Published on 8/7/2024
Monopoly is a popular board game that has received many video game adaptations. It is an economics based game where the general objective is to own as many properties as possible and push high rents so everyone else can be brought to bankruptcy. As doing this can take a long time, the game has been criticized as a slow grindfest where it's hard to dislodge the top player.
For this run, FractalFusion decides to play against 7 CPUs — the maximum allowed in the NES game — and manipulates the dice and the CPUs into getting bankrupt through their hotels as soon as possible by ending input early. For further details on how the RNG was manipulated to their advantage, you can read the author's notes.
Watch this run being played back on an actual console here.

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.8

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