Posts for sp0n

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Lets just talk about runners. Steelflight's stats: Location: Jagged Nails Body: 10 Attack Power: 9 Defense Rate: 4 Firing Rate: 1.73 shots / second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 5000 Nuyen Base Duration: 40 Battles I think you should try to pick up Steelflight. He is simply the best runner both offensive and defensive wise and he stays with you for a very long time the only downside is how out of your path Jagged Nails is. It helps that you manipulate battles to not appear as you run through general areas. He could stay for a very long time. Norbert's Stats: Location: Wastelands Club Body: 6 Attack Power: 6 Defense Rate: 1 Firing Rate: 1.77 shots / second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 2000 Nuyen Base Duration: 40 Battles This would be my choice for a second runner. He has the second best offense in the game. His defense is 3rd. Frogtounge's Stats: Location: Wastelands Club Body: 7 Attack Power: 6 Defense Rate: 3 Firing Rate: 0.93 shots/second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 1500 Nuyen Base Duration: 30 Battles Frogtounge should be your third and final choice for a runner. His offense is third best. His defense is 2nd. He doesn't stick around as long. He may be a slightly better choice than Norbert because his body and defense is higher and he can soak up more damage. Spatter's Stats: Location: Jagged Nails Body: 6 Magic: 8 Attack Power: 6 Defense Rate: 1 Firing Rate: 0.83 shots / second Price (Negotiation 0-2): 2000 Nuyen Base Duration: 40 Battles I am only listing Spatter on the off chance that you would need a second runner and you were at Jagged Nails and could not get to the Wastelands. He soaks up the same amount of damage as Norbert for the same money. His offense isn't so good. Although, you should probably test his magic usefulness... He does have Powerball 5, Heal 3, and Armor 4. Armor may allow you to run through areas before you get invisibility. Other than those, I do not think that any of the other runners are worth considering. Lets talk about Rust Stilletos. Perhaps you could cast Armor from Spatter and run through this area. Open the door with the iron key (you get that from the orcs at the station). In the next room you must kill the Ferocious Orc to get the crowbar. Then kill the Gang leader and get the password. You should be able to run through there and only have to kill 2 enemies. EDIT: Apparently you cannot get magic or enter Jagged nails until you beat the Rust Stilletos, unless I am missing something. Argh! Looks like you're gonna have to go Street Samurai on the Rust Stilletos... Bring Norbert and Frogtounge... Tear it up! Lets look at Spatter's Armor 4:
        |  Spell  |   MP    |     Time     |
        |  Level  |  Usage  |   Duration   |
        |    1    |    5    |   5 seconds  |
        |    2    |    6    |  10 seconds  |
        |    3    |    7    |  15 seconds  |
        |    4    |    8    |  20 seconds  |
        |    5    |    9    |  25 seconds  |
        |    6    |    10   |  30 seconds  |
        |Time Duration = 5 * Spell Level   |
        |MP Usage = 4 + Spell Level        |
You'd have 20 seconds to run through there. Although you have to factor in the fact that you will still be "hit" by bullets - They won't hurt you but they will slow you down. Also money flow related: 2000¥ can be gotten from a Matrix run at the docs. 2000¥ more can be gotten from the Octopus boss. Also, I would like to point out that it may be preferable to skip on powerball and concentrate on Freeze. Freeze will make a lot of fights (including Drake) easier. You will be able to stop a target in their tracks and inflict damage without getting hit by their attacks (which slows down your rate of fire). Keep in mind Invisibility does not work on all enemies, either. Powerball can do a max of 36 damage, AND you have to go into a menu, AND it uses up your MP (10mp per cast at lv 6). You may be able to inflict 36 damage faster with freeze+your gun+a runner's gun. With boosted reflexes, your firing rate is 2.6/sec, with the shotgun you'd be able to inflict 8 damage. 36 damage would take 5 shots (from you alone), so you could dish that out in less than 2 seconds. Lets look at Freeze:
        |  Spell  |   MP    |     Time     |
        |  Level  |  Usage  |   Duration   |
        |    1    |    5    |   5 seconds  |
        |    2    |    6    |  10 seconds  |
        |    3    |    7    |  15 seconds  |
        |    4    |    8    |  20 seconds  |
        |    5    |    9    |  25 seconds  |
        |    6    |    10   |  30 seconds  |
        |Time Duration = 5 * Spell Level   |
        |MP Usage = 4 + Spell Level        |
