Published on 8/2/2024
Daymare Cat is Flash platformer by Mateusz Skutnik. It is set in the same setting as Daymare Town and shares characters and has a similar art style. Unlike that game, Daymare Cat is a more upbeat game where you play as a little girl named Cat who has to escape Daymare Town by collecting a number of vinyl records and placing them on various gramophones across town, which will unlock the door out of Daymare Town. As each record is collected, a group of instruments can be heard playing from each one, and collecting all of them will recreate a complete song.
Here, Spikestuff ventures and leaves such a strange town in record time with triumphant music playing with them.
Daymare Cat

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Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
libTAS v1.4.5 // ruffle-nightly-2023-01-16

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