Surprise! It's a new Rockman TAS time. This movie is 10.2667 seconds faster than the published movie. How did this happen? I won't spoil you. Watch the movie. You'll definitely know it when you see (and hear!) it. Hint: Wily2.


  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck (for refills and for random involuntary movements)
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Utilizes a robot player (refills, Wily3 boss, Wily4 boss, death, seizures)
  • Utilizes frame counter, frame advance, RAM watch, subpixel positions etc.


AngerFist, Morimoto, Vatchern, Hanzou, Blechy, 4matsy, Feitclub, Truncated, Spider-Waffle, Boco and others.

Bisqwit's comments

You will never know when a TAS is "final". Especially not with this game. I don't honestly expect Rockman 1 ever to be completed in less than 10 minutes, but with these advances, you can never be 100% certain of the final limit.
Naturally, the page Rockman Tricks, which has the purpose of explaining every trick and glitch known in NES Rockman games, is becoming rather outdated. It does contain the foundation of Rockman glitching, but the applications surprise us, and are hard to describe.
The first six stages of this movie are identical to the previous movie. The first changed stage is Wily 1 (collected 1 refill less there).
In this submission, I list finalfighter as a co-author, because he is basically the architect of this submission. His contribution in this movie outweighs anyone else's, only equal to perhaps mine. The movie retains certain portions played by AngerFist (described in the previous submission), and I thank him for that.
Ps: I'm finally ready to state that this game has been broken.

FinalFighter's comments

This newly discovered technique is very interesting, especially in that it makes it possible to cross walls in various places.
Because it also causes the game sound to shift, people who are interested of glitches should definitely try it.
This technique was found two years ago, but because Megaman died when the technique was used, it was judged unusable by me, Bisqwit and Morimoto.
It was very fortunate that an insight struck me to try the technique once more before throwing it completely away, for it enabled yet another kind of Megaman 1 TAS to exist.
Many people ask me how to discover new techniques.
  • Continuously use slow playing speed.
  • Test known techniques, and remember them.
  • Love the software.
These things are vital in my opinion.
I am thankful to people who make the TAS-movies when I find new techniques, despite the tough work involved in it.
Thanks to Bisqwit for creating the computer program for optimizing this new idea. Your programming ability amazes me once again.
PS: Please enjoy this new TAS!
(FF's comments translated by Bisqwit)

Truncated: Accepting as an improvement to the previous Mega Man movie.

