Published on 10/8/2024
Air Combat 22 is a combat flight simulator that was released by Namco in 1995 for the arcades. It is the sequel to the 1993 arcade game Air Combat and features improved graphics and a third-person view. In this game, you choose from one of three fighter jets and dogfight with enemy military jets, your task being to destroy them before they destroy you. There is also a refueling level that also serves as a brief intermission and an aircraft carrier filled with jets as your final boss. Being an early game in the flight simulator genre, Air Combat 22 lacks a good amount of elements that are taken for granted today such as yaw and even plane-to-plane collision.
For this run, CoolHandMike chooses the F-14 Tomcat and beats the game at the Beginner difficulty in record time, making use of a trick that allows for extra missiles to be launched and highly precise long range cannon fire.
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1
Additional Downloads:
(Extended High Score Input)

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