It may be a good idea to not level Freeze too high. You really do not need 30 seconds of Freeze time, just enough to either run by or kill the enemy. Also keeping the level low would reduce MP usage. The only time I could see 30 seconds being useful is to kill bosses, but I can see you using this spell on regular mobs to reduce the number of shooters or just to run through to the next area. Level 1 may be all you need, Although I think level 2 may be preferable. I really hope you do not give up this run. I am willing to help with ideas/test out ideas to help you out. Just let me know what you're doing or what your plan is and I can help. edit: On the arena: I tested, non-TAS (only save states before each fight and slowed down to 85% speed). I was able to blast through the first 5 combatants (without resting) with just my Baretta and 40hp (I tried with 30hp but could only go 4 fights), with firearms skill of 6 (to emulate manipulating luck for accuracy) with no luck manipulation other than having to retry a few fights. You should be able to do this too and better with luck manipulation. The 6th combatant is the Samurai Warrior and he's a bit tricky. After resting I easily beat him on my first try by running up to him (he uses melee-which sucks for him) and just shooting at him with my Baretta I sustained 33 damage total. I am guessing you can do better. The 7th combatant is the Ferocious Orc. This is where I suggest you use your grenades. He has 50hp. Without grenade abuse he did 35-45 damage to me (no luck manipulation, I tried 5 different times). If you need a substitute for resting you can buy slap patches from the young boy in the caryards for 100¥ each (ask about heal - which you can learn from the doc at the bar in the first area). At this point you should have roughly 16000¥. This may be where you want to stop and fight the King (+3000¥ for a total of 19000¥). The next fight with the Gang Leader (6k¥) is the 2nd hardest fight in the Arena - so you may not want to persue that. Although I think if you gear up you could easily go back with some slap patches and clean out the next 3 fights (6k+7k+8k=21k¥). If you can control the amount of damage the Troll decker dishes out. With 19k you will be able to buy a T-250 shotgun (15k) and finish the cortex bomb storyline (2.5k). Everything in the shaman shop costs 10500¥ - so you should plan to have that much when you return. The stake is necessary to completing the game and the bottles are for both freeze and invisibility (both of which I think are essential to this run). Anyway, to sum up all this disjointed rambling, here is the routes I think are best: - Buy slap patches as needed (if any) from the kid in the caryards before you enter the arena. - Fight battles up until the Ferocious orc with your Baretta. - Use grenades to kill Ferocious Orc. - Use grenades to kill King. - Now for your options: Option1: - Go to old town with 19k and but the shotgun, and all the items in the shaman shop. Maybe a grenade or two? - Go kill at least the gang leader with your new gear. - You can stop here, or defeat the Troll Decker (heavy luck manipulation) and Mage so you can get boosted reflexes. - Now go to street doc for cortex bomb sequence. - Buy boosted reflexes at Dr Maplethorpe. - Sail smoothly through the rest of the game kicking ass (until maybe the Volcano). Option 2: - If you are convinced backtracking would be quicker for the shaman items: simply buy the shotgun and initiate cortex bomb sequence. Option 3: - This is highly speculative: If you somehow can figure out how to beat the Gang Leader before the King you can buy all the shaman items, the shotgun, and do the cortex bomb sequence with no snags and no backtracking at all. I also seem to remember the freeze-at-the-edge bug during the arena but I cant for the life of me seem to initiate it. Although it seems that the Troll Decker can be manipulated to walk instead of stand and fire... Its just difficult. edit... part 3?: OK... I've been playing the game all day messing around with stuff and remembering how everything is laid out. The main thing I want to comment on is freeze vs invisibility. Invisibility is better in nearly all situations except: - Against Drake (which I am not sure if you can manipulate his damage to not have to need freeze or not) - In the case of that you are facing a single enemy in a room (Volcano - Troll Deckers + Sentry Guns) and the Freeze spell is at a lower level than invis. Thus costing less to cast. It may not be worth it. Also I don't know what I was spewing about Steelflight's offense up there (I don't know what the tech faq writer was smoking) In actual use he doesn't hold a candle to the mercs. Maybe he was thinking if you give him a better gun? Regardless he does have a large health pool (100). Although I think you would do better with Norbert+Frogtounge. Invisibility will make the rest of the run go very quickly IMO. You don't get it until the oil tanker which is pretty late in the game. After you get that you do not need runners (they become a liability). The tower runs are best done solo: Cast invisibility, run to the computer that controls the elevator, do the matrix run (with luck manipulation these are no hassle), duck back into the elevator. You