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Very nice list. A few more things you might like to know. After playing thru this game billions of times, I have discovered that getting Fox or Ness as partners in the Mario Bros level works best. Most of the time fox will use his deflector, and ness will use his absorbtion ability. But probably THE absolute best to get out of those 2 would be Ness. If you are using savestates, be sure that either of those characters is used as your partner, thru my experience, they are the best to work with. Mario Bros is also probably the level you might have problems with the most, I certainly did.. Another level you may want to train alot on, because it may be more difficult to perfect then the others is Kirby Team. I had spent countless hours perfecting both Mario Bros and Kirby Team. All the others are relatively simple, I would say the third most difficult to do is Polygon Team, but not near as hard as the other 2. Each battle has its own quirks, random luck, and bad moments. If you were to play the game all the way thru with no savestates, it could be nearly impossible to get a perfect high score. Anyway, good luck! I'm going to be making my own video as well, see if I can top my own score. I'm not going to use a slow down feature tho, just normal speed run. EDIT: oh and just so you know, Bros Calamity is when you kill mario and luigi at the same time(double KO) I just tried it several times and bros calamity didnt come up as a bonus for killin luigi first.
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On the giant DK stage, you can get DK perfect if none of your allies are injured, I think. I can't remeber how many points you get, but it's a lot.
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kirbymuncher wrote:
On the giant DK stage, you can get DK perfect if none of your allies are injured, I think. I can't remeber how many points you get, but it's a lot.
I'm way ahead of you man. its in the video I put on filefront...Soon I will post a direct link on google.
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Hey I've already started working on my *polished* even higher score video....I've made it to polygon team so far, now I just got 2 more battles to record. Anyway, as a refined future guideline, you will have to get 1,320,331 points or more right after Race to the Finish if you want to beat my score now(the first video I have 1,241,873 at the end of Race to the Finish)...Like I said, this video will be more polished then the previous one, I beat my time in nearly every match, and even got more bonuses that I didnt get in the first video. Unless you have something extrordinary for Polygon team and masterhand, then I would suggest using the new incomplete score as a guideline...1,320,331 points right after Race to the Finish. only 2 more matches to go! I'll post the newer better scoring video as soon as i complete it!
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psychoticworm wrote:
oh and just so you know, Bros Calamity is when you kill mario and luigi at the same time(double KO) I just tried it several times and bros calamity didnt come up as a bonus for killin luigi first.
Actually, from what I remember, Brothers Calamity is where you KO Luigi, before you even damage Mario. Getting both Brothers Calamity and True Friend sure won't be easy if I'm right.
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I'm going to start fastest time run with Fox. Difficulty: Very hard or Easy?
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i prefer very hard
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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And strangely I cannot find the obsolete speed run someone previously did. ~__~
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Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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whew a lot of posts while I was gone! time to address them all :P yes Samus is a girl, my bad. but way too often I call samus a he. if she really hates that, she'll have to kill me in her sleep herself. Brothers Calamity is in fact beating Luigi first, as evidenced by the rejected run, he beat Luigi first and I checked in the bonus he got that bonus award. My initial plan for that stage is wait until they get very close together and use down+A air a lot, using Z cancelling to make them not get pushed away and of course I'll defend my friend from getting hit at all which means I attack Luigi first anyways, which works for me. There's actually two strategies for DK because Nico in his vid actually does a ledge grab to make DK spin over him and fall on his own to his death, so that can also be tested since DK loves to do that spin move. And getting both DK bonuses shouldn't be too hard with either strategy, since neither you nor nico had his teammates get hit. antd: very hard, 1 stock (because selecting 1 stock does not waste any time) we also should debate whether to fight Ness at the end or end the iniput at the final hit on Masterhand, maybe discuss that with the judges. also, post a .m64 of each stage done, so that we can see if everything is perfect. I know I'll be posting after each stage I complete. I have the .m64 of both the rejected/cancelled run if you need. It took me forever to actually find the discussion forums for the submissions in the gruefood section. I look foward to the new run.
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I actually do not use mupen64 emu..I use Project64. I have saved the vids of each match tho, and once again the emu was not slowed down. When I'm finished with this run on the PJ64 emu(I'm so close to topping my score) I will try it with mupen64.
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Mupen is best with rerecording and slowdown, and you don't need FRAPS to capture it because Mupen has the option to encode something to AVI on its own I believe. If watching .m64's is hard for some people, I can probably ask DeHackEd if he can encode the individual stages as they come out.
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mupens recording does seem extremely useful, especially since the filesizes are so much smaller. it took 20-30 GB to hold all the raw uncompressed video of all fo my matches for that first kirby video...but once combined, and compressed, it comes out to about 40mb and pretty good quality. but I will eventually try in with mupen.
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Can Brothers Calamity work the other way around by beating Mario before Luigi takes any damage?
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Nope, only works by beating Luigi first.
