Here is Mortal Kombat II at its finest. This movie shows off some interesting combos, only some of the best glitched fatalities (can't fit them all), and a couple bugs in the enemies' AI. This time around there is no code used nor is it played on the easiest difficulty, 'Very Easy'. This movie aims for showing off as much of the game's aspects as possible so that's why it's much longer than the published one.
Emulator Used: SNES9X v1.43+ v9 Emulator Settings (Though they should be automatic in this version):
  • Use WIP1 Timing (On)
  • Allow Left+ Right / Up+Down (On)
  • Volume Envelope Height Reading (OFF!)
  • Fake Mute desync workaround (On)
  • Sync samples with sound CPU (On)
Movie Details:
  • Aims for Entertainment over Speed (although it does progress as fast as possible regardless)
  • Abuses Programming Errors
  • Takes Damage to save time
  • One Player plays Two Players
  • Plays on the Hardest Difficulty
Although I showed signs of not fixing my errors and remaking this run, I decided I cannot shame this site or myself with such blasphemy. There is much better utilization of time in this version of this run. Hopefully I fulfilled a majority of the people's requests with this revision.
In this text there will be spoilers but then again no words of mine could describe better what you'll see in this run. Also I may patronize the reader just in case you're not all completely familiar with this game and its factors.
It starts out, again, with the destruction of Acclaim by none other than Kintaro and Shao Kahn. You'll see I use the Second Player from the start which I did because it shows a different perspective that makes no difference whether or not I am the First Player.

The Dead Pool:

Round One:

Kung Lao to start things off here. I tried to keep this round short with variation and at the end of the round you'll see that Scorpion's life bar is already down all the way but I still sneak in a hat throw.

Round Two:

Sub-Zero would be next in which right away I decided to do the death punch and then capitalize with the freezing of the ground making for a very powerful combo. I do the death punch once more in this round (it makes Sub-Zero slide backwards) and then follow up with the Dead Pool Fatality but with a twist, I deep freeze (rather than regular freeze) and then knock them into the wall/dead pool. Then I press down (you can easily just hold down before the specific frame) on the specific frame which makes the acidic corpse say something like 'Aw, wha?'

Kombat Tomb:

Round One:

Rayden is next this round. Mileena has an infatuation with throwing her Sais so I capitalized on every instance. It's almost impossible to throw your opponent on Very Hard but I decided to end the round with a throw (you can only throw on specific frames, usually when the opposition is at fault and strikes while I initiate the throw).

Round Two:

Kitana is used here. Mileena is defeated fairly quickly and then launched up into the spike ceiling (you'll see that down is pressed on both controllers on a specific frame in order to make Mileena, or anyone else, fall back to the ground after slowly declining from the ceiling).


Round One:

Johnny Cage vs. Baraka, during this stage. Baraka is taken down with a series of short combos which shows how easy the AI is to manipulate.

Round Two:

Scorpion makes his appearance in this round. I could have made short work of Baraka with Scorpion but I wanted to do a Glitched Fatality. During waiting I decided to mess around with a manipulatable little Baraka. You'll see that Baraka seems to be stuck in the ducking position which I believe happens because the invisible projectile is still in the air and because Baraka was busy blade swiping he is forced to try to duck under the projectile which never passes him, this isn't the last time I do this. I take this time now to mess with a defenseless Baraka before I slam him to the ground and perform a Glitched Fatality. Because I used Scorpion earlier this round, I use him again to 'Finish Him' which makes Baraka fly over a headless Scorpion (or so it seems. His head is floating) but Baraka is still burned to a crisp. Also it's the fatality that can be done anywhere so I do it as close as possible and it also always makes the 'Toasty' guy say Toasty at the end of the round rather than randomly.

The Tower:

Round One:

Now I use Baraka this round against Jax. I pretty much start out with a swing of the fist in order to manipulate Jax to throw another projectile. In this round the enemy's AI is exploited to jump on inconvenient times, which allows me to take advantage.

Round Two:

Shang Tsung fights this round. There is a small mistake in this round, I should have just fought it with Johnny Cage, set up the glitch, and then finish Jax off with Shang Tsung because it's time consuming to do the Kintaro Fatality if you're going to do a glitched fatality. I make up for it by doing a series kicks and weird elbows. Then I morph into Kintaro, punch the body in half, and the torso goes flying right into the invisible projectile which then distorts Jax's body and makes him sink further than the ground will let you stand.

Living Forest:

Round One:

Here I use Sub-Zero again vs. Johnny Cage in the Living Forest. I keep this round short and sweet with a barrage of attacks.

Round Two:

Johnny Cage vs. Johnny Cage here this round. After a few attacks I decided to set up the glitched fatality in order to make up for the wait from the last match vs. Jax. This Glitched Fatality is almost instantaneous compared to other ones. Three heads and one happens to be wrapping the screen.

