
This is my first attempt at a tool-assisted speed run. I started making this mainly for my own amusement, and because Crystalis is one of my favorite games. When I finished my first run, I was surprised that it didn't look like total trash, so I decided to try and clean it up a little bit and submit it at the site. I did several console speed runs for this game about a year ago (although the videos were never online), that finished in approximately 1:22 and 1:14. I did the second one after I found out about the "Ghetto Flight Bug" that enables you to bypass Evil Spirit Island. I came up with the route myself, with some help from a few people at Speed Demos Archive. The leveling up and warping strategies are modified slightly in a tool-assisted run because perfection is now an option (and usually required).
  • This run is 9775 frames (roughly 2 minutes and 43 seconds) faster than my first run
  • This run is not meant to obsolete the already-published Wild Warp run

About the Game

Crystalis is set in 1997, where some people have mutated into monsters, or something. As with any NES adventure game, the plot is largely vague and generally inconsequential (or nonexistent). You play the role of a young man in a fetching purple outfit, who has been cryogenically frozen (or otherwise preserved) for 100 years. He automatically thaws (or otherwise de-preserves) when the "Tower is activated." Apparently the bright idea in 1897 was to build a Tower in the sky to "oppress evil forever," but it didn't work the way it was supposed to. There's also an android named Azteca who means good but succumbs to evil, allowing Draygon, a riteous soldier turned bad news, to feed off of Azteca's evil thoughts and build an empire bent on the devastation of earth. I've always thought the plot was cool, or at least cooler than most NES RPG-ish games, but now that I'm older I can't tell if it's cool or just really cheesy. But I've noticed that those two blend together more often than you'd think.
Some trivia: The game was called "Godslayer" in Japan, but apparently Americans can't handle slaying gods, so it was changed to the slightly wimpier "Crystalis." Also, although this is pure hearsay, I've read that your purple friend Mesia is an allusion to Messiah, making it totally religious and completely unfit for children of any age, color, or sex (but only if they're American). Apparently the Japanese kids can handle vague, 8-bit references to the works of Handel and the obliteration of evil gods better than the Americans. Sometimes I wonder if I would've grown up to be a serial killer had I played Godslayer instead of Crystalis.
  • Used FCEU 0.98.16 (my first run seemed to desync in 0.98.12 but worked fine with 0.98.16, so I'd suggest playing back in something other than .12)
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Aims for fastest time
  • No warps


Power Up Sword While Moving and the Shop Bug
Getting Through the Petrified People
I may have been the first one to discover this. I figured this out in about 1993 when I first got this game. I thought it was a pretty well known trick, but no one else really seems to know about it. Basically, any stationary NPC who's preventing you from getting somewhere can be bypassed. This includes the petrified people in the waterfall, the guards outside Shyron, the guy guarding the Queen's room in Portoa, the guy guarding the door that leads behind the Queen's throne room in Portoa, and the girl who guards the door to the Amazon leader's room in Amazones. It's difficult to explain, but basically you just keep running into the stationary person, while holding the horizontal direction you want to travel, and the opposite vertical direction you want to travel. So, since I want to go up and the left, I hold down+left to get by the petrified people in the waterfall. This is easily done on a console.
Skipping the Ball of Fire
I've been trying to think of a cool name for this glitch, since I'm the first one to use it publicly, but I have no creativity for this kind of thing. The best I could come up with was the "menu-save-death-skip-the-ball-of-fire-glitch," and that doesn't roll off the tongue very well. So, I'm open to suggestions. I read about this glitch on some easily forgettable site, so I don't know who the credit goes to for discovering this. Basically, this allows you to power up a sword to level two despite not having the associated ball. However, it's not as useful as you might think, since many of the game's triggers are dependent on having a ball (ha ha!). To do it, power up a sword to level two, go to the menu screen and choose a different sword that has no ball. Then save. Then die. Then continue. Now your sword with no ball will have level two capabilities. If you access the menu (i.e. press select or start), your level two capabilities go away. Since the menu cannot be accessed, this makes for some careful planning.
"Ghetto Flight Bug"
This was brought to my attention and named by Dragondarch from Speed Demos Archive. It enables you to abuse some faulty programming involving the dolphin, allowing you to fly over the angry sea long before you should be able to. This allows you to skip Evil Spirit Island entirely, shaving off about six minutes. It's also really cool. When you land the dolphin, immediately jump into the water. If done at the correct time, you will fly over the water, instead of being stopped by the water. I'm not sure why it works, or why you can make the dolphin disappear for a little while, but it's pretty awesome. This is a little trickier to do on a console, but it can be done.


