Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance TAS by JXQ

This run satisfies the following criteria:
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck
  • Uses a restart sequence
  • Takes no damage
  • Best Ending
  • Emulator Used: VBA 1.7.2 rerecording 19.3
  • Suggested Screenshot
About the game:
In this installment of Castlevania, Juste Belmont, Simon's grandson, has to do the usual vampire hunting. Despite looking nothing like his grandfather (or, a man at all), he still wields a whip <strike>with the best of them</strike>. At least he's got his "androgynous good looks and silvery long hair". (Quoted from Kaz)
Come follow on the adventure through a castle that contains no less than eighty clashing colors in each room! Be amazed as Juste shakes his fist as the Grim Reaper escapes! Question his motives when he takes time out of his rescue mission to decorate the basement he will soon destroy! Enjoy the comic relief of Maxim, the hobbling amnesia victim with a hearty laugh! Feel the pain as Juste struggles to understand that there actually are two castles!! (Ouch my brain!)
About the run:
I first saw a partly finished run of this game by Hornqvist, and realized that this game had a lot of potential for a TAS. The way the main character moves is just asking to be ridiculously optimized. Kaz then took on the project, doing extensive route and weapons research, and he made good progress, notably improving on the previous run in technique and extensive luck manipulation to get lots of critical hits. His effort unfortunately stalled once he discovered the "whip launch" glitch by accident, which could be used at many places beforehand.
This run achieves the best ending, which collects all of dracula's remains and Maxim's bracelet.
This run takes advantage of a warping glitch that is seen sometimes when entering a new section of the map (through a swinging door). By dashing backwards after entering a new area, you can enter the doorway in the same way that you enter a normal passageway, instead of via the door animation. What's interesting is that this can sometimes take you to a different place than the door intends. The route used skips three bosses that are normally required, and three more become faster to skip than to fight.
When entering the new area for the first time (so the text appears with the name of the area), the warping glitch will not work. Due to this property, some areas are left as soon as they are entered, only to reenter and then perform a warp glitch.
Near the beginning of the run, I spent about 8 seconds taking a detour to grab the Soul Orb. This relic will display the amount of damage that is done to an enemy each time they are hit. It is technically unneeded because enemy HP can be monitored in the memory viewer. However, attacks can be manipulated to a degree to achieve critical hits, which cause twice the damage. The degree that they are manipulated is entertaining during fights against stronger enemies and bosses, and it gives a greater sense of control over the game when you can actually see the word "Critcal!!" at such a rapid rate.
Several times in this run, the game will pause and seem to start over briefly. This is actually a quicksave, followed by a soft reset, done usually after getting an item that is a bit out of the way in order to warp back to the last save point. This avoids unnecessary backtracking.
A large enemy near the middle of the run (holding a big stick with a skeleton on it) is not killed immediately because he needs to be manipulated into dropping the floating boots, which allow for several shortcuts shortly afterwards.
There are improvements to be found here and there - more toward the beginning than the end. Examples include a few spots I didn't use the downward kick where I could have, and a couple places that a whip launch would be faster than the existing method. Plus, with all the variables involved in critical hits, I'm sure that better "boss routes" could be found if enough time was spent searching for them.
Final game time is 25:42 with 78.3% exploration.
Forms of Travel:
With so many forms of travel, it can be confusing why I use what when I use it, so here are some general properties of Juste's various methods of transport.
  • Dashing
The most basic technique, this can be done from the very start in either direction (meaning, you don't have to be facing the direction you want to dash). Moves 3 pixels/frame for 12 frames, then gets slower. Dashing keeps the same horizontal speed on inclines, and it can be canceled at any time by ducking for a frame, which allows for precise timing of whips and jumps without having to sacrifice dash speed.
  • Sliding
This can be done after getting the Lizard Tail, which is in the fourth room of this run. Sliding moves at 4 pixels/frame, but has pauses between slides, bringing the average to about 3.25 pixels/frame. Sliding (usually) goes slower on inclines, and it can't be canceled either.
