Published on 9/20/2024
Super Off Road: The Baja is an off-road racing game for the SNES and the sequel to Super Off Road. Unlike the first game, The Baja was made exclusively for the SNES and takes advantage of the console's Mode 7 capabilities to allow for the third-person driving perspective used in the game. Another major difference is that each race is on a track that doesn't go on a loop; the start and finish lines are in different places. This is because the game is based on the Baja 1000 endurance race instead of more traditional dirt track racing, complete with the addition of a damage bar that ends the race when filled up.
For this run, nymx decides to take on the Baja 1000 race at the hardest difficulty, collecting and using nitro boosts as much as he can without totally wrecking the car.
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Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1

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