The Armory:

Round One:

Scorpion, once again, vs. Kitana this time. A barrage of exploitations are used to defeat Kitana, Flawlessly (not that they were mandatory).

Round Two:

Here now we have Reptile. Nothing too special here except the glitched fatality and before what leads to the glitched fatality. There seems to be a few certain frames in which if you jump toward the enemy they get stuck in track of backing up, doing nothing as long as you don't do anything to harm them (like unmorphing, they will strike you then and there). Because I back Kitana up so far I justify the glitch starter really close to her and jump backwards waving my fist as if to laugh derisively at her and then complete the glitched fatality with Reptile's. Kitana loses her head but not before getting stuck in the air. Also Reptile's head is misplaced much like Scorpion's but this time it's hanging on the wall.

The Pit II:

Round One:

Kung Lao is used in the first round against Liu Kang. You'll see that Liu Kang doesn't have a prayer.

Round Two:

Johnny Cage is used again but not to 'Finish Him'. There is some interesting combos in this round. Besides the combos the glitched fatality is probably the showstopper. The projectile that is needed to be used is the fan and as far as I've tested only the fan works. The actual fatality is botched and so Kung Lao, in fit of rage, decides to have a little fun with Liu Kang, kicking in the face many, many times before launching him into the pit.
We've reached the part of this movie in which I am forced to enable the second player (or first player in this situation) so that I may encounter Smoke.

The Portal:

Round One:

Uppercut, Toasty, (Portal Opens).

Round Two:


Goro's Lair (Smoke):

Round One:

Liu Kang vs. Smoke. a great combination. Liu Kang is one of the better combo makers because of his aerial fireball, lowered fireball, and quickness.

Round Two:

Mileena for once is used. All I can say is there is an outstanding combo to end this round.
Back to the character select screen, I once again decided to do a double random select. The two player fights are much more intense the whole way through rather than the last round.

Kahn's Arena:

Round One:

Sub-Zero vs. Kitana, a close fight which I cannot describe because the next round is even better, in my opinion.

Round Two:

Liu Kang vs. Mileena, possibly the two best combo makers on the SNES port, lots of fun!

Round Three:

Scorpion vs. Kung Lao. The whole round I am not to press anything other than high kick, low kick, or block in order to do something very interesting in the end. A double Friendship, Shang Tsung's and Rayden's. I'd like to thank pirate_sephiroth for this great find. It's also possible to do a double babality but I wanted Shang Tsung to look like a Pedophile.
Two Player Segment is over now.

The Dead Pool:

Round One:

Reptile again but this time vs. Reptile. Nothing too spectacular except how easy the other Reptile was to manipulate.

Round Two:

It starts out Shang Tsung then it goes to Johnny Cage but it ends with Kitana's glitched fatality. This round is quite comical but quick. You'll see the red shadow kick fully but it isn't connected with Reptile. The glitched fatality was done with the fan and it seems that kiss of death was so yucky to Reptile that he barfed up all his intestines/brains and, sub sequently, his bones.

Kombat Tomb:

Round One:

Baraka is summoned to face Sub-Zero. The best part of this round is the ending which has Baraka slipping like crazy.

Round Two:

Now we have Jax (which I think is his first appearance) this round. The combos done seem relatively interesting. By the end I have Sub-Zero chasing me so I jumped away from him and into a corner. You'll see another AI blunder in which Sub-Zero cannot stop trying to jump kick Johnny Cage and fail every time until his ultimate demise. The glitched fatality used here is pretty interesting, it's done by Jax. It seems Sub-Zero is booted off the screen and Jax somehow makes a bloody clone of himself, very cool.


Round One:

Kitana here leaves a mark on Rayden. Rayden had no chance.

Round Two:

Reptile again but this time it seems either rehashed or empty (the fighting, that is). I decided to pencil in Mileena for an interesting glitched fatality. Mileena trips Rayden and burps up some bones that smack him in the face at the speed of light, or so it would seem. One bone got stuck in the air; I guess it was going way too fast.

The Tower:

Round One:

Rayden vs. Kung Lao because Rayden is the only person I could morph into so I can initiate the fight with Jade. I was pissed off when I found out that Rayden's babality requires high kick so I threw out a round and tried to destroy Kung Lao.

Round Two:


Goro's Lair (Jade):

Round One:

Mileena starts the first round this time. Because projectiles do no phase Jade I improvised with some old fashioned ass kicking.

Round Two:

Liu Kang. A little better, maybe, than Mileena's round but to prove that projectiles don't do anything to Jade I shoot one right into and through her and then finish her off with a bicycle kick.