Much of speed running this game is figuring out what triggers what. Here's a semi-complete list of all the non-obvious triggers as I understand them.
  • Talking to Zebu triggers the sleepy Windmill guard
  • Talking to anyone in Oak triggers Stom
  • Defeating Stom triggers the lost kid in the Poison Forest
  • Using "your power to open the way" (breaking the ice wall) behind Zebu in Mt. Sabre South triggers the people of Leaf to be captured
  • Talking to the rabbit (or whatever that thing is) in Leaf triggers Mt. Sabre North [there are two triggers to enter Mt. Sabre North]
  • Showing Tornel the Tornado Bracelet triggers Mt. Sabre North
  • Getting the Ball of Water triggers Asina and the sick dolphin behind the throne room in Portoa, and also triggers the Fog Lamp owner to reappear in his house
  • Talking to Kensu in the hut enables you to use the Shell Flute
  • Activating Joel (the town) as a warp point triggers the entrance to Evil Spirit Island
  • Talking to Stom in Swan triggers Kensu's various disguises
  • Approaching the iron wall at the entrance to Goa Fortress triggers the Shyron massacre

Other Information

Much of this game is spent leveling up, which is pretty boring. I tried to make it as interesting as possible, but that's not always a realistic goal when it conflicts with speed. The fast-forward button is your friend, particularly when I kill those blue spiny things in Mt. Sabre North for several minutes. However, I think this run is pretty entertaining, especially if you're at all familiar with this game, at least moreso than the Wild Warp run. The Wild Warp gives you access to the end of the game nearly immediately, so you spend 35 minutes finishing arbitrary sidequests and furiously leveling up. I liked watching it, but I like watching this one better (although I'm a little sick of both of them right now).
To the best of my knowledge, I chose the fastest possible places to level up. Sometimes I was hindered by respawning issues, but overall, I think the leveling up went particularly well. It even gets less boring to watch near the end of the game (or at least takes less time). My boss fights were optimal to the best of my knowledge, save two. Let me first say that Stom is a little bastard. I beat him in approximately 380 frames in my first run, and could not replicate that to save my life on this run. I spent about 6 hours and over 300 rerecords trying to manipulate that pumpkin-pie haircutted freak, but to no avail. I tried dodging his attacks, pressing different buttons, waiting before entering, but nothing seemed to change his attack. I even wrote down exactly the interval between my sword strikes from my first run, and copied it exactly on this one, but it did no good. So the Stom fight in the submitted version is about 3 seconds slower than the one in my first run.
Also, Mado the first time around gave me some serious problems. It appears that his attack pattern is determined as soon as you enter Shyron, and even after I figured that out, I had to wait about 10-15 frames just to manipulate his attack pattern, and it didn't seem to manipulate into something that was considerably better than his original pattern. So I stuck with his original pattern. That battle is about 100 frames slower than the one done by TheAxeMan in the wild warp run. Otherwise, all the bosses went down nice and easy.
I equipped the Sacred Shield only because it makes the sprite look cooler. I figured it was worth 3 frames to do that.

Fun Facts

Because I never really understood how these things were made until I started making one, I thought it might interest some people to know a few things about the making of this movie.
  • My keyboard was setup as follows: HOME was up, END was down, PAGE DOWN was right, and DELETE was left. INSERT was select, PAGE UP was start, . [period] was B, / [next to period] was A, and 4 on the numpad was frame advance.
  • I made the entire movie, save maybe 10 seconds, using frame advance. Those 10 seconds were usually long, boring walks, which I played in real time.
  • I still don't really understand all the features on the emulator, like the save slots, so I just went to Save State As... and Load State From... every time I saved or loaded a savestate (I'm assuming there's a more efficient way to do it). My first run used 1277 savestates and my final run used 1240 savestates.
  • Interesting screenshots: 1316, 181429, 188790
Suggested Screenshots: 105602, 123114, 164185, 189029

adelikat: I'd like some more opinions on this one.

