Glitchless Zelda II, Improved by exactly 45 seconds.
Bullet Shit
ROM USED: Zelda II- The Adventure of Link (U).nes
EMULATOR: FCEU 0.98.15, Allow Up+Down, Left+Right, whatever the settings are in the movie file anyway. Though the file IS FMV, replay it in FCEU. If the emulator wont accept it try sticking NESmock in the same folder as the movie file. Then, it will work.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes no damage
  • Uses a Game Restart Sequence
  • Abuses some programming errors
  • Manipulates Luck
JacK and Inz made this movie because Zelda 2 is totally sweet.
  • Whirlwind Attack- By alternating between left and right every other frame, Link can connect up to three times with a single sword attack.
  • Jackhammer Attack- Alternating down every other frame allows Link to damage enemies up to 30 times a second with downstabbing. Only used on bosses in this run, as holding for two frames instead of one allows Link to keep his momentum.
  • Whirlwind bounce- After acquiring downstab, holding down for the last one or two frames of a whirlwind attack can allow Link to bounce from a normal sword attack. This is used a bit of everywhere, to keep momentum, and to stay airborne longer against bosses, allowing crazier combos to kill them very fast
  • A+B Jump- Used on Magicians or re-entering rooms to kill Link's forward momentum instantly, allowing much faster turn-arounds.
  • Multiple Elevator Bouncing- Whirlwinding twice on an elevator allows Link to be a few pixels ahead when dismounting an elevator downwards, saving 3 or 4 frames each use.
No time is actually saved until the Hammer Cave in Death Mountain. 26 frames were saved here overall, most on the room below the elevator, from MEB, and killing the red daira more optimally.
Palace Two is 59 frames faster up to the boss. Apart from MEB, time was mainly saved from getting the 50 point bag from a different enemy (20 frames), and optimizing the red jar drop (15 frames). A slightly modified strategy is used for Helmethead, saving a little over a second.
Palace one gets a red jar drop instead of a p-bag and declines a magic levelup. This saves 27 frames from having to decline one less life level throughout the run. Horsehead is killed 8 frames faster due to a different strategy.
The 1st Magic Container can be gotten a frame faster with the fairie spell.
Because the levels Link gains was shifted around a little bit, to save time overall, palace 3 was difficult to compare to the published run. A lot of the frame counts didn't make sense to me as I was playing.The level was improved mostly with the elevator quirk. However, there were also small optimizations throughout the level, the key grab for example. The boss was 25 frames faster thanks to a slight change in strategy.
From the end of palace three to the end of palace four, a major route change was made saving very near 35 seconds. By not restarting after 3, having two extra enemies killed can rig a red jar drop in palace four, eliminating that side room (6 seconds). The lack of a restart loses 314 frames getting to the dock but this and much more is gained back from the new strategy for palace four.
The overworld around the town with Reflect went amazingly smoothly, and almost all time lost walking through the graveyard from palace 3 was gained back here.
Instead of going for the boots first, killing Carock first then re-entering for the boots, and restarting there, skips 8 rooms of walking and saves over 67 seconds of play. Much of this is lost from a longer walk to palace five, the net gain, as said before, was 35 seconds.
60 frames are saved in palace 5. 10 frames are saved from using the downstab trick to get a red jar. The rest is all from elevators and other minor optimizations.A slightly different strategy was used for Gooma, saving 11 frames. The overworld after palace five went much smoother in this run, about 34 frames were saved.
A small amount of time was saved in palace six in both hole rooms. The first one looks odd, but I assure you it is optimal. The IronKnuckle miniboss is killed faster with a different strategy, instead of using one long combo to kill him, each hit is instead delivered as soon as possible, making for a somewhat sloppier looking fight but much faster win. Barba is killed with a combination of bouncing on his head, and two whirlwind bounces, saving 7 frames over the previous run.
Walking through the overworld to palace 7 was pretty awful. 58 frames were lost verses the published run. This is the one area of the game where things went worse than expected. Unfortunately, the overworld is time-sensitive. Luck manipulation can take a while as a result.