Kahn's Arena:

Round One:

Shang Tsung is used here to make sure Shang Tsung goes down without a fight. Pretty Quick.

Round Two:

Rayden again. Because Rayden's glitched fatality set up is very inconsistent I decided not waste anymore time on trying it. So instead I did a Babality because it was not shown previously.


Round One:

Tag-teaming is back with a combination of Jax and Baraka. Some nice combos with Jax but Baraka is more of a dare devil, standing directly under Kintaro as he comes crashing down, back handing him in the face, and then swiping him with his blade of fury.

Round Two:

An interesting team is Kitana and Johnny Cage. Kitana does most of the work but Johnny Cage's hilarious uppercuting kick is a favorite ending of mine.

Shao Kahn:

Round One:

Here we have Liu Kang making a mockery of Shao Kahn, I have no further comments.

Round Two:

Mileena to clean things up for us. Nice and quick moves to finish this game up.


I hope you enjoyed this run compared to the other one. I think this one lives up better to the hype but still maybe things are not quite good enough. Now I'll try and explain some things like I did before.

Glitches and Bugs

In order to start the glitched fatality you must be Johnny Cage (either as a morphing of Shang Tsung or just straight Johnny). Then you must do his high knee bolt (which is <, v, >, High Punch) twice consecutively (one then the other on the first frames possible). Now there is a trick to this and it is as follows: you must be on the farthest side of the screen (you'll see that if both players are as far away from each other as possible that one is closer to being off the screen than the other, you want to be where that one is). You'll know if it is done right when the second bolt doesn't appear from Johnny (in some cases, if you do the second one too early it doesn't work so it is always good to do the second one on the last possible frame).
Now to justify this glitch (make it easier to read where the invisible projectile is) you need Johnny Cage to do one of his Shadow moves (either the kick or uppercut). Where ever Johnny lies, after the kick or uppercut, is roughly where the invisible projectile is. Now to better know where it is you can either find it by having your opponent walk into it, ruining it or you can use fireball/projectile by either Shang Tsung, Liu Kang, Reptile, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Mileena, Baraka, Scorpion, and Rayden (for some reason Jax's doesn't work and I believe it ruins the glitch but I may be wrong). That's all there really is to it besides positioning your victim.
You'll see a double friendship in this movie which is a bug in the game's programming. The way to perform this is to use Scorpion and do his aerial throw on the second player (or first player) when they are very low on life. Before they hit the ground start inputting the button combinations of either a friendship or babality with that falling victim. Then finish the button combination on the correct frame in order for it to work. Now that the victim is trying to make peace you can either kill them, do a friendship or babality (depending on if you didn't use any punch buttons. Babalities and Friendships can only be done if don't use any punch buttons). Thanks pirate_sephiroth for this great discovery.
Some bugs of the enemy's AI I uncovered are pretty interesting and useful. It seems if and when you are performing the glitch starter for glitched fatalities that you can get your opponent stuck in a ducking formation. The easiest way to do it is to already have done the glitch starter (the two high bolt projectiles, consecutively) but then manipulate your opponent to throw a projectile or do a time costly move (Baraka's blade fury or Kitana's Fan lift). When their projectile comes toward you ready the use of another high bolt (do the directionals but don't press high punch yet) and then when it hits you wait a few frames and then do the shadow kick. By the time the CPU recovers they will have tried to duck the projectile but because it never passes them they are doomed to be stuck in the ducking position until they are struck. They sometimes will still block attacks and may slam you but other than that they are mobile.
Another bug in the AI (which can be used in normal, non-glitched play) is the CPU is stuck backing up. The way to do this is relatively simple it just takes a few tries. First get you opponent a pretty good distance away from you (not too far though, my movie shows some of these instances so check it out to see it clearer). They must be walking forward toward you in order for this to work. Then on the correct frame jump towards them without doing anything. If done correctly they should be stuck in a loop of backing up until you do something offensive.


This seems to be it and all the information I could think of. I'd like to thank those in the forum for their support of another better run to come which without you guys I would not be motivated. I'd like to thank Dark Fulgore for showing me the glitch starter for the glitched fatalities other wise this run would not exist. I'd like to also thank pirate_sephiroth again for the great information he provided. Thanks Highness for maintaining the MK thread on the forum along with those who contributed. That's it, there will not be another version from me and that is final.

