Posts for jman2050

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So theoretically, if it were not necessary to defeat the Elite Four in order to get Mewtwo, what would you need to do to get enough experience for all the required evolutions, Dragonair specifically? Would fighting the Elite Four anyway be useful in that case?
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It's funny, with all the new glitchy craziness in this run, I nonetheless had the biggest reaction not at any of that stuff, but rather at Sting Chameleon starting the fight doing something other than shaking the ceiling.
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Is there any merit to perhaps doing a run of the hard-type version of this hack? Never mind, I really should have checked if the topic for this game had been updated first.
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"YOU CAN'T HIT ME" I'd say that just about covers it. Yes vote indeed.
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I have no idea how I'm supposed to respond to this.
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The game world is based on the Puyo Puyo game series.
Just being a bit nitpicky, but it's the other way around. Puyo Puyo was the (far more successful) spinoff of the Madou Monogatari series, which originally debuted on the MSX. Fun movie though, and I was entertained, so I vote yes.
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haha what?
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Nice improvement. Love this game. I'm hoping someone can do a 100% all-levels run of this. A few of the skipped levels would look good TASed I think :)
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I'm trying to understand the logic of escaping from Mars, planet hopping for a while, ending up back on Earth for two stages only to return to Mars, then back to Earth again. Isn't that sort of redundant? Regardless, yes vote. Well played, and I'm glad to say that the sfx and music in this game are not NEARLY as offensive to my ears as in the first game :D
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I'm trying to figure out when 'skipping as much of the game as possible to complete it in the fastest time' was suddenly a no-no in tool-assisted speed runs.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Baxter wrote:
Message below the voting system wrote:
When you vote, please also write a message that explains your opinion.
I think this especially goes for no-votes.
I explained mine. My opinion is that, just for the simple fact that this is a hack and not a true game, it needs a walkthrough-type TAS and not a speedthrough-type TAS. Look at the AIR hack. Not only was that a walkthrough, but the improved version was rejected because it was faster and less entertaining. The movie demonstrates the crazy hack and it is very entertaining to watch all those intended glitches being used to complete the game. I would have voted no on that movie if the author had just jumped up through all the ceilings and flown over all the levels.
wasn't the any% SDW run published before the 120-exit one? Sure, I agree with you, and I'd love to see a run of this game without the OW glitching trick, but this is still a very entertaining TAS. Furthermore, there are plenty of speedthrough TASes on the site of games that people have never actually played or heard of (a great deal of these, at least in my case), but the movies are fun to watch anyway. And if I want to know what's going on or what was skipped, I'll d/l the ROM and play the game myself :P I don't see why well-done hacks like this one have to be held to different standards regarding that. There's plenty of valid reasons not to accept movies of most hacks, but I don't believe this is one of them.
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Dromiceius wrote:
It was well played, and I liked seeing the Old Man get his comeuppance, but the hack sucks. I mean, compared to Super Demo World, it's really amateurish. The music seems to restart itself for no reason, the colors are hideous, and the plot is lame. Rather than building on the good qualities of the original game, it looks like they threw the most of the LoZ series in a blender and wound up with ghost-centaurs, an ocarina, and a squashed thunderbird. But that's really beside the point. Did I enjoy watching it? Kinda. I think the quality of the run and the quality of the hack balance to a somewhat positive meh.
It's a good game, though harder than the original game. It's reasonably well-designed and uses the various nuances of Zelda engine to give new challenges to the player. Not that I'm declaring this the best hack ever or something, but cosmetic complaints (some of which I agree with) are probably not the best complaints to use when determining the quality of the game. Also, Yes vote. Well-played and entertaining to watch.
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You thought I was bad at Contra? sarou and I say that you haven't seen anything yet. Once again, I'm blue.
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So what did we learn so far? Well if anything, it's that moozooh and I suck at Contra. This is an AVI file btw (54MB) Lot's of hilarity in this video right from the first level. Take note of ho we screw each other over at some parts, especially in the waterfall. And don't get me started on boss 4 owning us >_> EDIT: Oh yeah, and I'm the blue player. EDIT again: More 2-player goodness! Two runs here and here of me and BoltR attempting Double Dragon 2. Both runs eventually downgrae to full suckitude, and we get game overs at the exact same spot. Guess which one :P
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Samus ftw I actually wish I were more versatile. My bro can play virtually any character fairly well, but I specialize ONLY at Samus. I suck with everyone else ;_;
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Posts: 21 After a lot of deliberation (2 seconds worth), I decided to play Sonic 3 and Knuckles for the heck of it. The run turned out relatively terrible. I died 6 times, some of them not being my fault really... Also, if there's one thing I learned while running this, it's that Tails is a bastard and that all S3K runs should be done with Sonic alone. Stupid fox... Level-by-level impressions Angel Island: First act was good, second act was good, even did the somewhat risky quick kill on Robotnik. Hydrocity: First act was good, second act was okay. Made some stupid mistakes. Marble Garden: I hate this zone. First act was good, second act was merely okay, with one death. Carnival Night: First act was near perfect. Second act was meh. Ice Cap: First act was pretty good, and I elcted to take the bottom path using the wraparound glitch. Unfortunately, a fluky death put me back on the top path, defeating the purpose :/ Boss was terrible. Launch Base: First act was good, second act was good except for the bosses. FU Tails. Mushroom Hill: Both acts were done almost perfectly by my standards. Flying Battery: Both acts were meh, nothing too noteworthy Sandapolis: This zone sucks. First act took way longer than it should have. Second act was fine, but this quite possible might've been my absolute worst performance against the Act 2 boss in my entire life. Lava Reef: First act was beautiful until a few mistakes in the end. Second act was great. Boss was perfect. Sky Sanctuary: Pretty good until Metal Sonic. I tried to rush the fight, and got burned as a result. Death Egg: I never did get the hang of the first boss' second form. Took a bit of luck to finally beat it. Second act was pretty good, but I got a cheap death on the final boss because of Tails again. Argh. Total time: About 1:40. Not my best playthrough of the game by a long shot.
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Hold on, I thought The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy was the last NES Dizzy game. I'd like to see a TAS of that game done so badly... Regardless, I'll watch this in a bit. This game was pretty interesting as well.
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MONOPOLY WARS. Easy yes vote. Can't wait to see if this gets optimized further XD
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Actually, I believe Sonic 2 simply calculates the number of rings at the start of the level and decrements that counter for every non-item box ring you get. So all it does is check if that counter is 0 at the end of the level. That's what I gethered, I'm not entirely sure, though I'm confident that's the case.
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gbagcn wrote:
If there is a problem with the camera in sonic advance 1 why don't you just make a hack of the rom that makes the camera move faster. The only problem you might have trouble getting it accepted since you are using a hacked rom with only a minor change to the game.
Aside from what nitsuja said, the biggest problem would be if the slow-moving camera is neccesary for keeping the game moving at full speed. After all, a faster camera also means faster drawing of the game elements.
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Eh, I don't think this would be good. Most of the game is already in Sonic 2, and with the exception of Hidden Palace the added areas aren't really good. Wood Zone was a mess (for the most part), Dust Hill was nice but repetitive, and Genocide City zone wasn't fun to play (besides, they recycle the first act for the second one). This site seems to be rather strict on hacks, so I don't think this one will work.