Posts for thefox

Post subject: Re: Real answers from the developer are awesome
Joined: 8/4/2015
Posts: 2
dwangoAC wrote:
thefox wrote:
The timer starts at $4D in RAM. It takes 4 bytes and is stored in BCD with the digits reversed. For example a time of 12:34:56:78 would be stored as $21, $43, $65, $87.
Thanks! It's always awesome when the developer chimes in with the real answer (it's not unheard of, but it's still a nice surprise). That would have been somewhat hard to locate via memory search. If you don't mind me asking, why did you write it with the digits reversed?
No problem! I'm a little bit hazy on the details, but I think I reversed the digits because it worked out to be better (faster, more compact) for the routine that increases the timer. Minor optimization, but I guess I felt like doing it at the time.
Joined: 8/4/2015
Posts: 2
dwangoAC wrote:
MUGG wrote:
How come? The game keeps track of ingame time, so it should be possible to retrieve it when address 002c turns 01 or whenever, shouldn't it?
If you can figure out a way to retrieve it without screenscraping go for it. :) You're welcome to try to locate the memory value.
The timer starts at $4D in RAM. It takes 4 bytes and is stored in BCD with the digits reversed. For example a time of 12:34:56:78 would be stored as $21, $43, $65, $87.