really just need to focus on getting your MP sky high. Keep in mind that Invisibility's effects wear off if you go to another screen or if you do a matrix run (even if you still should have time) So making sure you have enough magic to do all the floors in Drake's tower (casting Invis twice on each) and the Volcano (haven't totalled it up). Since most of these casts for invisibility are short you may not need to level it very high for mp conservation reasons. Boss Battles: Rust Stilletos: I think it is possible to solo this if you upgrade a little. Maybe hire 1 runner. I did it solo with shotgun/no reflexes. you do have to kill everything in the first room though. It would definitely be faster with a runner. Rat Shaman: I do not think it would be too difficult to run through his lair without taking a scratch and if you still have a runner from the Rust Stilletos you probably can finish this without a problem. Vampire: You can easily just run to avoid through the entire crypt and flash the strobes on the vampire and then its pretty much all over. You do not need a runner for this at all.. but if one is STILL hanging on you should take advantage of the karma the ghouls hand out. Also you can get a free mesh jacket here if you want to upgrade. Jester Spirit: You probably definitely want 1 or maybe even 2 runners for the tanker as there is a LOT of fighting along the way and some of the enemies block your passage. Once you get to the Jester Spirit you can easily dodge his attacks. It does not take much damage for him to go down either. After this you do not require runners as far as I know. You will have Invisibility and just the two tower runs and the Volcano. I haven't played around in the Volcano yet... By this time you may want weigh the benefits of spending money on the Assault rifle (24k) and wired reflexes (15k - if you haven't gotten them) and Dermal Plates (6k - adds 2 armor). Drake: I haven't gotten this far so I am not sure yet...
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Joined: 12/7/2004
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This run is awesome so far. Don't get discouraged and give up! You can do this! The best money earning spot in the first area is the mono-rail station roof. If you come from Jake's apartment you can easily manipulate the gunner to appear on the rooftop. From my notes (when I was tinkering with the game) he has 10hp (4 shots minimum) and can drop up to 60¥ Although I distinctly remember him dropping more than that. As a bonus the nuyen almost always drops right next to your feet, you do not have to run to it. I am not sure that this is worthwhile at all. Cyberdeck: I don't know when you intend to return to the first area for the collar/water but you may want to hold off getting the cyberdeck until then. There is a computer right there that you can hack for nuyen later in the game. (1000¥ -- I don't know if this is worth holding off for) Arena fights are definitely the best way to earn nuyen... Beating the next enemy in the arena fight would net you 3000¥. And each fight after that adds 1k to the total (up to 8k). A total of 33000¥ more could be earned if you could manage to finish the arena fights. This would help avoid your need to backtrack for the shaman items and allow you to buy the best gear. Although this could end up eating more time than it is worth... but the arena seems to be the single quickest way to get money in the game. Perhaps you could, after beating the King, upgrade your gear and have another go at the arena? The weapon shop sells grenades for 100¥ - surely if you stock up on 6 you could beat a few more opponents. Although I've read some of the combatants are immune to them. I am guessing the later ones. Keep in mind the guns have strength requirements. I think it would be worthwhile to get the money from the arena, this would give you the freedom to: - be able to get yourself a fine weapon to smooth out the next sections where you are required to fight. - Or at the very least be able to avoid backtracking to buy the shaman items? - OR be able to upgrade your cyberware? (Boosted Reflexes cost 15000¥ and increase your firing rate from 1.8/sec to 2.6/sec) This will allow you to deal damage 45% faster which if gotten early could add up over the course of the game. This coupled with the shotgun (15000¥) would make you an efficient killing machine and you could probably breeze through a good chunk of the game. In a typical play through I would be able to do decent damage up with this combo up until the Volcano. I am sure you would be able to take it to the end. If you haven't, you should check out this document (copy/paste, direct linking does not work) It reveals a lot of the mechanics and stats of the game. Also I am curious as to how you plan to spend karma. Are you saving it all for spells/mp? Also, you are planning on skipping the Heal spell, right? Otherwise you need to learn "Dog" keyword (in the first alley) so you can get the leaves from Kitsune.