adelikat: I have decided to reject this run.
  1. boring if you haven't played the game, and few people have.
  2. there is luck manipulation but no where near the ammount present in many of the published rpg's. Compare the 2500 re-record count to say that of ff1 (25k), dw2 (21k), dw4 (110k). The ridiculous luck manipulation is the life blood of an entertaining rpg TAS. This isn't exactly an RPG but fits mostly into the category.
  3. While controversial, we have a "wild warps" run to satisfy the craving of the few who love & want to see a run of this game
  4. Even most of the yes voters mentioned it being boring but either wanted it to replace the current run or should be published anyway.

mmbossman: This submission has been given another chance at publication. If you feel it should be published, instead of returning to the grue, please post WHY in the thread. Similarly, if you do NOT think this movie should be published, post WHY.

mmbossman: After taking a look at the Crystalis manual, I have confirmed that it does not mention the "wild warps" glitch, which is utilized in the current run. Every other run which uses button input from the second controller has made mention of this functionality in the manual, and I don't believe this guideline should have been broken originally. Because of this, I am accepting this run to obsolete the currently published run, to better conform to site rules.

ccfreak2k: Publification underway.

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If the accepting the previous submission was a mistake (as I think it was), perhaps it should be obsoleted instead of just being shuffled away in the concept category.
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Well, if judged separately, I stand by my no vote. This game is very long and often very dull. It a "you have to have played the game to be entertained" kind of run. Unfortunately it isn't very popular. Not a good combination.
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I liked this run. It's a little tedious at times, but I just fast-forward through the leveling. It's also very well made for such a low rerecord count. I'm a little biased because I used to play this game all the time, but I still support a no-cheat version of this run. Maybe the current run can be moved into the concepts/demos section. YES.
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Ouzo wrote:
Maybe the current run can be moved into the concepts/demos section. YES.
It has.
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Remove: I will watch this later tonight but Just finished watching. Yes voted. I'm of the opinion that this run should obsolete the "Wild Warp" run, because it is a cheat code... I never understood why that run was even published to begin with. It'd be like using the Konami code on a Gradius run.
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Interesting. I'm not posting this because I disagree (well, I kind of do), or because I dislike someone. I didn't make this run really, really hoping that I would be lucky enough to have it published here. I made it because I wanted to see how fast the game could be beaten perfectly.
boring if you haven't played the game, and few people have.
Yeah, I guess. I'd argue the "few" part, though. It was released worldwide, and there was a remake, so it's not that unpopular.
there is luck manipulation but no where near the ammount present in many of the published rpg's. Compare the 2500 re-record count to say that of ff1 (25k), dw2 (21k), dw4 (110k). The ridiculous luck manipulation is the life blood of an entertaining rpg TAS. This isn't exactly an RPG but fits mostly into the category.
In my opinion, this is not relevant in any way. If this run had over 100k rerecords, it would not make it any more impressive or interesting. Even if there was insane luck that was manipulated as a result of those extra 98,000 rerecords, the run would not be made more interesting. Luck manipulation is not a prerequisite for entertainment, nor are rerecords. It irritates me that this movie would even be judged by its rerecords. I used 1/8 of the rerecords TheAxeMan did, and made a superior (in my opinion) movie. And you tell me that's one of your reasons for rejection. If one of the DW movies were obsoleted by a movie with fewer rerecords, would that make it less entertaining? Or that the luck was any less manipulated? This run had a small number of rerecords because I know this game probably better than anyone else in the world, not because I didn't manipulate luck very well, or didn't manipulate luck that much in general.
While controversial, we have a "wild warps" run to satisfy the craving of the few who love & want to see a run of this game
I'm not going to argue whether that run deserves to be on the site because of the rule-breaking stuff. I think offering a subpar movie (it's been bested [incompletely] by both myself and TheAxeMan) with less glitches is not the answer to catering to people who crave a run of this game. At a site where glitches are glorified (by most), this disappoints me.
Even most of the yes voters metnioned it being boring but either wanted it to replace the current run or should be published anyway.
I don't see this as a reason for rejection. I see it as grounds for accepting it and letting it melt to the bottom of the queue to be encoded when one of the encoders is bored like many other runs do. And I think most of the yes voters said it was boring in places, not boring in general. Obviously there isn't a great demand for this run. Obviously it's boring in places. Maybe it doesn't deserve a place on this site (I don't really care). I just wish your reasons for rejection were better than this (I do appreciate that you wrote out your reasons, though).