  • Jumping
Castlevania has long been known for it's uncontrollable, or "realistic", jumps - especially in the NES days. At the beginning of the game, Juste has the jumping skills of an elephant filled with helium. Platforms are often overjumped because after jumping for 11 frames, you can't stop the ascent. This makes the beginning of the run look sloppy, something that can't be helped.
  • Double jumping
After the first boss, Juste grabs Sylph's feather, and things go from lame to pwnsnake. Each jump still follows the 11-frame rule, but starting a new jump in mid-air can be given just the height needed without over-shooting. Climbing goes from watching a retarded kid play hopscotch to riding in a nice smooth elevator.
  • Diving kick
Juste also can do a diving kick once Sylph's Feather is obtained, making downward travel about twice as fast and approximately one hundred and seven times cooler. This dive can also go diagonally, which is faster than dashing down a slope, and can bounce off of enemies, causing damage. Often this is used as a method to pass through enemies while they are taking damage.
  • Whip Launch
The diving kick opens up a whole new bag of worms. When dive-kicking an enemy or object, whipping (or using a sub-weapon) immediately afterwards will send Juste flying backwards with rapidly increasing velocity. This is the fastest form of travel as long as the environment allows it. A form of Whip Launching can also be done without the double jump, by sliding backwards off of a ledge and using the whip or sub-weapon.
  • Super Jump
A very fast and high reaching vault which is the fastest way to move upward if the space is large enough. If the jump hits a ceiling, Juste will pause on the ceiling for a moment, and this is usually enough of a delay to make regular jumping a faster alternative for short climbs.
Thanks to...
I owe many many thanks to Kaz, who not only did all the hard stuff, including finding the optimal route, weapon combinations, and glitch discovering, but also for watching my progress closely and making sure I was doing stuff right, and offering lots of encouragement.
Also thanks go to OgreSlayeR for his important discoveries - most notably, skipping the ice fist, and whip launching off a corner - and similarly watching my progress and looking for improvements. Thanks to pirate_sephiroth and Zurreco as well for checking my progress for improvements.
Friend 1: I just castlevania-jumped into the (bleep)ing water SON OF A (bitch)
Friend 2: What a horrible night to have a curse.

JXQ: Apparently I submitted this two years ago? What the hell?
JXQ: Editing seven thousand times because some formatting looks good on the original page and some looks good on the forum, but not much seems to work for both.

Truncated: Accepted for "kickassness".

Joined: 8/13/2005
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I like mikwuyma's comment. I'd suppose that it's easier to make a hard game look easy than it is to make a bad game look good. I've played this one a lot, but that was about three years ago. Here I am, trying uselessly to remember the order and methods that are supposed to be used to play this game. Eh. I really dig how many movement types are necessary for optimal speed in this game. That variety helps keep things interesting.
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pirate yes vote
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 1/9/2005
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This was awesome, this should get a star. (edit: just read there are some possible improvements. While any movie is probably never perfect, i still think this should get a star) I also loved the floating (you know, going up and down) you did with the floating boots! Serious yes vote \o/ - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
Skilled player (1409)
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Sorry for watching it this late ;) Great movie. (On the HoD, CotM star debate: I liked the movements, and gameplay better at HoD. However, I liked the graphics and the music better at CotM... though choice.)
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I got this to run now. Surprisingly it helps if you're using the Castlevania - HoD ROM instead of the Castlevania - something else ROM. I find the sound barrage when scaling vertical platforms hilarious. *fap*fap*hah!*fap*hoo!*fap*fap*hoo!*hoo!*hyu!*fap*fap*hah!*fap*hyu!*fap*hah!*
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OK I normally don't do this but this time I just had to: Sigged.
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Hehe. I'll just pretend it wasn't on purpose. :P So I guess I'll accept this submission now then...
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I'm voting yes for total kickbuttage.
