Joined: 4/29/2005
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I don't think there will be a good functioning DS Emulator for quite a while unfortunately. And it will probably be even longer before we get one with Controller Support(I hate using the Keyboard to play games.). I guess all we can do is sit, and wait impatiently.
Player (246)
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DS emulator sucks, how can you use the touch screen + a controller? the mouse is way too far from whatever you choose for a D-pad
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Well, I mainly want a DS Emulator for Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, and Super Mario 64 DS, and The New Super Mario Brothers. Oh. And that new Spyro RPG type game. Anyway. I'm too poor to get a real DS, for now. Anyway, using a controller and touch pad on the DS Emulator won't be much more awkward than using an actual DS if you think about it.
Joined: 3/22/2006
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I'd really like to see like a sub-27' (at least) TAS for New Super Mario Bros when the technology allows for such a run one day. An SDA user who goes by "chronorox" got 29'20" with one death and some screw-ups. I'm pretty sure at least two whole minutes could be shaved off with consistent usage of the blue shell, perfectly optimized jumps on every level, and luck manipulation for the desired powerups...
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Actually, your top running speed is faster than the shell-spin ;)
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Yes, I'm aware of that--but since the blue shell allows you to destroy all enemies in your path, using it actually saves more time in the long run. chronorox from SDA recently released a 23'55" run. It's very solid, and is definitely worth watching: Part 1 - Worlds 1 and 5 Part 2 - World 8 to 8-6 Part 3 - World 8-6 to End
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Ah so that's how. I was wondering how they'd record that. I've been searching for some kind of interface (how do they do it on television shows?) for the DS to a computer, but none seem available. A proper DS emu is a matter of time. It will be hard to play normal with a mouse and a keyboard though... And I'll be you'll see them coming with pen support :) I have a feeling it's still gonna take quite some time before some steady recording emu's will be available though.
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Pff, that's not even a full game run. Not really all that impressive either. The first Speed Run for a game should be a FULL game run. I didn't watch much of the run, wasn't a whole lot of fun since it skipped most of the game, plus I myself have never played it. I really hope a working DS Emulator appears soon..With Controller Support of course. ;3
Joined: 3/22/2006
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I didn't watch much of the run, wasn't a whole lot of fun since it skipped most of the game, plus I myself have never played it.
There you go. You can't really judge a run without having played the game yourself. What chronorox did in his UNASSISTED SINGLE-SEGMENT run, in my personal opinion, is much more difficult than it looks--if you think you can do better, I'd really like to see it. (The run was split into three parts due to Youtube's length limitations for non-director accounts, but was recorded in a single segment.) As short as his run may seem, there are a full 20 levels in the minimalist route, in comparison to eight in the original SMB. I'd like to see a 100% run as well, but the minimalist run will inevitably be done first, just because it's easier to plan. :)
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If you know the difficulty of some of the World-8 levels (especially W8-8), you'll see why that run was amazing. I tried to do the same thing (but with saves, hehe), couldn't get close.
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Well. I watched the whole run. Still not really all that impressive... I am still curious as to the progress of DS Emulators though. ot easy waiting for a working one to be made. ;3
Experienced player (613)
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Have you ever played the New Super Mario Bros. ? It is quite difficult compared to the other ones with its speedy movements and how quick Mario gets to high speed. It can be very nerve racking.
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If you had read up higher than my last post, you would know I haven't played it yet. It's not like I can afford to run out and blow $100 on a Nintendo DS and the Game. I have to wait for a fully functional emulator. But even so. The Speed Run is not that impressive.
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You're going to have to wait a long time then, and yes, it is an impressive run whether or not you appreciate it. No, it is not perfect and it could be improved, but it's still very good. Honestly, though, a DS is sooo worth it. I got a DS lite, and I'm loving it. Kirby Canvas Curse (or Kirby Power Paintbrush if you live in Europe) is awesome. Mario Kart DS is awesome, though you could theoretically give it a miss. New Super Mario Bros. is very good, although it doesn't last very long (I easily collected all giant coins and then kinda lost interest and started to play other games instead). Yay... ! Also, I never got a GBA, so I have an entire library of old games I haven't played, ready for my DS. Exciting times for me, indeed.
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Blublu wrote:
You're going to have to wait a long time then, and yes, it is an impressive run whether or not you appreciate it. No, it is not perfect and it could be improved, but it's still very good. Honestly, though, a DS is sooo worth it. I got a DS lite, and I'm loving it. Kirby Canvas Curse (or Kirby Power Paintbrush if you live in Europe) is awesome. Mario Kart DS is awesome, though you could theoretically give it a miss. New Super Mario Bros. is very good, although it doesn't last very long (I easily collected all giant coins and then kinda lost interest and started to play other games instead). Yay... ! Also, I never got a GBA, so I have an entire library of old games I haven't played, ready for my DS. Exciting times for me, indeed.
quoted for truth, cause its the exact same for me on all counts, except i got a blue ds.
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I gave that emulator a shot yesterday. The version that has savestates and somewhat customizable controls is as dodgy as hell, it crashes if you press like 3 buttons at once. I then proceeded to download v 0.4.0, which is far more stable yet doesn't have savestate/somewhat custom control configuration. Although it still emulates slowly, and not entirely correctly (Rockman ZX was the game I used as a test), it's definitely a step forward when it comes to DS emulation, far better than iDeaS since it doesn't use lame plugins. Also quite nice that the emulator has a memory viewer among other things that could be used for TAS purposes once it gets refined a little.
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Well, it has been a month since I last posted. So I have to ask the same question as any other time. ;3 Has there been and real progress on a function DS Emulator as of yet? :3 I am starting to save up $10 a week, it is all I can manage since I don't have a job. However, buying a DS is not on my immediate List of things to buy. At the very top is the new Wii System and games for it. ;3 I heard the games are only going to be $50 like the gamecube Games. ;3 Well, that's all from me for now. :3
Active player (312)
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No$gba got a little better. No 3d, no sram, no sound... but runs a few commercial games. At least it has controller support...
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Active player (328)
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If DS emulation is so hard to pull off, I hope we get DSF music rips first. ;)
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I have killed few monsters in Dawn of Sorrow on NDeSmuMe... I did not see them though, only health bar was displayed on bottom screen. ingame menu, stats and maps worked nice, start menu did not display at all (
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I'm just checking to see if there has been any progress toward a good DS Emulator. ;3
Joined: 1/21/2006
Posts: 117
Using the latest No$gba, I was able to get the first star of BoB in Super Mario 64 DS. The top screen was rendered upside down for 3D graphics, the sky didn't display, and some polygons weren't rendered. But even if it became a good NDS emulator, it won't ever be considered for this site unless the author stops being a greedy ass and releases the emulator and source code under a sane license.
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MikeRS wrote:
it won't ever be considered for this site unless the author stops being a greedy ass and releases the emulator and source code under a sane license.
Are you saying that no one should make money off of software? The author has put a lot of time into documenting the hardware, emulating it, and writing development tools.
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MikeRS, why don't you send him a hundred bucks and ask him to add rerecording to the emu?
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Posts: 117
No, he has a "MINE MINE MINE" complex that's rather annoying. Hell, I'd give him money just so he can release the source code under _at least_ the GPL, so long as I have money to waste on such efforts. (Besides, we've already got VisualBoy; and being that the NDS is pretty similar to the GBA, anyone daring could try to extend that).