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My reason for rejecting the video is based on the grounds that I didn't see it until it actually got in to gruefood and I'm a shameless trendwhore. :( No, seriously now. I watched this and while it seemed executed very well. While the level up grind was annoying, it's nothing a fast forward button or a jump ahead button in a movie can't fix. I highly disagree with adelikat's decision to reject this. It was mostly yes votes and his reasons were pretty bad. I'll be honest - half the movies on this site are pretty boring if you haven't played the games. I haven't played this and aside from the level up grind I found it rather interesting. A video on TASVideos shouldn't HAVE to appeal to everyone. I know about 85% of the videos on this site don't appeal to me much, and someone who wants a serious run of this game seems to have it here. If it's possible I'd reconsider your rejection of this. I think it's a fair publication. EDIT: And for the record, I found this much more interesting than the Legend of Zelda speedrun, which I use to help me assist for sleep when I am unable to attain it myself.
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adelikat wrote:
there is luck manipulation but no where near the ammount present in many of the published rpg's. Compare the 2500 re-record count to say that of ff1 (25k), dw2 (21k), dw4 (110k). The ridiculous luck manipulation is the life blood of an entertaining rpg TAS. This isn't exactly an RPG but fits mostly into the category.
A high rerecord count doesn't necessarily mean that a movie is well done. It probably is, but it doesn't have to be. In the same way, a low rerecord count doesn't necessarily mean that the movie is of low quality. I've never made a TAS of an RPG before, and though I understand that there is quite some luck manipulation involved, this shouldn't be judged by its rerecord count... Maybe he knows the game and its physics so well that he doesn't need to use many rerecords, or maybe he did thourough testings of the pseudorandom events in this game before this movie, to find out exactly how they work. To put things short, I disagree with the decision that a low rerecord count is a factor in deciding a movie's fate. I know you listed a lot of other reasons, but the rerecord count itself shouldn't be one of them. A movie should be judged by it's quality and entertainment value, not by its number of rerecords. Also, the Chrono Trigger TAS is an RPG, and it only uses 4932 rerecords, which shows that tool-assisted speedruns of RPG's can be of publishing material, even though they have a low rerecord count.
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I haven't watched this movie, so I could be way off. I talked with adelikat while he was coming to this decision, and it was not based solely on the rerecord number. As adelikat said, "The ridiculous luck manipulation is the life blood of an entertaining rpg TAS." Using both the game and the rerecord count to show that there isn't the same caliber of luck manipulation in this game necessary as many RPGs - not that you didn't manipulate luck enough. Without extreme luck abuse even required, console RPG runs can look similar to TASs. When you say that you know the game so well that you don't need to spend as much time manipulating luck, that either means there isn't much to manipulate, or there is a lot more that could be manipulated. Humans aren't RNGs.
Kles wrote:
it's nothing a fast forward button or a jump ahead button in a movie can't fix
How many unentertaining movies could we publish under this reason? (And I thought Zelda sucked too) And popularity of the game, yeah it sucks, but it counts for something. Also, I've heard that run of Chrono Trigger is very unoptimized, but I'm not about to watch it to find out.
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Kles wrote:
No, seriously now. I watched this and while it seemed executed very well. While the level up grind was annoying, it's nothing a fast forward button or a jump ahead button in a movie can't fix.
This is a terrible justifcation for a run. Any run can be accepted if you skip enough it. A run is problematic if it needs to have large sections skipped like you suggest.
I highly disagree with adelikat's decision to reject this. It was mostly yes votes
While the votes were yes, they were hardly convincing ones. Many just wanted a cheated run replaced. Others said it was boring but was voted yes anyway. The response overall was weak.
I'll be honest - half the movies on this site are pretty boring if you haven't played the games.
popularity is an issue for what gets published (though certainly not the main one). Yes, for instance, legend of zelda would suck if you never played the game. But there are many who do know of the game and therefore find it interesting. It should be published. Oot is another fantastic example of a boring game with a huge following. Also, to say that other runs are boring is never a good justification. Yes, there are some boring runs. But we don't want more of them.
Randil wrote:
A high rerecord count doesn't necessarily mean that a movie is well done. It probably is, but it doesn't have to be. In the same way, a low rerecord count doesn't necessarily mean that the movie is of low quality.
