Osman is a arcade game in the spirit of Strider. It's a very obscure and underrated arcade game, which didn't see much of the light of day, thanks to various issues with the hardware... and the fact that the game is unforgivingly hard. The game never once lets you breathe, and in unassisted play, there are a lot of things to manage at the same time. This, along with the 3 health you start out with, can make clearing with just a single credit a nightmare.
The game mostly revolves along Osman and his power: he has the power to make clones of himself when he attacks that stay for a varying amount of time and reproduce the attack he just did.
This run is a 00:56.03 improvement over the previous one by the same author. Note that the real time of this run is 5:47.02 - The extra 1:10 is because the author puts his initials in the high score table after the credits roll.