Post subject: Ys III: Wanderers From Ys (J)
Joined: 11/12/2006
Posts: 19
As an Ys fan, I'm wondering if this might be a good one to TAS. Though it's probably the worst game in the series, and I've barely touched it, it looks to be pretty buggy and might provide some intresting results. Here is a glitch I've found by holding left and right. Here it is used to get past a part of Tigris Mine that would be impossible at this point otherwise. Though it makes the background scroll and glitch, it seems that the collision stays the same, and you can glitch enemies away with this method. The only trouble is, if you go too far with it, probably if you go past the edge of the collision map, you can't use any exits and have them work. The only thing that would make this hard/impossible is that the Ys games that I have played (1, 2, and 4), tend to make some enemies impossible to beat (as in, you do no damage), and it seems like this may be the same way. But if it could be wiggled around, maybe it would work? I haven't tried fighting any bosses or anything. Edit: OK, it does seem like it may be the same as the other games. If it is possible to somehow get equipment quickly, it might still work, though. Also: Unfortunately, the guy is placed perfectly so I can't get down the ladder.
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I made an incomplete run of this before: (about halfway done) (the number font in your screenshot is different, is that a translated ROM? YS 3 on NES was only in Japanese) I found out about the left+right glitch too, it can even be used as a quick warp to town if you manage to fall off the bottom of the screen ... but it can't be done at many places, I only did it once. Even if the above shortcut worked (a nice one too, skipping the first boss), you wouldn't get much farther ... you need level 4 to hit the next boss, and level 3 to hit the monsters before it, and that's with the sword you get from the first boss. From what I remember, this was the minimum level to hit each boss up to where I stopped: (max level is 12) Tigray Quarry: 3, 4 Ilvern Ruins: ?, ? (I had the Broad Sword, so 5 was already well enough) Tigray Quarry II: 7 Eldam Mountains: 8 (but very low damage, so 9 is better) At least the forced leveling goes fast enough, it just tends to get repetitive ...
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Why not play the SNES or Genesis versions?
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
Joined: 3/9/2006
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I messed around with this game for a little while too. The NES version is the only one the left+right glitch seems to work in, but considering that I was still going to have to level up to do any damage at all to bosses (even with the Power Ring), I quit working on it. I managed to get by the guy in that screenshot by using L+R on the shaft beforehand to glitch through the ceiling and then abuse in-game saving and reloading to somehow end up behind him. Not that it did any good, because then I couldn't damage anything beyond him. I cheated to get my attack power up a lot higher just to preview some areas later on, and later it was possible to exit the volcano area early by using L+R to scroll through that room that you needed the item from the lava dragon worm boss thing to get through normally. Sorry about the vagueness; this was all over a year ago.
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I enjoy this game, and I'd love to see a run of it. I would imagine it would be very difficult to optimize, though.
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Acmlm wrote:
I made an incomplete run of this before: (about halfway done)
I watched your movie, and that's good calculation of EXP and ring power. But I had two anxious points, I write them. Before the 2nd boss "Elfeilu", you attacked enemies while standing. I think that attacking it while squatting down is faster than standing. And in the lava zone, you will be able to lead the boss "Girun" to the left. Please review these points if you complete this movie. The new Ys series "Ys Origin" is put on the market in this month. I am looking forward very much :)
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1- If you mean those slime monsters, I did use the downwards attack on each but only for the last hit ... if there's really a better way to do it (without getting hit), I should try, since that was the longest leveling part so far. 2- I haven't thought of that and it should save a few seconds, but (as said earlier) it seems that boss can be skipped completely anyway with left+right, and the EXP missed there can probably be gained faster later ... From what I remember, redoing earlier parts in this game works pretty well (I did it a few times), I think only the boss battles had to be redone. (probably won't be for a while since I'll want to finish my Guardian Legend run first)
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Oh, so sorry my poor English. It is difficult for me to explain that in English... So I played in order to do the movement that I wanted to say, and recorded it. This movement is a little faster! And there is no problem if the battle with Girun can be skipped, forget that I say, please...
Active player (495)
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Ah, I see now, hitting lower goes faster ... the gain won't be as much with the ring and level up, but I'll also be able to use the ring for a larger part of it, so it could probably save a whole minute. Skipping the boss in the lava pit (which I've been able to do just now) seems to save about 8000 frames but costs 2512 EXP, which should be regained in about 5000 frames ... not a huge difference for what it is, but still good.
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EDIT: I have no intention of running this in the near future. The L+R Glitch can be used for some very interesting enemy manipulation. I am able to make enemies respawn by manipulating the screen positioning. I can force an enemy to respawn at any position on the map (most notably right above me) by traversing backward about 1/3rd of the screen, and then forward 1/3rd of the screen. (The screen has to scroll just slightly back and forth in order to make the enemy respawn.) Comparing to acmlm's movie, leveling on bats (11 exp) is probably slower than his first level up choices, but this is probably useful in other places in the run (perhaps the portion spent leveling on blobs?) Demonstration: The portion worth watching starts at about frame 16500. (This was played in mostly in real time.)