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when in the pitch black areas, can't you use either 1-8 to affect the background to light it up somehow? I remember that in DKC1 blackout basement has something similar, and in DKC2 pressing 3 made the background completely white, making everything more visible.
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Hn. Damn you all! XD I got JoyToKey working for the save/load state buttons >:o I did a second attempt at the opening bit. I got a time of 4:55, 10 seconds faster than the first one. If I had ended it at the same point, it would probably be 20 or so faster. But this time I stopped as I was leaving Arcs. There is NO goddamn good, quick way of getting up that little cliff-face without getting tagged by the goblin somehow. I had to hit him friggin' twice and the bastard still recovered and swiped at me. Most of the time saved was inside the cabin basement. I managed to manipulate two of the goblins the hell out my way, but I had to slash the upper one twice to keep him at bay. If Freewebs would stop sucking, I'd up the movie there. But it isn't and I'm too lazy to hit up megaupload or something. Anyway, I'm not entirely sure how to RESUME recording on 9x. I know for VBA you have to start playback with read-only unchecked, then hit tap load-state and you're good to go. That how 9x works too, or is there an easier way? I'm NOT saying I'm gonna do a run, as being tagged by that cliff goblin pisses me off to no end and I feel the whole little chunk of the run suffers because of it. I'm just curious. Edit:
when in the pitch black areas, can't you use either 1-8 to affect the background to light it up somehow?
I wish. I tried all the buttons along the number pad there. It was black no matter which layer I peeled away. :/ There's no underlying textures, it's just a black-ass room. That room alone IS the reason I won't be making the TAS >_> That and my hands ache after a short period of time. ><
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Can you fiddle with the palette? Diddle with the middle? Twiddle a magic riddle?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I tried flipping all the emulator switches I thought would work. I'm pretty sure it's just colored black. As in, that's what it'd look like if you did a rip of everything. Just a honkin' wad of black tiles.
Player (177)
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Well can you hack the foreground tiles to be a different color?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Wouldn't know where to even begin with that, chief.
Joined: 11/28/2006
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Has anyone ever tried useing a leveled-up light jade? For all I know, those rooms could simply have a higher level of it needed to be lit up... It'd probably be quickest if someone could cheat it up to the max level or something.
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No, some rooms in this game simply are pitch black, no matter how high Light Jade is. If you can see your character perfectly, and nothing else, it's one of those rooms. If your character is in the dark too, it's a room where Light Jade can help.
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Here's a thought: Memory values. Find the locations for horiz/vert position, watch them as you walk around in a dark room, and when they stop moving that means you've hit a wall. Follow the wall and measure how many pixels long it is.
That's what she said!
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or, this is the easy way out, rerecord until you reach your destination, who can tell if it's optimized? :P no seriously, the memory values is a good idea.
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Ahahaha. No. No idea how to even begin to do it for one. And two, I'm not making the damn TAS. Whoever does might take the idea to heart, but I certainly ain't. I'm not fiddling with the deep inner workings of an emulator to get through dark rooms in a video game.
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For the pitch black rooms in Platinum, you can use the Bound and the Ghost spells. It's not a really good trick, but they bounce on walls, and you can discover some things with it.
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Bumping because dammit, I want someone to take up the gauntlet on this. I may make a Let's Play-style thing with this if I ever get my mic working, but my hands are just too poor condition to do TASes. Ninja Five-O damn near killed me. The maps are still up on my webspace somehow. Looking through 'em sent some nostalgia through me. I want this TAS to happen. But not enough to put my arms and sanity on the line. Platinum's Big Dark Room alone will stop any attempt I ever put into this. x.x
Joined: 7/10/2007
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Well since it's been a while that anyone posted on this game, i've found something very interesting that may help on avoiding enemies. As you may have know, jumping with/without armor on makes your character move faster. However when equipping the cape, the character's speed is as fast as his jumping speeding with armor, meaning you don't need to continuously jump anymore to gain speed. I've found out that if you put the turbo on the jump button and move around with the cape(to prevent from losing speed), while moving and jumping at the same time in places where there are enemies, the enemies will not appear until you stop moving or make a slow turn. This is helpful in places where there is no other choice but to kill enemies in your path, that way you can just skim past them and not take time to kill them or take any damage at all! I agree that this is a long game, and the difficulty is just insanely high, well not that high, but really high if you are playing it on the console.
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Sorry for digging this game out of the rumble, but i was looking to do a run on this on a console, and was wanting to do some emulator testing while looking at some memory values. Also use the game's maps to make maps. Hopefully to my benefit to make everything work well. So I was wonder for testing, if people could tell me what they are or how to find the following values in the RAM so i can trace values. Attack: Defense: Enemy HP(?): Xpos: [to test plat fort] Ypos: [to test plat fort] This is mostly to test if Power sources and Defense sources actually work as a +2 function, if they are permanent and a few other things. Cause i swear sometimes the sword does more than a morning star, even though the sword's attack is naturally lower. Thanks.
Joined: 4/17/2009
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The morning star is a slow weapon. You might want to avoid using it.