Time is saved in the great palace in the first breakable brick room by casting Reflect, about twenty frames. All three falls are optimized, and while the third looks rather sketchy, it's 3 frames faster than simply falling through the collapseable block above the small hole. The Dragonhead room, where Jump must be cast, is 23 frames faster than before from turning the enemy around in the optimal swooping path sooner.
Both bosses are a few frames faster, Thunderbird from starting the combo sooner than the last run, and Shadow Link from ending the input as soon as possible.
Suggested Description and Screenshots
"Nobody Cares about Zelda 2 except weirdos. Go watch Mario 3."
NOTE: The file is FMV format because the site wouldn't accept it as FCM. It works just as fine either way.

adelikat: Accepting as improvemet to an existing run. Encoders who are too lazy to get the .fmv to play can use the .fcm that JXQ posted in the discussion thread.
Bisqwit: Submission file replaced with the one linked by JXQ.
Bisqwit: Processing...

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Do I miss something why this is #130 ?
Player (168)
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No, the submission number is right. Inz and I just travelled back in time to rig some other things in our favour, and happened to submit this then. Also, sorry for so many edits. Well, not really.
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Bp_ wrote:
Do I miss something why this is #130 ?
They're keeping #1337 for themselves! Easy yes vote. It could have used a bit less Fairy and a bit more downstab, but that's just me.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Post subject: getitfordacube
Joined: 3/19/2005
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heyu i tried watching it but i didn't have zelda too but i had totally rad and lemme tell you... HE WAS TOTALLY RAD, BUT HE KEPT CIRCLING AND STUFF and ilm like SLOW DOWN DOODS oh god it was horrifying Next time i'll just get Zeldar to be in his own game The game that integrates 2d and 3d environments! Oh I remember this game was nothing without hte useless PIMPDADDY LINK hack... the hack that the creator was insane for... the best part was that he became a pimpdaddy... I think this was one of the first of its kind... integrating both 2d and 3d... I'm sure Contra 3 teh ALIEN WARZ was bettar but i meranm, that was for a braaand new system and stuff so it's all cool, Pimpdaddy Link got second place but he's still a winner, and i'd still shake his hand, that is if he doesn't HIT ME WITH A CANE in the process
HWIOHIIOWHIOHIDH HEBlkbnrkashpoirhjpakirhkl;23332232322
Editor, Player (69)
Joined: 6/22/2005
Posts: 1049
I voted yes. Very nice movie, especially how you guys just obliterated the enemies. I also liked those creative technique names.
Bp_ wrote:
Do I miss something why this is #130 ?
NesVideoAgent was overwhelmed by the combo of cool improvements and the true submission number, 1337.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
Joined: 11/5/2006
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Cool run. If I could, I would have voted YES, so it'll have to do with a virtual YES vote.
Experienced player (613)
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Truely the best. I enjoyed this run more than the last one because of the little things along the way and being able to improve it by 45 seconds, very impressive guys. Definite Yes.
Player (52)
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That was pretty cool to watch. I think this is one of those movies that the legit console runners don't like to watch: everything's so damned perfect. One of the frustrating things about speedrunning Zelda II is that strategies are decided based on red potion and p-bag drops, and if you don't get them, you might be screwed. In that sense, this was both satisfying and annoying to watch (I never watched the currently published run because of this). One question, and one comment: -Is it really faster to not use up+a after the third palace? -Ooh, you used my route through palace four! How exciting! [beat Carock, re-enter and get Boots, up+a] I was very proud of myself for figuring that out.
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tmont wrote:
-Is it really faster to not use up+a after the third palace? -Ooh, you used my route through palace four! How exciting! [beat Carock, re-enter and get Boots, up+a] I was very proud of myself for figuring that out.
-It is slower to walk from palace 3 to the dock vs using up&a and walking from the start. But, not only does it set up the red jar drop by not using up&a for palace 4, it makes the overworld around the town to skip the 'forced' squares a lot more manageable. May not be applicable for a speedrun. If I recall correctly, my partner tested that route through palace 4 without using up&a. I also remember him telling me he tried out other ways of adjusting the drop. He'll have to come by and verify later. edit: though... maybe going right at the start of palace 4 to kill the 2 stalfos to make up the kills for the 6 count would have been faster? I'll check that out tomorrow. -It's a good route indeed. I can at least verify that it's faster to do the boss, the boots, then up&a, even though the walk to palace 5 is longer. But not my idea, I'm not the idea man apparently.
