Published on 1/9/2025
The Death and Return of Superman is a licensed beat 'em up that was developed by Blizzard and published by Sunsoft. It is an adaptation of the DC Comics story arc The Death of Superman, where Doomsday comes to Earth and kills Superman and four superpowered beings then coming out and claiming to be Superman resurrected. These beings are now known as Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, the Conner Kent version of Superboy, and Steel. Are any of them actually Superman? And what do all the punk-looking enemies have to do with all of that? You'll have to play the game and witness all the obligatory defeats to find out.
In this run, KusogeMan has all five playable characters tank everything that can be thrown and them and tosses around enemies like ragdolls to bring back Superman and help him reclaim his legacy in record time.

Warning: This run contains sequences of strobing lights which may not be suitable for those with photosensitivity issues. These sequences can be found in parts of the run that involve Superboy and the Eradicator.

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