Posts for juzek

Joined: 12/9/2022
Posts: 2
Location: USA
Can you tell us how initial hit detection works? I only found that the boss kinda collects bullets until a certain point, and only then their damage is registered in the HP meter, which adds some annoyance to movement testing, because you have to emulate farther ahead to see the effect of your hits. But how does the game decide "yeah I've been hit, keep stacking the damage until later".
I am developing in GB Studio, so the granular of what is happening each frame is a little hidden, I can't easily determine how many times a script is being called and run at once, but the script attached to the boss is like this: On Hit with collision group1 (bullet), •Change the sprite to the negative color •Wait for 0.2 seconds •Change the sprite to normal. •Increment the damage by 1 •Check for boss death Obviously the whole script can't run each frame (otherwise a "Wait" would just pause the game), but I don't think it forces the entire script to happen for each time it was called. While this script is waiting for the 0.2 seconds, other bullets can be fired off. So my guess is that the 0.2 Seconds you have to wait for the animation is making it not able to continue on to the Increment and Check Death parts, but if multiple script calls are happening at once, it might just do portions of it. If the animation is tied up, it may be incrementing the damage, but if you can't get all 10 hits in at once, you may have to wait for the second hit animation. GB Studio limits the number of actors and sprites to avoid memory issues, so it limits the number of projectiles to 5 at any one time by default. If the dev wanted more, they would need to modify the engine code, and make sure that other aspects weren't using up much memory.
Joined: 12/9/2022
Posts: 2
Location: USA
Hi! Dev here. I was browsing my analytics, and found that my highest visits this month are from a website I had never heard of. and I thought "how curious". Nice to meet you all. To fill in some gaps: I was having trouble getting the switching lighting between areas on the screen to register, so at the last minute I was forced to lower the hitbox of the acid to match that of the rocket boots. SKRAAGHRHSCH has 10 hit points, but I don't think that matters too much for you. Yes the "one screen" is a little bit of a lie, as there are in fact 10 scenes. Your character's items and such stay with you, but there is no hitbox in the boss room to test for acid. I have a unique scene to show the player moving upwards. In this "RocketShoes" scene, all collisions except for getting up to the top and most of the player input is turned off, and then the scene switches to the "FinalBoss" scene. This is likely why the first B press gets eaten, because you are not in the final boss scene yet. I am honored that my game has been the subject of such activities, and I am curious about where you found it, and what makes a game a good candidate for TAS? I suppose it is easier to do GBC ROMs because you could play them in something that manipulates time, etc, where as a browser-based game is a little tougher, or a game with a truly random generated world may be difficult to maintain consistency between runs. (for instance, is probably not very possible as it currently is, although it would be easy to make an off-line build that is more consistent for you all. I would recommend another game of mine that was actually designed as a speed-run :