Posts for NakaTeleeli

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Joined: 4/1/2010
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Location: Welgaea, the divine city
Oh my goodness, a run of this game is finally out, I'm super excited! I'd attempted to run this myself a few years back, but it just never worked out. Between losing all my notes and never figuring out how to manipulate the best results out of the casino it just got backburnered over and over. @samurai goroh: The casino sells the best armor and shield in the game. I'm not sure where else he would have needed the hits, though. Notes on the run: Against the tree boss (and in any room) you can jump on the first frame you're in the room despite being in the air. This let me hit the boss on the first fall letting me jump again. I'm not sure if it's faster or slower than what was done here. Considering the jump was used in the very next screen I'll assume the way done here is faster. I never knew you could glitch the pushable rocks around like that... I was wondering if getting the ice sword was faster than just using the fire sword, but then using the ice sword saves something ridiculous like five cycles against the turtle boss. Ah, the casino. I'm glad you figured out how to manipulate the best results for it. Funny thing about the casino is that there is a set offset from when you press the button to what it lands on, however it changes the offset specifically to avoid letting you land on 7s. I was beginning to wonder if it was possible at all. All I had were tales of people occasionally getting it, but nothing concrete. Getting that sword removes a lot of concern I had about if it would be faster to get the other swords in the game or use a more reliable way to make money at the casino, which would have been about ten minutes of a single minigame. I'm surprised you can reach the mummy's body without the axe, it must be pretty precise. The routing for the backtracking after the desert island I find interesting. I had a lot of trouble figuring out what order to do the islands, and how best to get to each one. Death isn't something I ever thought of... Ah, you did the dragon damage boost on the final island! I hadn't done much planning that far ahead, but that was one thing I remember. Okay, having seen the run as a whole now, I may be a bit biased because I love the game, but I think it was a really good TAS. The slow text drug it down, as well as switching to the shovel so much on Puka Puka Island, but the actual running around I found really enjoyable to watch. I'm glad it was published, and though I'll admit it was no star run, I'm sad it didn't at least get a moon.
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Joined: 4/1/2010
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Location: Welgaea, the divine city
I certainly don't post often, but this run actually holds some importance to me. I'm not a hardcore TASer or anything, but I do very much enjoy watching them. I've spent afternoons watching videos on this site and reading about the process, details, methods, and drive to save that one frame, and lightly dabbled in it some, myself (my own TAS has been on hold for a very long time, now...) That said, if a choice few frames can be saved, I would be all for publishing a new movie, be it one or three frames. Based on that alone, I would love to approve publishing this, especially if it helps draw in a different community. However, I also note that to a casual observer, such as myself, three frames are really meaningless when watching the video. The only real visible difference are the camera changes. Which brings us to the debate at hand. I certainly didn't find the camera as horrible as others here have, but I'm also not fond of it. Based on this alone I would prefer the old video stay simple because I find it much more enjoyable to watch. It felt more like a progression as the video went on. The new camera makes it harder to tell what's going on, and though I do certainly know what's going on, the video instead simply feels like five minutes of chaos instead of a smooth adventure. Something else of importance to me, and I believe this was mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread as well, is that the 0-star team put a great deal of effort into producing their video, the end result being drastically different from the previous (not to say the authors of this run did not). This video, on the other hand, is for all practical purposes identical to the previous, merely finding three frames of optimization, such as starting acceleration a frame sooner. Though the run has a brand new set of names on it, it still feels like the 0-star run, only with someone else's additions. Now, I certainly know it's more complicated than this, but this is what I see as a viewer. As such, it feels almost disrespectful to the efforts of the previous team to replace it as such. This isn't a problem here alone, I'll add. In any similar case I think some tribute should be given to the previous team. In short, were I able to vote I would vote no. Not because it is only a three-frame improvement, nay, I would be more than happy to approve that. Were the camera more enjoyable to watch, and the efforts of the previous team given a tip of the hat, I would vote yes in a heart beat.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/1/2010
Posts: 4
Location: Welgaea, the divine city
upthorn wrote:
Don't I know you from somewhere?
Indeed you do. Small world, eh? I'd like to thank you again for helping out with BMD.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/1/2010
Posts: 4
Location: Welgaea, the divine city
I'll step in myself as yet another person registering just now for this. Admittedly, I didn't buy this for a second. Everyone has worked too hard, too long to just drop everything like that. Reactions were generally over the top, and considering the very nature of TASing is to turn a game inside-out, felt it was hard to believe this fact about consoles had gone unnoticed for so long. Regardless, the points here are well-made. I've been lurking for ages and use this site constantly. Whenever I'm working on something I'll kick up a TAS to watch while I'm doing it. If I want to learn about games I've never heard of I browse through the game lists. Without this site I never would have learned about Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero, one of the most fun games I've played. If I can't find a good emulator, I come here and see what the choice is for TASing, knowing it'll at least have functioning savestates. I may be able to play through a particular Sega CD game soon thanks to this site. I'm an avid speedrunner of Super Metroid, though I've never done anything competition-worthy. Thanks to this forum I found an emulator that could record movies without desyncing after two minutes. Heck, without this site I wouldn't have known about keypress movies at all. The run will never be submitted to anything considering even at 50% speed and with savestates I'm still behind the unassisted world record by 7 minutes, but I wouldn't have even gotten that far on my own. It seems every time I watch the TAS I see a new way to get through a room, or some weird technique I never would have thought of. Every time I watch it I find something new that makes me think, mouth gaping, "Well fuck me." Being the owner of a forum myself, I understand the trouble all of you go through, and how thankless a job it is. I want to say you have my thanks for doing this and putting up with everything. Without what you've done my life by now would be a great deal different from what it turned out to be. Sadly, I'm just a penniless college student, so I can't offer help in the way of funding. I did actually have intention of registering at some point, but this drew me out earlier. The reason I was going to is due to another way I may be able to help. I have been trying to work on a full TAS for the longest time. Sadly, my files and such were lost. I'm currently in the process of re-planning my route, so with any luck I'll be able to submit something and actually contribute to the site in the foreseeable future.