Post subject: Mortal Kombat Trilogy
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With the submission of UMK3 for SNES, conversation for this game sparked and I think it would be a great idea. Better graphics, better (emulated) sound, and a closer rendition to the arcade. With this, you'd probably be able to do more combos from the arcade, though I can't say this with certainty. Anyways, this topic is mainly towards Dark Fulgore, though if anyone else would like to try it, or contribute, that'd be great. Anyway, I just messed around with it to see how well it was emulated. With Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6, it worked fine, but lagged a bit upon Shao Kahn's death. It doesn't work very well at all with glN64. I haven't tried any other plug-in, though.
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Check this video and this one. They were done on the n64 version. The question is were they done 1.0 or 1.02? I'm also wondering can Shang Tsung morph into Smoke, Rain, Ermac etc in MKT? I remember he could; I could be wrong though. Anyway lets discuss what Combos, Fatalities etc we want to see so we can have a perfect MK TAS.
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I checked several FAQs and GameFAQs, and according to them, Shang Tsung CAN morph into human Smoke, Ermac, Noob and Rain! This is excellent news! I can try to contact the darktemplarz to figure out what version was used. I'll post when I know something.
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An interesting thing to keep in mind about the N64 version is that the hidden characters and bosses can perform fatalities (Kahn, Motaro, Noob Saibot...) Not sure if this means you can pull fatalities ON them, I'm not too familiar with MKT, but it's something to keep in mind. Also, the N64 version doesn't have the "classic" versions of Kano, Jax and Kung Lao, but that can be ignored.
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Well atleast you can morph into like ermac and such and they have fatalities in this version. Cyrax's destroy the earth fatality is also mandatory for this run.
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It doesn't matter if Kahn and Motaro can do fatalities, Tsung can't morph into them, and you can't fatality them still. The classic characters aren't a big deal, it's not like you could do much with them anyway, combo-wise. I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I never played the 64 version of this before now. I had the PS1 version though. Who are the two hidden characters on the menu? Also, I noticed unmasked Sub-Zero is missing. WTF? He ruled. Are there any other missing characters?
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OgreSlayeR wrote:
Well atleast you can morph into like ermac and such and they have fatalities in this version. Cyrax's destroy the earth fatality is also mandatory for this run.
I thought that was Smoke's (robot) fatality.
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Could be, it's been awhile since I've played. On the note of Fatalities, Liu Kang's arcade fatality should be used also. I'm pretty sure it's in MKT.
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shallow wrote:
I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I never played the 64 version of this before now. I had the PS1 version though. Who are the two hidden characters on the menu? Also, I noticed unmasked Sub-Zero is missing. WTF? He ruled. Are there any other missing characters?
Subzero and his Unmasked version were "merged" for the N64. The only other characters missing from the N64 version are MK1 Kano, MK1 Raiden, MK2 Kung Lao and MK2 Jax.
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I will check these videos...I don't have the MKT... =\ I will download and do some tests...
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Worked better with the Jabo's 1.6 here... and...should play in very hard ? I'm downloading 5 N64 MKT combo movies.... Any ideas of the fatalities to be used in this run? OgreSlayeR wants Liu Kang's ARCADE fatality (this is very nice !!)...and the Robot Smoke World Explosion... EDIT: I used the ground eruption move and while the enemy in the air I can't morph...why this? How I start a juggle and morph?
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I also tried both versions of the game and couldn't morph while the enemy was juggling. This could be the number one thing that could kill this run. I'm going to do more testing to see if there's something else that could be done instead.
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I believe these combo videos are for the psx version. There is no 'aggressor' bar. Edit: I just saw Khamelion, so I'm wrong.
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Yea, that's right. Also, you can easily turn on and off Aggresor mode in both versions. Anyways, after more testing, I just couldn't think of a way to get around that whole 'not morphing while juggling' thing. But I looked at the videos and it would appear that you can still morph if the enemy is incapacitated. For example, use Scopion's/Smoke's spear just in time for you to morph back, then morph into another person to continue on the combo. Of course, they were able to do it in the video, but I would imagine it would take very quick hands. That should be no problem for a TAS run. Just thought I'd point that out to get around using Tsung's fireballs as an opportunity to morph and combo. Other moves I can think of that incapacitate are Sindel's scream, Rain's fireball (I wonder if you could move the enemy WHILE morphing?), Kabal's tornado, Cyrax's net and Ermac's Telekinesis, though I suggest testing with this move. Also, for Cyrax's net, I don't think that you'll morph back to Tsung, even if morph time is up, until Cyrax's net is gone, so that might not be an option. So for example, you could do some combo with (human) Smoke (he can do some crazy things with his teleport/spear/knockup combo in different orders), then time it so that you morph back to Tsung after the spear has pulled the enemy, morph into another person (preferably with a knockup combo) and continue. It would look good. But don't be so set on focusing on doing combos that do insane amount of damage/hits, because it's not possible to do those all the time. EDIT: I forgot to mention finishers to use. I WOULD have suggested Nightwolf's bizarre friendship, but for some stupid reason or another, they changed it to him juggling axes. I think we should put in Raiden's friendship as an homage to the MK2 speedrun. I also like Cyrax's suicide fatality. I also forgot to mention that you should have the last input be the selection of the Supreme Demonstration. I think it'd be a good way to finish the movie, albeit a bit long. There is also a little code you can put in after the demonstration is over, but it's not worth waiting for it to be over just to put in a code. As far as I can tell, it only tells you secrets of the game, like level select or something. Not quite sure, someone might want to confirm it.
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If I morph the time I need to wait to morph into another character is too long...If I morph into Rain for example I kill the enemy fast...
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I don't think it'll always be like that. I mean, look at your UMK3 run. On several fights, you morphed into two people. I don't think it'll be a problem.
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I can do only 2 special moves in a combo...It's a problem !!! I tried do a 2 teleport in a combo with Human Smoke... and later I can't do the spear... I a video the guy can do this...
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What version are you using? Maybe try another?
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Well, did you try to do *exactly* like he did?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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He's right. I tried (in both versions, with human Smoke) pop-up combo, jump kick, *teleport punch*, *spear*, pop-up combo, jump kick...and when trying a teleport punch...nothing. It really seems that the game will not allow you to use more than two specials (indicated in asterisks) in one combo. How, then, did the darktemplarz do it in that second video? Pop up combo, *teleport punch*, roundhouse, *teleport punch*, high punch, *spear*, pop-up, jump kick, throw? Go back to 1:23 of the second vid and you'll see what I'm talking about. I don't understand it. I tried to do the SAME EXACT THING, and wasn't able to do the spear after the second teleport punch. *sigh* -_- I'm not even the one doing the speedrun, and yet I'm getting discouraged.
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Must been some trick to it I guess. Maybe can contact one of them?
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The first punch didn't connect.
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When I mimicked the combo, my first telepunch didn't connect either. The results are the same. I've sent a message to Shock. When I get a message, I'll let you all know. EDIT: Ok, so I just received a message from one of the members of darktemplarz (Shock) and he informed me that he was not actually the one who did those MKT vids, but he did know that many of the combos they show are actually....get ready for this, TAS'd! I know it probably doesn't come as a surprise to most of you, and shouldn't to me, but I never knew! Anyways, I asked him if he would ask the members who DID make the video my questions to see how he was able to do three specials in one combo, and what version he was using. Will post when more information is given.
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maybe something in options? Like turning off Agressor or something like this?
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Good work shallow...maybe Shock or another member of darktemplarz can help us...I think Selpex and Ded_ are the author of the MKT videos...check here... Maybe you can contact them in this site...