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Edit: I'm gonna go with Anubis on this one...
Soft Blue Dragon
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Ugh, pretend like I never said whatcha (what did you) - way offtopic...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Also, an entirely no-glitch movie would somewhat be contradictory to the goals of this site.
Then how about prohibiting only zipping glitch?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Donamer: It can go either way. The beauty of slang is that you can't use it incorrectly. Smell me?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Awesome game-breaking once again. Poor game is totally beyond recognition. :) Anyway, a clear yes vote, since I enjoy seeing massive glitching.
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moozooh wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Also, an entirely no-glitch movie would somewhat be contradictory to the goals of this site.
Then how about prohibiting only zipping glitch?
That would work... together with pause+>damage trick prohibition, I guess? Or does someone not want to watch a three-minute long Wily1 boss fight? :)
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I'm ok with pause+damage.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (89)
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I think anything that contradicts what a normal mega man player would have done back when the game was made should be avoided. Pausing to cause extra damage to bosses is a trick that was unintended by the developers and most players would not have ever figured it out on their own. Since one can argue there is a difference between a glitch and a trick, it should be a run that does not use anything resembling a trick or a glitch. I would define a non-glitch run as playing the game like someone new to the game with no knowledge of any glitch or game shortening trick. Just picking the best boss/stage order would suffice, and playing with extreme precision. Even though long boss fights can be boring, it was the intent of the developers to be so.
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I'm thinking more along the lines "tool-assisted but only using tricks that are actually possible on console".
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Bisqwit wrote:
moozooh wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Also, an entirely no-glitch movie would somewhat be contradictory to the goals of this site.
Then how about prohibiting only zipping glitch?
That would work... together with pause+>damage trick prohibition, I guess? Or does someone not want to watch a three-minute long Wily1 boss fight? :)
I am started already on working on this. Even though, Bisqwit you have more experience than me with TASing megaman1, I hope you will improve my attempt by alot. I am using no glitches period. EDIT: also, great discovery in wily2. i loved it.
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nice destroying glitch and run.. gratz :)
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Wow, what a day for the workbench! I haven't understood this game since four versions ago, so commenting now would be futile. I'll simply congratulate you on continuing to squeeze blood out of this turnip! Also I think it's cool that Finalfighter was given co-author.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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This is a wonderful addition to what I thought was an already wonderful Rockman run. I like how more and more messed up these rockman runs become. I don't mind the glitches because, to me at least, I think the idea behind finalfighter/bisqwit Rockman runs shifted sometime ago from "how perfect of a run can we make this" to "how fast can we make this while screwing with the game" (At least that's how I've viewed it as over the past year or two), and I think it's gotten to the point that people know what they're in for when they watch a Rockman run.
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Oh by the way, here are three AVI clips I made while creating this movie. They are from a WIP, not from this movie. (1.4 MB) -- a more beautiful sounding version of the music glitch in Wily2. Includes severe errors in the Clone robot fight. (44 kB) -- killing a water robot unit via horizontal wrapping. (205 kB) -- discovery of the infinite ad-hoc-gutsblock technique. [Edit: updated links]
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No. Reasons why already well documented.
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This is fantastic! Completes the game in record time while severely wrecking it's inner workings. Consider this a yes vote!
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NecroVMX wrote:
No. Reasons why already well documented.
Voting no is kind of pointless here. We already know what your opinion is, so protesting once again (in the form of a "no" vote) is completely pointless. Your vote won't affect the final publication decision, so it's pointless. Besides, with a "no" you are saying that the previous run was better than this one, and that you want the previous run to be kept and this one discarded. I don't think that's what you are trying to say. This vote is related to comparing this run to the previous publication, not some wish run of yours. So not only is it pointless, your vote even tells the wrong thing. I assume that you *don't care* which one of the two runs, the previous one or this one, is published, because in your opinion both are equally bad. In that case either not voting or a "meh" vote would have been correct, instead of a pointless attempt at a protest.
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Warp wrote:
Voting no is kind of pointless here. We already know what your opinion is, so protesting once again (in the form of a "no" vote) is completely pointless. Your vote won't affect the final publication decision, so it's pointless.
Yeah man, your opinion totally doesn't matter, apparently. Why vote against the machine when you know you can't win?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Warp: Voting no on this submission is pointless in the same way that voting yes on this submission is pointless, in the same way that posting about why someone shouldn't have voted how they did is fifty times more pointless. Additionally, voting no means you did not like watching this movie, not that you liked the previous submission better. I know this because the question above the voting selection reads "Did you like watching this movie?". LET IT GO.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Zurreco wrote:
Yeah man, your opinion totally doesn't matter, apparently. Why vote against the machine when you know you can't win?
He didn't vote "no" to express his opinion that this run is worse than the previous run, which is the goal of the voting. Would he be happier if this run was not published and the previous kept? Of course not. That's not his goal with his "no" vote (although it would be the result if "no" votes would win). He voted "no" as a stupid protest (about something we already know). It's a kind of minor sabotage. It's stupid and doesn't make sense. In other words, he misused the voting mechanism to express a protest and perform a kind of sabotage, ignoring the purpose of the voting. That's not civil.
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Warp wrote:
he misused the voting mechanism to express a protest and perform a kind of sabotage, ignoring the purpose of the voting
Workbench wrote:
Vote: Did you like watching this movie?
Not the Workbench wrote:
Should this movie be accepted, published, and considered indicative of what this site stands for?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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JXQ wrote:
Warp: Voting no on this submission is pointless in the same way that voting yes on this submission is pointless, in the same way that posting about why someone shouldn't have voted how they did is fifty times more pointless. Additionally, voting no means you did not like watching this movie, not that you liked the previous submission better. I know this because the question above the voting selection reads "Did you like watching this movie?".
I wouldn't even be surprised if he didn't watch the movie at all, but just abused the voting mechanism to make a protest.
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How is he abusing the voting system? He answered the question of the poll, what more can you ask for? Don't assume that he didn't watch it, because that you look bad. Necro is free to give his opinion on the run, and the only counterproductivity here is you being dismissive to his beliefs. Did he like the submission? No. Does he want it published? No. Does his opinion in this matter still count? Yes.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Zurreco wrote:
Nice nitpicking. Instead of even trying to understand what I'm saying, you start nitpicking on the wording of sentences.
Not the Workbench wrote:
Should this movie be accepted, published, and considered indicative of what this site stands for?
Amusingly, you were not prepared at all. I didn't mention anything about that.
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OK well, welcome to internet sarcasm 102. If you haven't completed internet sarcasm 101, it is a prerequisite and we would at this point ask you to complete that course. You still have yet to explain how he 'abused' the voting system.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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