Posts for Toma

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F-Zero X, definitely. Specifically, a GP run where the goal is to kill all opponents in every race. I tried recording a few days ago, but I'd never tried N64 TASing and it was both horrible quailty and desynced very quickly.
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Count me among those who played the hell out of this as a young 'un. I do wonder if it might be a bit faster to play it in the first person view (was that even an option in this one?) It probably wouldn't do too much, but with the slow framerate I'd imagine whatever polygons you could avoid rendering would be to your advantage. And I still get creeped out thinking about the sewer boss, for some reason.
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As the person who wrote the music to the game, I wholeheartedly support this :) Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the engine and I don't know if I can really do a project like this myself. I'd love to see the game broken, though.
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Although I actually like the game quite a bit, unless you could do some serious breaking of the game system, this would probably be a very boring TAS to watch. Unless something has changed, this site doesn't accept runs of fan translations either, which would make it quite indecipherable to any non-Japanese-fluent folks out there. I could be wrong, though, it could be great. I guess I'd have to see a bit of it in action first, it's been a while.
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Toma wrote:
Ya know, I still haven't figured out what the power is good for yet :) I guess it might have to do with how much damage it causes when you spit objects. I should figure out how to determine things like that. There are seven stages, though stages 5 and 7 are mostly taken up by boss encounters. I'd estimate about 15 minutes for the full run. Edit: here is a revised version of the first part of the first stage. I decided to do it in Hard mode, which adds in some new enemies.
Edit again: This time I did it in SNES9x 1.43v10, because of the continuous desyncing and inability to splice videos in 1.51. The splicing messed with the rerecord count, as I'm pretty sure I did more than 13 :) About the wall jump thing, it takes at least two frames of holding Y before you're able to wall jump again. The reason I jumped over to the other wall in 1-1 this time is that it seems to take less frames when you're doing it on a right wall than on the left.
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The end gets a serious WTF from me. Talk about anti-climactic. This is a very nice video, though, and if I could vote yes on it, I would.
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Ya know, I still haven't figured out what the power is good for yet :) I guess it might have to do with how much damage it causes when you spit objects. I should figure out how to determine things like that. There are seven stages, though stages 5 and 7 are mostly taken up by boss encounters. I'd estimate about 15 minutes for the full run. Edit: here is a revised version of the first part of the first stage. I decided to do it in Hard mode, which adds in some new enemies.
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Oh yeah, I know this was sloppy, it was just a quick runthrough. I played all the way through the game yesterday and I think it could be pretty entertaining. There is a water level, but it's toward the end, so it'd probably be tolerable. I've never actually made a full run through a game before, so there are still a bunch of things I need to learn how to do well.
Post subject: Youkai Buster - Ruka No Daibouken
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This is a neat, unusual platformer about a girl and a disembodied demon head that sucks onto walls and spits watermelons at enemies. Uh, yeah...I said it was unusual. It does have some nice, fast-paced gameplay, though, and I think it may be good for a TAS. I made a short test run, though unfortunately it desyncs at the first boss. One interesting thing about the game is that if you suck onto the ceiling and jump on the next frame, it sends you flying in the opposite direction from where you are facing. It's usually faster to just run, but it may be possible to exploit this, as it's much faster than waiting for Ruka's feet to swing all the way out to get the speed boost otherwise. I'm not good at all with the technical stuff, so I don't know if there are any glitches. Level 1 Demo (SNES9x 1.51)
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F-Zero X being my favorite N64 game, this is already one of my favorite TASes. I never really even tried doing any of the special techniques, but to see them done so perfectly is beautiful. Go JKT! Edit for substance: I'm wondering, in that Fire Field video it seems like it very nearly goes off the edge. I wonder if it would be possible, if optimized, to plunge to your doom in that course as well.
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So far, this looks fantastic. I hope you decide to continue with it, this looks like it would come out to a great run! It seems like it uses a lot of the same tricks as the Mega Man video, with the charge used instead of the slide to enable one Sonic to go in another direction. With the faster pace of the Sonic games, though, this could even be more fun to watch if it is completed.