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here is the thread that contains the rerecording Mupen. Yes the file sizes are very small and easy to work with. so does that mean you finished the last two stages? Oh, and BoMF: you had it right all along, High Score is the way to go! :P kudos for always sticking by that opinion, I think your mention of high score and browsing through the older pages of this thread was what made me initially find psychoticworm's vid. antd: do you know what input causes certain items to drop aka pokeball, ned does varying when pressing R affect the pokemon that apears or does different buttons lead to different pokemon?
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comicalflop wrote:
antd: do you know what input causes certain items to drop aka pokeball, ned does varying when pressing R affect the pokemon that apears or does different buttons lead to different pokemon?
The way you throw the capsule/barrel/crate and then input before the item is revealed. Any input after releasing a pokeball can lead to a different pokemon. Eg, to get Meowth in my combo video, I had to throw the pokeball upwards and keep pressing the R button. Phil: "Movie is repetitive and not impressive which is too far from what this site aims for, entertaining movies." So what should I do? Since repetitiveness is frowned upon... yet is the fastest way to complete the game =/ so that must mean I can mix-up the matches and it wouldn't matter if I'm slower than the previous run, so long as it is "entertaining". Kinda destroys the meaning of fastest time. ^__^ Now that I think about it. Maybe this game just cannot be accepted by the current judges (well, Phil) x___x
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I think that, because of the easily recognizable mistake in bonus two, plus the fast that the thread of the submission itself became a HUGE debate between nico and Phil that the rejection actually was more of a personal thing, was not 100% because of the quality of the movie especially since it did get a lot of yes votes. I'm sure that, a redo of the run, that's faster, more entertaining, is flawless, has new techniques/strategies and is run by you would be accepted. plus, it could help set up for a BtT and BtP run, by using Fox first to help unlock characters. So I say still go for it; hopefully we'll get a different judge to review it, since way too many personal feelings/bias + heated arguments got in the way for the 7:09 submission.
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hehe fair enough. I've already done vs Link faster than him. But I was just messing around. I'll post an AVI of every stage to see if you like it/can be improved. I was x:56 and his time was x:55. The .m64 for that somehow broke. I'll be doing an optimised version of vs link tonight probably. Edit: no worries, im doing vs link again.
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Why do you have to select 1 stock?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Why do you have to select 1 stock?
Doesnt matter, there's no lost time ^__^. So may aswell pick it. Edit: BTW I'm using two controllers to do this... it's easier to navigate menus etc. That's ok right?
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antd wrote:
Doesnt matter, there's no lost time ^__^. So may aswell pick it.
How so? Don't you have to move over to the stock arrows to adjust it to 1 before selecting a character?
antd wrote:
Edit: BTW I'm using two controllers to do this... it's easier to navigate menus etc. That's ok right?
Would this count as one player controlling two players? :P
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Yes you have to move the hand over, but I've already pressed start to move on. The games takes time to show Fox's animation. So it wastes no time. BTW, the video is processing at GoogleVid/YouTube. It looks good+fast IMO. ComicalFlop, Everyone! Comment on the video!! ^_^ HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QgN4qb9lNg http://download.yousendit.com/DC674CC873597ECD M64: http://download.yousendit.com/0735383D5513D519 It's hard to see, but I teleport shine him at the very beginning. This saves precious frames. Also, shining off the stage should be avoided its so damn slow, so I weak drill kicked and shined his recovery instead. I will fast fall after I shine Link to death. It looks better if Fox is off the screen. This doesn't effect the time. I am controlling 1 payer with two controllers (1P and 2P). Why? Because I'm too lazy to calculate the fastest time to travel through the menus. Two controllers allow me to press start on every frame by just hitting the turbo button on alternate frames. So activate two controllers if you wanna play the .m64. Also use the TAS input plugin by Nitsuja.
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Sorry I was at class... 2 controllers? How does that help in menu navigation? I simply use my gamepad, and it selects the menu stuff fast enough as is because I think it can go beyond the N64 range anyways... when I select very hard, I go over to make it one stock, and I cannot press start to procede to Link until tenish frames after 1 stock is selected, about around frame 366. I'm pretty sure I have no problem in needing two controllers for meny navigation, see my first two posted .m64's to see, unless that speed of scrolling is not allowed I'll take a look at the vid my menu navigation was just as fast using only one controller. so using two like you did is not nescessary, since you can bring it down to 1 stock before the first possible frame when the Fox animation ends and you can start the first stage. I reallly need the .m64 to see the teleport, I did not notice it all in the youtube, but sending Link to the bottom of the spikes was very good.
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It doesn't really help with navigation. It just ensures you press start to proceed to the next screen as fast as possible. I am just using two controllers as I prefer it ^_^ Here is the Fox sliding st and m64: http://download.yousendit.com/31960996572EA950 1. Sliding Up-Smash 2. Sliding Shine Cancel 3. Sliding off the edge Sliding off the edge cancels the jump, as you can see.
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