Active player (436)
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Sneaky bastards! When the hell did you two start working on this? :D Often, when two people join forces it results in a much greater run so congratulations on beating the former run by 45 seconds. Voted Yes.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 5/2/2006
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Good improvement on a good movie. No question yes vote.
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Inzult wrote:
edit: though... maybe going right at the start of palace 4 to kill the 2 stalfos to make up the kills for the 6 count would have been faster? I'll check that out tomorrow.
This seemed like a simple solution, but still wound up being 15+ seconds slower. So for now, I'll say yes. Not using up&a at the end of palace 3 really is faster.
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A quick look at my numbers file says its only a loss of 321 frames to not Up+A at palace 3. But, you'd be one large enemy short of rigging the 6 count. I tested a random encounter to kill the extra one needed, but it took too long (483 frames). So this really is the fastest way, for that portion of the route, guaranteed.
Player (52)
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That makes sense. I didn't think it would be faster, but I forgot about rigging the six count and stuff. On a console, you'd never hike back from Palace 3 to the dock even if it was faster, because you don't want to risk a random encounter in the graveyard, which was the reason for my dubiousness.
Skilled player (1409)
Joined: 5/31/2004
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Nice run, it looked pretty stylish :). I liked the boss battles best.
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I just paused watching this run to ask a question. I'm not sure which palace you are in since I don't know the game that well, but the palace is green, you have sword 6, magic 7, and 1222/5000 xp. You just took an elevator down and turned into a fairy on the way down, and you are about to pick up the flute in the next room. Was it an error that you did not do your usual double stab the elevator shaft optimization? I can't think of any reason you wouldn't do it just because you were turning into a fairy in a sec. (Argh, you did it again at the start of the magenta palace!) And another question, why do you bring up the spell selection screen so many times without actually switching spells? The only thing I can think of is the game switches you to a cheaper spell if you no longer have the MP to cast the currently selected one, and you really are switching back to Fairy all the time, it's just so fast I can't see it. But I'm really stretching here, I can't believe the game would do that to you.
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I think you might be confused with the level up menu xebra. Not sure that is what you ment, but when you level up, he has to deal with that menu long wnough to cancle it.
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xebra wrote:
I just paused watching this run to ask a question. I'm not sure which palace you are in since I don't know the game that well, but the palace is green, you have sword 6, magic 7, and 1222/5000 xp. You just took an elevator down and turned into a fairy on the way down, and you are about to pick up the flute in the next room. Was it an error that you did not do your usual double stab the elevator shaft optimization?
When you're a fairy (ha ha!) you can move left and right at will on the elevators. I think it has something to do with how you can't duck when you're a fairy (ha ha!), so holding down has no effect on your movement.
And another question, why do you bring up the spell selection screen so many times without actually switching spells?
You can only cast the spell once after you select it. To cast it again you have to access the spell screen again.
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tmont speaks the truth in both cases. As coauthor of the TAS, though, I'm posting anyway in case it helps legitimize the answer. Yeah, fairy moves freely on the elevator, and Link does not. So Link has to use his sword to bounce, whereas fairy can move to cover that distance. And unfortunately, you do have to call up the menu screen every time you want to cast a spell, even if it's the same spell.
Experienced player (760)
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This FCM doesn't start from reset, which is why the site probably rejected it. I've had this problem several times, FCM being the retarded child that it is. I threw in a reset at the beginning and it synced through, so this fcm should be accepted by the site, if I did things right. This movie was entertaining at 6400% speed.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
I threw in a reset at the beginning and it synced through, so this fcm should be accepted by the site, if I did things right.
Thanks, JXQ, you're a star, pink though your avatar may be. I'll watch it just to be safe when I get home, and go from there.
Player (168)
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Movie publish so slow is make my balls ache.
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Me and my homey just parked our slab outside
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [781] NES Zelda II: The Adventure of Link "warpless" by Rising Tempest & Inzult in 48:14.98