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Story subtitles are a dumb idea. If you want the story play the game. Although, I would love strategy subtitles explaining what is happening onscreen (strategy, bugs). Often you could just take the submission text and place it on the screen as strategies are used or bugs are exploited. I often find myself pausing a video to look at the submission text whenever something really weird happens. edit: This goes for all movies, not just Japanese games. But especially RPG games where the menu actions happen so fast there is no way to know what is going on without slowing down the video (which I also often do).
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Any progress? I never beat this game so I was wondering what you need Phantom for. Is it for his crappy decker skills or just a gun/meatshield? Would it possibly be quicker to get Stark instead? All it involves is running to the Salish-Shidhe lodge + 1 corp run for the cybernetic heart rather than however many it takes to get enough money for Phantom. Plus he's one of the best Samurai (comes fully equipped) in the game and will probably help you drop enemies and do corp runs faster. It may pay to get him ASAP since he never leaves and will ease combat throughout the game Would it be possible to manipulate getting tons of cash from terminals with a crappy/cheap decker or getting a datajack yourself? Have you figured out the Reputation stat checks that you need to meet? I can't remember if you can just waltz into the black market shops in this game. If you can the prices are always cheaper there than at legit stores.
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I gave up on this run very quickly. I ran through the game to refresh my memory (fun!) but then when it came time to actually test out luck manipulation it all fell apart (not fun... for me at least). I do not have the patience (or free time) for manipulating the luck in firefights. I do wish someone would take up this run. I got excited when I saw this thread again. I will help in any way I can if someone decides to undertake this.
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This run should definately not try to beat "every level possible" because that is just sloppy. It should go for the fastest route to Bowser possible without the flying. Plus this would make the video shorter and would make it's completion much faster.
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I was entertaining foolish ideas that you could break this game apart. Not nearly as much as Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy 5, but enough to be able to do whatever you want to do. How unfortunate. For such an easy game I have to admit the last fight is always difficult (without new game +, even then the fight lasts a long time.. I am thinking it should be possible to beat Lavos as soon as you get the epoch with wings (after the Undersea palace/Blackbird). Use the Epoch to crash into Lavos and eliminate the first fight. But the REAL challenge of this run is deciding what to collect before that point. Once you have free reign of the Epoch you can collect many time-saving things. The balance between powering up and time really begins here. This is all probably pretty obvious. I haven't watched any of the runs. In a real game the fastest way I found to level was the conveyer belt at the beginning of the Geno Dome. If time needs to be taken out of zipping around to level I wonder if its quicker to level up at the Geno Dome and use the Epoch to crash into Lavos or to go through the Black Omen (with Nu's selling uber-stuff near the end, too). It would be more interesting to see a run through the Black Omen though.... Regardless of all this pondering I think a full run needs to be published just to encourage people to try to beat it.
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I was wondering if it is possible to beat the game via the warp that goes to lavos that you can access as soon as you get to the end of time (I think directly after the first 600 ad scenario). Or does Gaspar stop you? If you can, isn't this the fastest way from a new game? ... or is it impossible to manipulate the Lavos fight enough to survive? edit: or maybe you go to the end of time after the jailbreak... my memory is rusty.
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asteron wrote:
like the half heart on gannon
i think everyone in this thread needs to read these rules. just to avoid complications..... i watched the wip and its looking pretty good so far. keep it up. tsa's run was very enjoyable, this should be a very entertaining tool assisted run.
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still working on this? how about a combination of both? *that* would be interesting and much more challenging. do supermoves whenever possible then *zip* back to kill all the enemies before they are able to exit the screen. its just a thought. I was kind of bored with the first gradius movie halfway through (except for a few notable parts - whenever there were lots of projectiles on the screen.
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Posts: 13 here is a good faq.. you may have to go to gamefaqs for it.. its a "technical walkthrough" with all kinds of stats.. lets look at attributes and discuss:
ATTRIBUTES ========== Body ---- Starting value: 3 Maximum value: 20 Karma to max: 187 The Body attribute controls Jake's maximum HP total, which will always be equal to [Body * 10]. Early in the game, this is one of the most important stats to raise. Increasing your Body total to 5 or 6 early on will greatly extend your life in the first two sections of the game. You should ideally max out the Body attribute by the end of the game, with the very minimum being 14-15.
might be able to skimp on this, i think i might need 6 or so (start with 3) (12 karma cost) so i can take a few hits.