Randil, you totally missed the boat on what I was saying. I did not imply that the movie was sloppy in anyway. I think it is quite optimal. The point is that there isn't enough luck to manipulate. A low record count of course doesn't prove that there wasn't massive luck manipulation, but it is a reasonable assumption. And were aren't talking a little low. Comparable length rpg's have 10x more. Chrono Trigger is a bad example as well. I don't think it shows anything impressive luck wise. I guess it is just really popular too.
Kles wrote:
f it's possible I'd reconsider your rejection of this.
It is certainly possibly for me to reconsider the verdict of a submission, but I haven't heard any compelling reason to do so.
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One could argue that "this game doesn't have enough luck to be manipulated" is a bad reason to reject a run too though...
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Why? A run doesn't have to have heavy luck manipulation but this particular one does not have anything else going for it but luck. It is a reason brought up because someone suggested it as an interesting characteristic of the run that could make it publish worthy.
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JXQ wrote:
And popularity of the game, yeah it sucks, but it counts for something. Also, I've heard that run of Chrono Trigger is very unoptimized, but I'm not about to watch it to find out.
It may be unoptimized in the traditional sense, but since luck manipulation was near non existent the game could be played using mostly the turbo buttons for every action. Thats how I made the run so quickly and with such a low rerecord count. You call my run very unoptimized, but I dare say it is less improvable than your 100% super metroid run for example. Pressing the correct button on the exact right frame will not add up to much time difference in the long run, maybe a minute or two at most for the entire 4 hour run. I would love to know where you heard that from anyways, since the run did not receive a single no or meh vote.
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I wasn't personally attacking you for it. Like I said, I haven't watched it. I heard that it was improvable (specifically, with some walking paths) it on IRC from a few different people shortly after it was published. I was surprised to hear it myself.
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adelikat wrote:
Randil, you totally missed the boat on what I was saying. I did not imply that the movie was sloppy in anyway. I think it is quite optimal. The point is that there isn't enough luck to manipulate. A low record count of course doesn't prove that there wasn't massive luck manipulation, but it is a reasonable assumption. And were aren't talking a little low. Comparable length rpg's have 10x more. Chrono Trigger is a bad example as well. I don't think it shows anything impressive luck wise. I guess it is just really popular too.
Aah, allright. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I haven't actually watched this movie, so I can't say anything about how it looks. Anyway, thanks for clearing that up. :) Also, I haven't watched much of the Chrono Trigger TAS either, so perhaps I should stay out of this conversation... :P
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adelikat wrote:
A low record count of course doesn't prove that there wasn't massive luck manipulation, but it is a reasonable assumption. And were aren't talking a little low. Comparable length rpg's have 10x more.
I still think you're missing my point (even though you were responding to someone else). Comparing this game to a turn-based RPG like Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy is, in my opinion, an act of lunacy. Crystalis is not turn-based, and there aren't any forced encounters (besides bosses and stuff). I think most of us can agree that most of the rerecords in RPGs are a result of avoiding forced encounters and manipulating critical hits (and other stuff, too, of course). Since this game doesn't have either of those, I don't see the reason why even comparing rerecords in two such dissimilar games is relevant. You seem to be suggesting that because they're in the same genre (and I'd argue about Crystalis being called an RPG) they should be compared trait by trait. If you want to compare two games that way, then you should compare two games that are similar, instead of two games that are different (like say, Zelda II and Crystalis). But I'm of the opinion that rejecting a run even partially based on the reason that it doesn't compare favorably to another run is stupid (unless they're the same game).
It is certainly possibly for me to reconsider the verdict of a submission, but I haven't heard any compelling reason to do so.
The only compelling reason I can think of for reconsidering the verdict would be that the current run is trash and and this is one is played more optimally with more glitches, despite its greater length. No offense to TheAxeMan, but that run is pretty old, and it shows. Keep in mind that I'm not trying to convince you to reverse your decision; I'm trying to get you to explain your reasons, which I thought were uh... misinformed. Comparing this game to Final Fantasy makes me wonder if you even watched it, and quite honestly, that kind of pisses me off.
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tmont wrote:
adelikat wrote:
The only compelling reason I can think of for reconsidering the verdict would be that the current run is trash and and this is one is played more optimally with more glitches, despite its greater length. No offense to TheAxeMan, but that run is pretty old, and it shows.
This isn't an option as decided by Bisqwit.
