Published on 9/18/2024
Hockey for the Atari Lynx is a sports game for the little-known handheld game console by Atari. As a video game adaptation of ice hockey, it plays similarly to many other hockey video games that were made at the time. You control the player closest to the puck and get it to the opponent's goal to score points. What makes this a little more special is the rather detailed top-down view for when referee drops the puck into the arena.
For this run, alexheights1 decides to tackle this game like their other tool-assisted speedruns of similar hockey video games, by beating it with as little input as possible. Input is carefully made and ended early so that the AI opponent will fumble around most of the time and let the near-inactive player score the most points.

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1

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