything correct except the wizrobe battles. The cutscene of the wizrobe running around can be skipped if you damage him in the split second before it activates. Hard on console, no problem for TAS. And you might want to luck manipulate to keep him on nearby pads in the second fight, although it may not matter.
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After the first wizzrobe battle you can hookshot up to the torch instead of using fire arrows to melt the ice and going up that way.
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Is it just the .avi or is there a long, unnatural pause at 1'24" when acknowledging the bomb shopkeeper's "Welcome" message? Also, you don't seem to input the bank deposit amount as quickly as you could have with frame advance. Again, I'm not sure if this is an issue with the .avi or the .m64 itself. Why not just sidehop up the steps in East Clock Town en route to the silver rupee? The backwalk takes time to set up. Sorry for the lateness. I've been rather busy with TP over the past few days... >_>
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You can't start buying bombs until he gets all the way to the counter. I'm pretty sure that's what the pause is there for.
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Backwaking is faster. Up the first stairs is faster because of the angle. Between the stairs is faster because A starts a conversation with the letterbox and avoiding it takes time. The final backwalk is faster because of the distance and favourable angles for the jump. You are not allowed to start talking until he gets to the counter. I am pretty positive the rupees were entered perfectly, but ill look again. I'm having horrible desync problems in the bomb shop again, much worse than before. It has desynced between the door and the counter 4 times. I hoped to move on but it'll be a little bit longer until this works.
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Okay, I'm finally into Termina Field. I watched the movie back and everything is in sync and is optimised so I'm moving on. I'll upload the .m64 if anyone is interested, but it really isn't a whole lot different. Differences include -- - Jumpslash across gap instead. - Better angle when rolling towards chest. - Better angle when jumping into the transition for SCT (So good that Link drops straight through the ground!). - Better owl slash - Better depositing of rupees. I'm trying to get my super sliding up to scratch now. I'm getting there; I followed the FAQ but the most I can get is him to slide for half a second or so. I think the problem has something to do with the distance from the bomb and/or (most likely) that I don't know what to do with the joystick. If I leave it at ^99 then link slides a small distance before running forward. If i go to 0 then he doesn't slide at all. If anyone can give me a good outline that'd be appreciated.
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Supersliding in MM is easy compared to OoT, since in OoT its frame specific, but in MM there is a little be more leway. Just hold Z+R while standing and from a relativity even distance, keep holding Z+R and hit A and then hit A again (at different timings) in order to go from a rolling to a stance. Once the superslide is activated you can simply hold R. EDIT: Don't touch the analougue after its properly setup.
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Indeed. You have to keep holding, or else Link stops sliding. Try not to do it when your back is against a wall, or the sliding becomes very slow. Instead, approach your destination at a new angle, if possible.
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Is it possible to get an .avi of the entire run so far? Cause i'm not entirely sure if i'm watching a strange desync or the real run which is very annoying(Either it's a very strange TAS or either the desyncs are suprisingly accurate in angles and stuff).
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I doubt it. Sorry, but it would take me all day to encode, the file size would be astronomical and I really have better things to do. There are a few AVIs dotted about this thread. Here is the progress so far. It is corrected up to Termina Field and contains some of my progress to Snowhead (I doubt this part will be in sync because I have yet to check it). I've got the super slides sussed, but I'm unsure if my route is the best it can be. I'll encode an AVI similar to AKA's when I get into the path to Snowhead for evaluation.
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UHm.. I cant watch it.. Deku just stands still and i uses U V 1.0.What is the rom name and Graphich plugin? EDIT : Got it working now.. Nice WIP.. It ended in the Bomb Shop right?
Those who sees this must accept that TAS'es almost skips the whole game..
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ended in Snowhead, from what Mukki said. the last WIP was not working for me, so I'll try to get it to work this time.
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