Magic ----- Starting value: 1 Maximum value: 20 Karma to max: 190 The Magic attribute controls Jake's maximum MP total, which will always be equal to [Magic * 10]. Jake doesn't get this stat until after learning the Heal spell, at which point it starts at level 1. The importance of raising this stat depends on how heavily you plan on using magic. If you seldom use more than the Heal spell, there is no need to take this attribute beyond level 10-12. If, however, you frequently use it for several of the combat spells – Invisibility, Freeze, or Armor – it's worth it to raise this spell closer to 18-20. If you also plan on using the offensive spells – Powerball and Summon Spirit – you'll almost certainly need this stat at 20.
I plan on maxing this through the karma loop. .. then figuring out how much i dont need.
Strength -------- Starting value: 3 Maximum value: 6 Karma to max: 12 Strength determines the type of weapons that Jake (and the Shadowrunners) can use. The exact strength values for each are listed in the table in the "Weapons and Armor" section. Strength will rarely be a problem for Jake, since he can make it through nearly all of the game by raising it just one level to 4, for a mere 3 karma. Strength is much more important when hiring Shadowrunners, if you plan on upgrading their weapons and armor. Still, you should make sure to plan the purchase decisions for both Jake and the party around strength, and see to it that Jake always has the necessary amount.
This is determined by my equipment path... I need 4 for the shotgun. I will upgrade after beating the king. Top 2 weapons only need 5 strength... and they arent available for a while. For armor the mesh jacket (getting along with the shotgun) only needs 2 str. I probably wont buy anything until the partial body suit (before drake bldg) which needs 5 str, and the full body suit 6 str (after volcano). dont know if the full is worth it but i guess with the karma loop it may be worth the time to head over there. (probably not necessary to get up the aneki bldg)
Charisma -------- Starting value: 3 Maximum value: 6 Karma to max: 12 Charisma determines the number of Shadowrunners you can have with you at one point. The number you can carry is equal to [Charisma / 2], rounded down. The exact values for each level are shown in the chart below. Number of Charisma Shadowrunners ======== ============= 3 1 4-5 2 6 3 You probably don't need to raise this attribute beyond 4, since there is seldom a case where you will want more than 2 Shadowrunners at a time. Shadowrunners also have basic charisma values when you hire them, but this value does nothing.
might upgrade ONCE to level 4 for the 2 runners. might need for some tough spots (rust stilletos?)
SKILLS ====== Computer -------- Starting value: 1 Maximum value: 6 Karma to max: 15 The Computer skill enhances your performance in the Matrix. The computer skill does three things: 1.) Improves your chances of killing IC's in the Matrix; 2.) Decreases the damage you take from wasted attacks; 3.) Decreases the damage you take from IC's. The IC's have different levels of attack power and defense in the different Matrix sections that you enter. All identically shaped sections have IC's with the same stats. The Computer skill becomes one of the most valuable skills later in the game. During the Drake Volcano and Aneki Tower, the Matrix IC's begin causing considerably more damage than any enemy fighting. The Computer skill isn't that difficult to boost, but it is absolutely vital in helping your chances of survival. Be sure to get this skill up to 6 before entering the Drake Tower.
not sure how much is "required" and how chances can be manipulated...
Firearms -------- Starting value: 1 Maximum value: 16 Karma to max: 120 The Firearms skill determines the accuracy of your gun shots. Basically, it combines with the inherent accuracy of the weapon to determine how often you hit or miss a target. When a shot misses, you will hear the firing sound and see the usual shot animation, but nothing will appear over the target. Keep in mind the effects are identical if either your shot misses or it hits but does zero damage, so it's not always easy to determine how accurate your weapon is. It isn't necessary to raise Firearms over 10, as your accuracy will be nearly perfect using any weapon at this level. Early on in the game, Firearms is arguably the best skill. It will significantly increase the accuracy of your starting weapons, which significantly raises your damage per time rate. Try to get this skill up to level 5 or 6 before the caryards, and you shouldn't run into too much trouble at all.