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Post subject: Returned to "new" status
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As you can see, this movie has been returned from the grue for another shot at publication. Please post what you think about the movie, and why it should be published, or why it should remain rejected. Poll votes will not be considered, only responses in the thread. This submission will remain on the workbench for one month to gather further opinions, then a second judging decision will be made.
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This run is only 9 minutes slower without using a debug cheat which would generally be frowned upon these days. It could be argued that less of the game is better for someone who hasn't played the game before, but the majority of the viewers for the run will be people who have played it. As someone who played this game through a few times in the past, the sequence of this game gets broken by usage of the debug cheat. The site currently shows the wild warps run as a concept demo, so we technically don't have a normal run of this game. I think it would be alright to keep the current concept demo and publish this as a normal movie. Unpublishing the concept demo is alright with me, but I don't think it's really necessary. The quality of the run isn't perfect, but for the most part it is done quite well. The routing and glitching seem optimal, but the execution suffers mildly. At the very least, I would hope that this would get rejected on the condition that a more polished run of this category in the future would be acceptable.
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Worked fine converted to FM2 and played in FCEUX 2.1.0a, I enjoyed it and I see no compelling reason NOT to publish...
adelikat wrote:
1. boring if you haven't played the game, and few people have. 2. there is luck manipulation but no where near the ammount present in many of the published rpg's. Compare the 2500 re-record count to say that of ff1 (25k), dw2 (21k), dw4 (110k). The ridiculous luck manipulation is the life blood of an entertaining rpg TAS. This isn't exactly an RPG but fits mostly into the category. 3. While controversial, we have a "wild warps" run to satisfy the craving of the few who love & want to see a run of this game 4. Even most of the yes voters mentioned it being boring but either wanted it to replace the current run or should be published anyway.
1. All runs longer than a certain duration tend to get boring unless you've played the game. So what? That doesn't make them any less worthwhile for those who can appreciate them -- and those are the people who are going to seek the video out. 2. Totally different animal; no comparison possible. Besides, re-record count shouldn't factor into a publication decision. 3. Judge the work on its own merit. 4. Just a restatement of #1; same argument applies. Also, tmont is good with the English language and I'd encourage him to take advantage of FCEUX's subtitling feature and add commentary. It really adds to a run, can be turned off if someone doesn't like it, and negates any possible "boredom" and "idk wtf is going on" arguments.
Reviewer, Active player (291)
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Wasn't the wild warps run published in the first place in the hopes that someone would come along and make a good run which doesn't use debugs. This run fits with that goal and should obsolete wild warps as a better run which follows site rules.
Joined: 10/3/2005
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Having played this to some extent, I was tempted to like the movie, but had to vote No. Too much grinding. The use of glitches to skip parts of the game made it doubly unsatisfying, because it creates a proportional increase in grinding over the rest of the gameplay. A more optimized movie made with modern tools (i.e., subtitles) and maybe with an appropriately defined 100%/completionist goal would be entertaining, but this one fell short for me.
Joined: 4/30/2007
Posts: 150
a couple of perhaps irrelevant comments 1. i dont see the "wild warp" run on the movies list anymore, but a site search turns it up with an entry; how odd 2. crystalis does happen to be the first good action rpg, beating seiken densetsu and soul blazer by one year and gargoyle's quest ii by two years; there really should be some tribute to it here even if not this run
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this is me wrote:
a couple of perhaps irrelevant comments 1. i dont see the "wild warp" run on the movies list anymore, but a site search turns it up with an entry; how odd
"Concept Demos/Hacks"
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Joined: 7/17/2004
Posts: 985
Ah, the memories. Although sometimes I regret giving up on this game, in the end it's just more trouble than I have patience for. I'd vote yes again on this one mostly to get a published run. I'm pretty sure some spots used for leveling aren't optimal, but most of the action has been pretty well optimized. Unfortunately, because of lag and very strange random factors in enemy spawning and movement, you can spend A LOT of time tweaking fights. It's also not something where a bot works very well. tmont did a great job overall. So yes from me until some day when I get the nerve to obsolete it myself! Also, I don't really care whether it obsoletes the wild warp run or goes alongside it. If it obsoletes that one there will need to be a comment anyway because it is going to look funny to have a longer run obsoleting a shorter one.