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Baxter wrote:
I liked the graphics and the music better at CotM
I prefer the graphics in HoD to CotM's tiny sprites and dull backgrounds, but CotM definitely wins in the music department. Any remix of the classic theme of Castlevania is a plus in my book.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Woah, I just noticed Juste "I'm not Alucard with a whip, honest!" Belmont looks eerily similar to David Bowie in Labyrinth.
Sir VG wrote:
Overall, the run was good but there's a couple things I need to question on later. I just can't remember them off the top of my head.
What are your questions, young grasshopper?
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So, like, this should be published soon yo!
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It's been a while since it became accepted… Is anyone up for encoding it, or should we wait another two years? ;)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Kaz wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
Overall, the run was good but there's a couple things I need to question on later. I just can't remember them off the top of my head.
What are your questions, young grasshopper?
There was something on the route that seemed odd, but I haven't gotten to watch it again to remember what it was...
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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The only thing I saw that looked wrong (but there is actually no known faster way around) is having to back track to get the lure key again instead of picking it up with the platinum tip. Oh well, it kinda sucked seeing the player forced to backtrack even if he had broken the sequence of events
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
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If you could use circular warps from the start of the game then there would be no need to kill max slimer and meet death in clock tower A.
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Truly and amazing run. Without having ever seen this game before, I was in complete awe. This will be one of my favorite TASes on the site. All those critical hits. JXQ is a sick man.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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The submission text alone is worth publishing this game. I nearly busted a gut laughing! (but I'll watch the real movie soon...)
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You'd appreciate it even more if you knew how much sequence breaking is going on. ;) The little stunt at the first door to grab the lizard tail saves about 4 minutes and a boss fight. The area with the platinum tip and hint card that enables crouch warping is supposed to only be accessible after defeating death (way later). You are most definitely not supposed to have the crush stone before meeting death in the clock tower. The death kidnapping Lydie sequence is entirely skipped. Going the BACK way into skeleton cave A to grab the floodgate key skips a boring and normally necessary 5 minute of Sokoban crate pushing. Collecting the MK bracelet is supposed to be a necessity to progress past the first ~1/3 of the game, not something you grab at the end almost as an afterthought. Not a single crate was pushed or even seen in this run!
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You have me to thank for that! If I wasn't here you lowly mortals would be getting the Ice Book and pushing crates.
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JXQ wrote:
Any remix of the classic theme of Castlevania is a plus in my book.
Hell yeah, shoutout to Goat (Scourge of 1691, pure love!) and S.S.H. (Travel Demon!) \m/ Anyway, reaaally looking forward to watching this. The submission text and comments so far did help.
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Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [728] GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance by JXQ in 30:43.92
Experienced player (760)
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Hooray for publishing! Sweet, after one person rated the movie, it's the second lowest on the site! \o/ for the rating system!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 6/25/2005
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the description links to a "second quest" run.. as if that thing with the two castles and whatnot wasn't confusing enough already, now there's a third zelda castle somewhere in here? with less sarcasm: IMHO a link to the "second character" run or just "game completed as maxim" fits better. also, a honest wheee! to jxq for another published run.
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JXQ wrote:
Sweet, after one person rated the movie, it's the second lowest on the site! \o/ for the rating system!
You can thank me for that ;) I gave you a lot of points for technical accuracy, but I didn't care for the run much otherwise, something about the Castlevania seris on Gameboy Advance just annoys me. Perhaps it's the seemingly mindless wander through room after room hitting a bad guy here or there. And lets face it, there were no 2400" televisions anywhere to be found, and you didn't kill Ridley in this game. And seriously, that pirate guy who posts on one of these forum things beat the game in under 1/60 the time, you really should have gotten the speed booster.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Nach wrote:
And lets face it, there were no 2400" televisions anywhere to be found, and you didn't kill Ridley in this game.
There are cooler bosses out there than Ridley :P But you are right about the exclusion of giant TVs. Frown.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)