only affects the accuracy... so is it worth it? i fear manipulating luck in values due to the "flowing" nature of them. i might need to upgrade a little... not sure
Leadership ---------- Starting value: 1 Maximum value: 6 Karma to max: 15 The Leadership skill effects how long any hired Shadowrunners will stay with you. You learn this skill by purchasing the Skill Software for 3,000 nuyen from Dr. Maplethorpe in the Downtown area. The time duration of a Shadowrunner's stay is measured by the number of battles you enter, which is defined as each time the battle music starts and then stops. Shadowrunners all have a base amount of battles that they will accompany you for (denoted the Shadowrunner multipliers, X and Y below), which is the same each time you hire them. Each point in Leadership increases the number of battles a Shadowrunner will stay by 10% to 12.5%, depending on the specific runner. The exact formula is as follows: Number of Battles = (10 * X) + (Y * Leadership) In most cases, X is the same value as Y. However, any Shadowrunner who has an X value of 4 or 5 will use a Y value of 5 or 6, respectively, for the variables in the above equation. In all other cases, the values of X and Y are the same. A listing of Shadowrunner multipliers is given in the "Shadowrunner" information section below. If a number is listed alone, it is the value for both X and Y. If there are two numbers, the first is X and the second is Y. The overall usefulness of the Leadership skill depends on how regularly you use Shadowrunners. If you do a lot of hiring, this skill pays for itself after a few runs, assuming you've boosted it to level 6. More importantly, you are saved the inconvenience or danger of having a Shadowrunner leave you at an undesired time. If you have the extra nuyen and even a slight desire to hire, you should probably invest in this skill.
high cost, for shadowrunners (which i will probably use sparingly), i dont think i'll get this....
Negotiation ----------- Starting value: 1 Maximum value: 6 Karma to max: 15 Negotiation effects the rate you receive when hiring Shadowrunners. You learn this skill by asking the Arena Owner about "Negotiation" at anytime before all the fighters, including the King, have been defeated. The Negotiation keyword is originally taught by the Business Man in Tenth Street who sells the Lone Star Badge, when asked about "Hiring." The cost of learning this skill is 1,000 Nuyen. Each Shadowrunner has 3 sets of fixed base prices that appear depending on the range that your Negotiation skill falls into. The price range corresponding to Negotiation goes as follows: Negotiation Price Level =========== =========== 0-2 Level 1 3-4 Level 2 5-6 Level 3 Price levels 1 to 3 don't mean anything in themselves, except that 1 is always the most expensive and 3 is the cheapest. The change from level to level doesn't follow a pattern or formula; it's specific to each Shadowrunner. A full listing of prices can be found in the "Shadowrunner" section below. The value of Negotiation is average at best. The savings you see with many Shadowrunners will probably not cover the price of this skill unless you hire 3-4 times. However, for some of the more expensive Shadowrunners, you can save quite a bit. If you hire Shadowrunners frequently, it can't hurt to learn this skill. It's never necessary to raise it beyond level 5, as the discount at level 6 is always the same.
useless since i have to boost it so much and pay to get it. it only helps with shadowrunners which will be used sparingly. ok now for the damage equation
DAMAGE FORMULA ============== The amount of damage inflicted on a target is a function of both attack power and defense. The game performs two calculations each time a physical attack is made: 1.) A calculation to see if the attack results in a "hit" or "miss," then; 2.) If the attack is a "hit," the game determines the damage the hit inflicts, represented by the small numbers that appear over the target. If either the attack misses or the damage is zero, nothing will appear over the target, meaning it's impossible to distinguish between these two occurrences. Once it is determined that an attack will hit, the following damage calculation is performed. The damage equation uses the attacker's attack power, the target's defense, and a random variable ("Random"). "Random" is a random integer that the game draws, under the following constraints: Random: 0 < Random < (Attack Power + 1) This means that the random number can be any integer between 1 and the weapon's attack power. So, if you're using the Beretta Pistol, which has an Attack Power of 3, Random can be 1, 2, or 3. The range increases as the attack power increases. The game uses this variable to calculate the damage that the target receives, using the following equation: Damage = Random - Defense The damage you can inflict on a target is simply the random number drawn less the target's defense. In keeping with the last example, let's say we're using the Beretta Pistol to attack a target with a defense of 1. Since the random variable will be either 1, 2, or 3, the damage totals can be either 0, 1, or 2. You would notice all of these damage totals occurring with equal probability when attacking an enemy. Once an enemy's defense gets to be 3 or higher, you cannot damage it using the Beretta Pistol. There are a few interesting things about this damage equation. The first is that the minimum damage value never changes. Regardless of defense, you can see a damage of 1 using any weapon in the game, and there is nothing that can raise this minimum. The second point is that it becomes quite easy to figure out the average damage using any weapon on any target. This is always equal to the following: Average Damage = 1/2 * (Attack Power – Defense) There are a few important points that come from this: 1.) There are some enemies in the game that cannot be damaged at all by certain weapons. When you notice your damage dropping or your shots missing very often, it's time to upgrade your gun. The first time you will be required to do this is when facing the Rust Stilettos, as you can't kill several of the members with your starting weaponry. 2.) Since an attack that actually hits is just as likely to do 1 damage as it is to do max damage, it's important to make every shot count. You can increase your damage potential considerably by raising the Firearms stat and by purchasing the Boosted Reflexes. 3.) The damage equation works the same way when enemies attack you. This should point out the benefit of upgrading your defense whenever you can. With the Full Body Suit and Dermal Plating, the vast majority of enemies in the game will be unable to damage you at all.
