This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/25/2004
The author's submission message was as follows:
I had some decent time off from work this weekend, so I have finally completed my Time Attack on the Japanese version of Bionic Commando, originally titled 「ヒットラーの復活: Top Secret」。Hitler no fukkatsu, as we've discussed, translates to Hitler's Resurrection.
As you've mentioned, this version is a little different from Bionic Commando. Major differences include:
- "HnF" has more enemies in every stage, and more obstacles along the way. For example, there are land mines in Area 7 and giant spiders in some neutral areas. Also, I believe the patterns of the enemy attack trucks is different, because I seemed to encounter them more often in this game despite using the same route as "BC."
- All references to Nazis and all swastikas were removed from "BC." The evil leader of "the Badds" was re-named "Master-D." Graphically, however, he is undeniably Adolf Hitler in both versions.
- "HnF" features a dramatic shortcut in Neutral Area 17, allowing the player to collect all items by beating a Nazi prisoner with the bionic arm. I will experiment with this shortcut in the near future, but for now I wanted to submit an improved time attack WITHOUT using it.
It's up to you whether or not you want to replace my first time attack with this one, or list this separately as a different game. Personally, I would replace it (as this run is faster) but leave the Bionic Commando FMV available for download.
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
Famtasia 5.1

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