Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player
Joined: 5/25/2015
Posts: 49
TASVideoAgent wrote:
most enemies can drop an item if they are killed in the right moment. There is a 2-byte value located at C0A3 which is relative to the moment the killing blow is dealt (first frame in which the sword is visible). This value changes every non-lag frame and it is not affected by any action; however if some unknown requirements aren't met, the drop won't occur.
I got bored.
Language: NASM
359e LD HL, 0x001a
35a1 ADD HL,DE
35a2 LD A,(HL)
35a3 LD B,A
35a4 AND 0xf0
35a6 JR Z,56
35a8 CP 0xf0
35aa JR Z,5
35ac CALL 0x0998
0998 CP 0xff
099a JR NZ,2
099e PUSH BC
099f LD C,A
09a0 CALL 0x0985
0985 PUSH HL
0986 LD HL, 0xc0ad
0989 LD A,(HL)
098a AND 0x0f
098c INC (HL)
098d LD HL, 0xc0a5
0990 CALL 0x091f
091f ADD L
0920 LD L,A
0921 JR NC,1
0923 INC H
0924 LD A,(HL)
0925 RET
0993 XOR 0xff
0995 LD (HL),A
0996 POP HL
0997 RET
09a3 CP C
09a4 POP BC
09a5 RET
35af JR NC,47 ; Is carry set? Yes = drop item.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player
Joined: 5/25/2015
Posts: 49
hegyak wrote:
TheRealThingy wrote:
hegyak wrote:
I checked the latest interim build, and it doesn't have the Play Movie bug. Please check version 1.11.7 to see if the Play Movie bug still exists.
It does. The movie system id and the loaded platform must be: null. Record a movie without opening a ROM file, first unhandled exception occurs. Then play that movie file without opening a ROM file, second unhandled exception occurs. The grayed out "Movie" menu can be accessed if the cursor is first moved to "Recent ROM", "AVI/WAV" or "Screenshot".
Easy fix: ensure the disabled menu item stays disabled.
I checked it again, Movie is disabled until a ROM is loaded and the core is Not Null. This bug was fixed a while ago.
Must be dotnet related error then, whatever.
Goes to update...
Stupid me.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player
Joined: 5/25/2015
Posts: 49
hegyak wrote:
I checked the latest interim build, and it doesn't have the Play Movie bug. Please check version 1.11.7 to see if the Play Movie bug still exists.
It does. The movie system id and the loaded platform must be: null. Record a movie without opening a ROM file, first unhandled exception occurs. Then play that movie file without opening a ROM file, second unhandled exception occurs. The grayed out "Movie" menu can be accessed if the cursor is first moved to "Recent ROM", "AVI/WAV" or "Screenshot".
Easy fix: ensure the disabled menu item stays disabled.