Published on 9/3/2024
Die Hard: Vendetta is a 2002 first-person shooter video game developed by Bits Studios and published by Fox Interactive and Vivendi Universal Games for the GameCube. Taking place after the first three Die Hard films, players take on terrorists as John McClane. Reginald VelJohnson reprises his role as Sgt. Al Powell. McClane's daughter, Lucy, is an L.A.P.D. member in the game.
Vendetta separates itself from other first person shooter games with its puzzle like elements. This includes hostage situations which have multiple outcomes, environmental puzzles and NPC interactions. John McClane can communicate to various NPCs in order to gain advice on how to overcome numerous situations in the game. McClane can also take enemies hostage which cause other enemy AI to react differently depending on the rank of the hostage.
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Emulator Replay:
Dolphin 5.0-3378

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