Published on 8/30/2024
Nonsense is an extensive ROM hack of Super Mario World featuring levels made by various romhackers from the SMW romhacking community. These levels are difficulty-focused, but unlike many other similar SMW romhacks, this one tries to avoid the characteristics that found in many "Kaizo" romhacks. The difficulty is meant to be more fair with less cheap hazards, and there are little to no puzzles to solve. The ROM hack also features wildly varying level designs, styles, and music with no discernable theme, hence the name Nonsense.
For this run, Suru486 decides to find all 119 exits in every level as fast as possible. Some levels can only be accessed with a certain number of Dragon Coins, but this run only collects the minimum necessary to get to those levels.

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1

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