Post subject: the names of .fcm .smv .m64 etc...
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These files use a naming convention of (author)-(game).(tag) While this makes sence, I think that for organizational reasons, listing the name of the game first, and the author second might allow for better organization. I often have trouble finding a run I didnt jsut download because I often forget who did the run, or the aberviation of the game title is otherwise incoherent (Bionic commmando=hnf) wtf? I know hnf= Hitler no Fukkatsu, but seriously people...
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I usually find the same problem, so I edit the names of the movie files when I download them.
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I just put them into seperate directories (one for each game), and I'm fine. helps attributing wips and tests with names like "24_frames_ahoy.smv" as well. edit: @BOMF: right now, I create them manually when needed. Although I could automatically create a directory for every game or rom I have, I don't want to have empty directories lying around.
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That's a lot of directories. How do you handle them all?
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I always try to be as comprehensive as possible when naming my submission files, as I too think it's very annoying to not find the movie file amongst my thousand other movie files.
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The torrent files have game first, author last, and the movie files have author first, game last. This is somewhat arbitrary, and not even all movie files follow the formula. There are 13 movies that have a differently named movie file; these are: rockman.fmv, rockman2.fmv, youkaidouchuuki.fmv, gradius.fmv, hinotori.fmv, atla.fmv,supspyhntr.fmv, upthorn.gmv, Aqfaqv2Gods.gmv, mokaimura.fmv, ZELDA.fmv, mario3j.fmv, contra.fmv. When Nesvideos was young and consisted mostly of Morimoto's movies, I preserved Morimoto's filenames in order to gain Google hits for those specific filenames (if someone had downloaded the FMV and was looking for an AVI). Of course, this reason is no longer important. However, if you load the site snapshot (, you will find all the movie files there neatly organized under directories that are named for each respective movie/submission ID. Changing the filenames in the system is not a taboo. Nobody seems to be linking to those files directly, so it shouldn't matter if the filenames change. Adding this to the TODO list.
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Thanks. It is appriciated.
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Twelvepack: much thanks for bringing this up. It has been bothering me for a long time. I usually end up having to use a filesearch after scrolling around for a while. FCEU movies are less bothersome because the emulator automatically finds all movies with the correct ROM checksum.
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Yeah, most people make it "authorname-gamename[brief description]" what makes it really hard to find if you have many movie files in the same folder. I'd rather start with the name of the game.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Post subject: Hey, look, stupid post #403
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(one month later...) I would say, more of: GoodName - Username (ver).ext This way, in most cases, movie files would appear directly near the ROM counterparts, or sorted in a logical order. Just using the game name might be inconsistant, as there is a big difference between, say, "zelda-whoever.fcm" and "Legend of Zelda, The (U) - Whoever.fcm". Especially considering that the first version would likely appear near Zelda 2: Adventure of Link, more than likely. Just my thoughts on this subject, though I guess a lot of the current convention (all lowercase, no spaces at all) came about due to *n?x's case-sensitiveness, as well as the command line, which probably doesn't like spaces.
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>pinball quest will never be finished :( >I guess a lot of the current convention (all lowercase, no spaces at all) came about due to *n?x's case-sensitiveness, as well as the command line, which probably doesn't like spaces. That's because *n*x is a much better OS than Windows. Spaces are evil, because noone can hear you scream in them.
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> >pinball quest will never be finished > :( I lied! :( > >I guess a lot of the current convention (all lowercase, no spaces at all) came about due to *n?x's case-sensitiveness, as well as the command line, which probably doesn't like spaces. > That's because *n*x is a much better OS than Windows. Spaces are evil, because noone can hear you scream in them. Depends on what you're using it for, but I'll refrain from arguing about OSes here. Like I said, capital letters aren't a problem I guess, but at least something like , er, "pinball quest (u)" would still show up. Just anything but the current one, really.
Post subject: Re: Hey, look, stupid post #403
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Xkeeper wrote:
Just my thoughts on this subject, though I guess a lot of the current convention (all lowercase, no spaces at all) came about due to *n?x's case-sensitiveness, as well as the command line, which probably doesn't like spaces.
What is *n?x? Better question: Why not write "Linux/Unix"? That's far easier to understand, at least for the average user.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Better question: Why not write "Linux/Unix"? That's far easier to understand, at least for the average user.
*n?x is more geeky. And if you're using *n?x, you should understand it anyway.
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Im embarased that I understood that.
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/^(?:.{1,2}n.x|.{3,4}BSD)$/ EDIT: I forgot NetBSD. :X
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Joined: 2/16/2005
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I dont suppose in avis we can have the total time at the end of the filename? I sometimes have difficulty in remembering which author obsoletes the other when organizing my avis.
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