This game is a crappy NES platformer about a purple alien shape-shifter named Widget who wishes he was Mega Man. He's on a mission to destroy all the evil villains responsible for kidnapping animals and polluting the rainforest and stuff. Fortunately for him, he has the power to completely ignore the laws of physics. This is an improvement of 43 seconds over the previous (unpublished but accepted) run.
  • Used FCEU 98.15
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses Left+Right and Up+Down
Just when you think this game can't get any weirder...
The improvement over the unpublished movie comes from:
  • Grabbing a gun upgrade at the very beginning, which allowed for even faster defeat of the bosses. It only saved 10 frames on Slank and Dante, but it saved several seconds on Flim Flam, Bizzarre Brain, and Ratchet!
  • Much better use of zipping
  • Clever use of invisible platforms to avoid taking damage
  • A new glitch in Dante's level (4th one played)- you'll just have to see this one for yourself.
  • Actually skipping the dialogue at the end, which saved about 7 of the seconds.
Unless more glitches or improvements beyond lag reduction are found, I don't think I'll be re-doing this run again.

Truncated: Re-accepting since the previuos slower version was already accepted, but not published.

adelikat: Processing

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1374: CtrlAltDestroy's NES Widget in 05:56.05
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I actually finished this a few days ago, but I was participating in a "Get Offline Week" event. I was really aiming for sub-6 here, and I nearly cried when I finished the movie and got 6:04. That's when I watched theenglishman's run again and noticed how he skipped the final dialogue (pressing B on two consecutive frames, instead of just once)... So, I'm happy.
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Thanks for that. A game with such poor programming deserves to be broken to this extent. It's an easy yes vote, especially since it's an improvement on your previous accepted run. You broke the game in many strange and amusing ways. How hard were the following glitches to find and execute? * invisible ladder to glitched area (and completion of the glitched area)? * invisible platforms * very familiar walking through walls
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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I am having a hard time understanding when the warp glitch can be used. You just seem to use it randomly, as if you could do it any time. Why can't the warp glitched be used the entire time or close to it? Edit: Added my yes of course, it's great! Shaving another 45 seconds won it.
Soft Blue Dragon
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IdeaMagnate wrote:
How hard were the following glitches to find and execute? * invisible ladder to glitched area (and completion of the glitched area)? * invisible platforms * very familiar walking through walls
The ladder glitch was easy to do. After finding the effects of U+D on a ladder and the "secret world", I accidentally stumbled upon the quick exit. Although, it took me a while to realize I had to get the screen to scroll right then left before the exit would open up. Walking through walls wasn't so hard either. Finding the invisible platforms was very difficult. Sometimes they'd be where I'd want, sometimes they wouldn't be, and sometimes the game would crash. Also, it requires a very specific key sequence to jump off one, or else I'd just fall off or bump my head against an invisible ceiling.
DonamerDragon wrote:
I am having a hard time understanding when the warp glitch can be used. You just seem to use it randomly, as if you could do it any time. Why can't the warp glitched be used the entire time or close to it?
If you mean the zipping, there are lots of reasons. Zipping only works from left to right. Also it doesn't scroll the screen, so it can only be used at the beginning and ending of levels and on single screen rooms. If you zip to the right side of the screen then try to walk right, you'll be warped back to the center of the screen. If you mean the "exit before you reach a door" glitch, this is the result of what pressing L+R does: It applies the wrong collision detection to you, effectively warping you to somewhere else in the level data. The reason I can't use this constantly is because I can't access the glitched exits from too far away.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
DonamerDragon wrote:
I am having a hard time understanding when the warp glitch can be used. You just seem to use it randomly, as if you could do it any time. Why can't the warp glitched be used the entire time or close to it?
If you mean the zipping, there are lots of reasons. Zipping only works from left to right. Also it doesn't scroll the screen, so it can only be used at the beginning and ending of levels and on single screen rooms. If you zip to the right side of the screen then try to walk right, you'll be warped back to the center of the screen. If you mean the "exit before you reach a door" glitch, this is the result of what pressing L+R does: It applies the wrong collision detection to you, effectively warping you to somewhere else in the level data. The reason I can't use this constantly is because I can't access the glitched exits from too far away.
Ohhhh okay! I get it now! That makes the run make a lot more sence, thanks. I still voted yes though of course, it looked great and I was sure there to be a reason.
Soft Blue Dragon
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Awesome job getting sub-6. Yes vote from me. (EDIT: You forgot to thank me this time!)
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if you are a memeber. please give some creds. ©
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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The transformations and glitches were the best parts of this run for me
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theenglishman wrote:
Awesome job getting sub-6. Yes vote from me. (EDIT: You forgot to thank me this time!)
But I did link to the other movie. Plus, when this movie gets encoded, you'll be given credit in the movie's description.
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Yay! And I'll try and write a Widget tricks page too if Bisqwit ever responds to my editor request email...
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I don't think Widget is an important/popular enough game to warrant a tricks page.
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It has enough major glitches to warrant one.
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I don't think tricks pages are published unless there's a demand for it. If you want to start a thread and publish the tricks, that's a good start.
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I never knew there was a policy on trick pages, I just thought there were insufficient number of contributors for the various pages... probably to avoid abuse eh? In any case, just update the thread with all the tricks in it, anybody who intends to remake the run would probably refer to that as well as CAD's submission text; it should be good enough
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [767] NES Widget by CtrlAltDestroy in 05:56.05
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Excellent! It's finally published...
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Neat. Here are some better screenshot suggestions.
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I like the second one. Glitch world ftw~!
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theenglishman wrote:
I like the second one. Glitch world ftw~!
As much as I'd like that, there's a high risk of users thinking that a bad/corrupt ROM was used (either that, or they suspect it's some wierd transitional loading.)
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A potential description for the game: To start, we should use an excerpt of CAD's submission quote and elaborate from there: "This game is a crappy NES platformer about a purple alien shape-shifter named Widget who wishes he was Mega Man. Luckily he has the power to completely ignore any and all existing laws of physics. The run abuses a ton of bugs, including sprite overload, iffy collision detection and a hit-box-warping glitch which occurs when Left/Right or Up/Down are pressed at the same time. This is the third run attempt of this game, the second to be accepted and the first to be published."
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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Should we mention when games are based on cartoons, or is that not necessary?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Sounds okay to me, except that U+D doesn't do anything but activate the ladder glitch. And what exactly is sprite overload?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Sounds okay to me, except that U+D doesn't do anything but activate the ladder glitch. And what exactly is sprite overload?
Loading up the processing power of the NES so certain sprites don't load, like that bug right at the beginning that should be there but isn't. Also, to answer BOMF's question: why not? The IMDB page is here so we can add "Based on a shitty 1990's cartoon" with a link to the IMDB page.
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Nice vid, you've dodged enemies and bullets accurately and made use of some nice glitches. Yes-vote.