Published on 8/10/2024
Flushed Away is a licensed platforming game that's based on the animated movie of the same name. As with many other similar licensed games, the version for the Nintendo DS is rather short and follows the original plot in broad strokes. Upper-class fancy rat Roddy St. James gets accidentally flushed down a toilet and ends up in the sewers underneath London. Desperate to get home, he enlists the help of sewer sailor and fellow rat Rita Malone, who is on the run from a gang of toads. Roddy must now help out Rita in her predicament if he wants to get home.
SuperSqank here defeats the ruthless Toad and his mercenary French cousin Le Frog as fast as possible, allowing Roddy to find his true home.
Flushed Away

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Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1

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