--- on another note:
Karma = Experience / 8
now i need to find those high experience enemies..
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Joined: 12/7/2004
Posts: 13
Keywords, for example you can learn from the patron in the bar that you give iced tea "Tickets" then ask about "Tickets" to learn "Grinder" and "Maria", ask "Grinder" to learn "Lone Star"... you use "Lone Star" with the business man to get the badge. Ask "Grinder" to the mortician to get the credstick/tickets... etc... there are some that are essential, some are not, many you can learn from different people. The graveyard seems awesome for earning nuyen (from the crypts) very early. I've also learned you can get a zip gun if you dont have the baretta when you get to the caryards (when you wake up?). I'm not sure if you have to not pick it up or if you can sell it to the business man (mm extra nuyen). I need to experiment. the zip gun is more powerful but less accurate than the baretta. I will go Baretta/Zipgun->shotgun->assault rifle (or cannon) (?) if i bother with weapons.. I think the assualt rifle and partial body suit are available before the volcano, the full body suit and assault cannon (both the best in game) you have to go to the volcano first then backtrack to the dark blades shop.... I'm not sure if thats worth it. if my firearms skill is low.. that is.. I might be able to invis all the way through... we'll see... I was wondering about going shaman with my character and not so street samurai. Some of the spells can be powerful. I probably won't be engaging many enemies except for bosses or ones for leveling. I am considering clearing out the caryard's post-king battles... LOTS of money/karma to be had. As soon as I get out of the car yards I can go to the street doc then to area 3, to the other street doc then from there i can go see the dog and get spells. I am planning on heavily using invisibility in the Drake Bldg/Volcano/Aneki so I will probably have a large-ish mana pool and high-level invis. At a low level grenades are pretty much required to clean out the car yards. After that they're not so hot. I'm thinking of using spirit summon spell.. massive cost/massive damage spell. I never really used it much but it might take down the bosses faster.
Post subject: Shadowrun Speedrun
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/7/2004
Posts: 13
Is there any intrest in this run? I love this game. I think this game can be beaten in under an hour (maybe much less). I haven't played it in 2 or so years so my memory is a little fuzzy. I will begin an initial play through this weekend to figure out what is required. The main things I need to figure out: -which keywords are required and how to get them quickest - should I waste my money on shadowrunners (useless mostly except for soaking up bullets while running through areas) / which shadowrunners to waste money on and when -which spells to get and which to concentrate on (invisibility seems VERY useful for sneaking through the Aneki building and Volcano) -what stats to level up (this will probably be a low level run), is negotiation worth it? - Is computer required with manipulation? - Should I bother with body/firearms much? -how much money to make/how to make it? -which guns/armor/implants to buy, if any? -how manipulatable are the battles? Some ideas: -Abuse the karma loop with the naga by not picking up the scale... -Beat the king to get out of the caryards (shouldn't be too hard with manipulation -Use grenades heavily - hard to use but very powerful, again, should be easy with manipulation. -Use invisibility to get through tough areas -Use freeze to beat drake (the only place I know that Its useful) Does anyone know which quests are required and which can be skipped? Does anyone know of any shortcuts or glitches in this game? (ie: like the karma loop) Any input/tips/ideas? I will put together a plan this weekend.