Truncated: There seems to be a consensus, this version is preferred and will obsolete our current movie. Good job.
Bisqwit: Superb. Encoding.
VANDAL/Samhain-Grim: Quick little edit for grammar/spelling that was eating at me, chances are I missed quite a few more corrections but ah well.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1343: VANDAL's SNES Mortal Kombat II "quirkfest" in 17:54.45
Senior Moderator
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I was in mixed feelings about the previous glitched run: something was hilarious, something was pretty bland; this submission, however, weeds nearly all the bland moments out, and that's very good. It's harder, faster and more interesting. Also, that "Kidd Thunder" Friendship was priceless. Yes vote.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Former player
Joined: 7/12/2004
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Location: USA
Best one yet. Yes. That 100% (edit: I'm tired, I don't think it 100% after all. Still cool though.) with Milenna was cool too.
Working on: Command and Conquer PSX Nod Campaign
Joined: 10/16/2006
Posts: 174
Definitely a yes vote. Some of those glitches were just straight up funny (and weird.) Might I suggest, for the screenshot, that you put up the "Double Friendship" scene?
Joined: 4/11/2006
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Much better ^^
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I agree with moozooh. More of the good, less of the bad. Real tasty.
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I liked it a lot. The intro easter egg and the freeze + fake shatter + backwards pool fatality + secret sound effect was enough to buy me over. Yes vote. Too bad the sound sucks, but what can you do...
Joined: 1/18/2006
Posts: 78
Location: Norway
This run was alot better then the previous run, a simple yes answer. Better fights and more entertaining the way you prepare the glitched fatalities. the friendship "fatality" was simply hilarious. As said by Dromiceius: more of the good, and less of the bad
Joined: 4/3/2005
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You slapped Kintaro, rofl.
Player (71)
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Once again a very good run from you! A definite YES-vote. I really liked the double friendship-glitch. Very nice! I hope that you'll provide more of these when you feel more motivated to it. Once again, congratulations on a great run!
Player (149)
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Hahaha...the double friendship glitch is AMAZING !!!!! I liked a lot this run...the fights are more "faster" and the time you need to wait to turn back in Shang Tsung are more enjoyable...AMAZING !!! Good glitches, combos...GOOD RUN... a YES vote...
Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
I don't know why, but my favorite part of the movie this time around was Shang Tsung waving his elbow in the air. An animated gif of that to represent this run would be killer.
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I think it won't be accepted as a screenshot. However, a screenshot of that double Friendship wouldn't be worse, I believe. It's funny, unusual and very representative.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 12/28/2004
Posts: 210
gj, finally the perfect mix of entertainment, speed, and exhibition. Yes vote.
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Blaise wrote:
gj, finally the perfect mix of entertainment, speed, and exhibition. Yes vote.
Couldnt agree more (voted yes). Hope this submission will get accepted so you can move on :)
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Player (105)
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I voted yes for sure. This is definetly a game of entertainment, not purely speed. I'm sure if I had played the game I would appreciate very hard play more..but hte glitches make the movie just worth it. Great job!
Soft Blue Dragon
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All I can say is thanks to you all and I'm glad you all enjoyed it, that really means a lot to me. Accepted already! That's absolutely great!
Former player
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On the last submission I voted no. On this submission, it gets a well backed yes from me. There's no longer massively long waiting periods while you set up glitch fatalities, infact at some points it looks like the harder AI helped you set them up easier, or at least funnier to watch. The you vs you fights were far better, this time it wasn't completely one sided for the first 2 matches, and was rather entertaining for the entire period of it. More normal/alternate fatalities/finishers were cool too, like the double friendship, obviously. Also, the glitch fatalities weren't performed in a spot which made you unable to see the full extent of it, thus making them somewhat more entertaining to me at least. Overall, good job fixing up practically every issue from the previous version :)
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Is it just me or does the part where Shang Tsung does all the weird elbow movements and high kicks remind anyone of this?
Former player
Joined: 9/20/2006
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HAHA, YES VOTE! It is hilarious the way you toyed with the AI and made them look stupid... this ought to be merged with the off topic video game stupidity thread! This sets the bar for all new fighting games TASes... who ever said they had to perfect each round? Question: the audio seems to desync from the visuals... is it the game or my SNES9x? I am sure sync audio option is checked...
Truncated wrote:
Truncated is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man. -- xoinx
Experienced player (619)
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Check the Buffer length under Sound and set it to something low like 20ms.
Joined: 10/23/2006
Posts: 10
Oh my freaking god. I just saw the Kung-Lao vs. Liu-Kang match and HAD to comment. I literally lol'd. I wish I could vote yes ;p
Active player (408)
Joined: 3/22/2006
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When this gets published, I vote for this as the screenshot:
Player (72)
Joined: 8/13/2004
Posts: 205
voted yes for the last one, and this one is better. so of coure yes
Joined: 11/21/2006
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Location: Aussieland
Hah, this is awesome! Sound issues aside, this is probably the best fighting game TAS around - fast, absurdly skilled, and pretty damn funny to boot. Wish I could vote yes!
"Big-endian guys drive like THIS, and little-endian guys drive like ISTH!"