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I recommend Takeshi no Chousenjou. Seriously, though, maybe S.C.A.T.? Aside from the stupid title it's quite a tight game. Even though it's a shmup, I'm sure it could be possible to make an entertaining run of it, especially with the sweeping subweapons. But this is an old thread, so chances are you've already found something.
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What is up with that ending? For that matter, what is up with the whole game? Very entertaining video, even though I had my finger on the tab key for most of it. If there was an encoded version with just the gameplay sections, it would be one of my new favorites.
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Ha, that Charge Man/Magnet Man dual sliding bit is too cool. Nice work.
Post subject: Wait and See!
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Yes, I am a n00b. But I really want to do a TAS, so pardon my random topic creation. Wait and See is a game from the east. I think Russia, actually, but I don't know for sure. At any rate, the production values are ridiculous. In a bad way. As soon as the second stage, the bugs in the game engine become a necessity for survival, forcing you to walk off cliffs to get extra distance on jumps, doing some bizarre double jumping, etc. It's really quite crazy. I have made a quick WIP of it, but got to a point in the second stage that seems impossible, even after coming at it with several different save states, timings, and with replaying the last little bit of the level. I don't know why the rerecord count is at 2, because I was restarting left and right. Anyway, is this feasible? Is the game too slow and painful to watch, or does the bizarre control scheme make it tolerable? EDIT: up to middle of 3rd stage. I messed up a bit in the second orange section of stage 2.
Post subject: Ys III: Wanderers From Ys (J)
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As an Ys fan, I'm wondering if this might be a good one to TAS. Though it's probably the worst game in the series, and I've barely touched it, it looks to be pretty buggy and might provide some intresting results. Here is a glitch I've found by holding left and right. Here it is used to get past a part of Tigris Mine that would be impossible at this point otherwise. Though it makes the background scroll and glitch, it seems that the collision stays the same, and you can glitch enemies away with this method. The only trouble is, if you go too far with it, probably if you go past the edge of the collision map, you can't use any exits and have them work. The only thing that would make this hard/impossible is that the Ys games that I have played (1, 2, and 4), tend to make some enemies impossible to beat (as in, you do no damage), and it seems like this may be the same way. But if it could be wiggled around, maybe it would work? I haven't tried fighting any bosses or anything. Edit: OK, it does seem like it may be the same as the other games. If it is possible to somehow get equipment quickly, it might still work, though. Also: Unfortunately, the guy is placed perfectly so I can't get down the ladder.
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Wow, this is an amazing feat! Not knowing what's going on, it's not quite as impressive, but when I start looking at all the extra factors to take into consideration to make these all sync up, I can't help but be very impressed. NICE JOB! Can't wait to see more!
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OK, it's a stupid idea. I accept that.
AngerFist wrote:
I more feasible and appealing idea would be a bigame run of Ocarina Of Time and Majorask Mask.
This is true. Unfortunately, I've only played a little bit of MM, so I don't know where to go. Maybe I should fix that.
Post subject: Mario 64/OoT bigame video?
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Hey, I've been lurking around for a bit but just decided to register. I don't have any TAS experience and am pretty busy with school and work, so I don't know if I'd be the best person to do this, but might it be possible to beat SM64 and OoT simultaneously? What I'm thinking: - C buttons control camera in SM64, select items in OoT, so you could rotate the camera around while rapidly switching items in places like Rainbow Ride or the volcano where you have to stay in a small area - There are cutscenes in both (well, it'd mostly just be getting stars in SM64), during which the other could go nuts - basic attack button is the same - Z button can be used for targeting in OoT, for long jump or crawling in SM64 - Finishing Ganon and Bowser off at the same time (though the button sequence for beating Bowser is a bit weird, you'd see Link running around in circles for a few seconds :)) The main difficulty, I would think, would be the vast difference in length between the two games, but if you were to work on getting 70 or even 120 stars in SM64 it might level out. If it's a totally stupid idea, I can accept that, but I think there might be something to this.