Posts for Corundum

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The any% was nice, so I have no doubt that I'll enjoy watching this one too. One complaint about the encoding, though - the subtitles in the movie (e.g., at the scene in the cave at the beginning) are a nice touch, but for some reason, they seem to only be present for a fraction of a second before they vanish. I'm a quick reader, but not THAT quick. :) Even playing the video in slow motion, they're hard to read.
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KDR_11k wrote:
I think "press aim diagonally up" is just a fancy term for "push R"
Right, sorry about that. Pushing R in midair makes me do a vertical shinespark, not a diagonal one. Fortunately, upon further experimentation, a standing diagonal shinespark (which *does* work with R... how odd) will get me where I was trying to get to go.
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Is it not possible to do a mid-air diagonal shinespark in this hack? Or am I just doing it wrong? Spin jump, then press up = vertical mid-air shinespark Spin jump, then press aim diagonally up = vertical mid-air shinespark Spin jump, then press up+right = vertical mid-air shinespark Spin jump, then press aim diagonally down = no shinespark at all Spin jump, then press right = horizontal mid-air shinespark or no shinespark at all What am I doing wrong?
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Huh. They ported this game to Genesis? I remember playing this game in black and white on a Mac Plus back in the 80s. I don't know how they managed to take a black and white game from 1986 and make its graphics and sound worse by porting it to the Genesis, but it looks like they managed it. Wow. :)
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Is it just a bug in my video player, or does the audio get desynchronized with the video somewhere in the cave levels for anyone else? Neat run, in any case.
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Wow. Saturn, that teaser video is absolutely amazing. I can't wait to see the finished result.
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Absolutely amazing. An awesome hack, and an awesome video. My favorite bit was (like others have said) the second time through Misty Star Road. I actually laughed out loud at Mario burning his way through the ice blocks with a Chargin' Chuck inches behind him. That's the sort of gratuitous awesomeness I like to see. Well done!
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Jyzero wrote:
Gau with Merit Award + Illumina + Stray Cat could be very powerful, if unpredictible. (Is Merti Award+ Gengi Glove + Illumina + Illumina possible ?)
Someone (Setzer or Gau) should have the Fixed Dice. I know you'll have the Illuminas already from the Sketch glitch, but the Fixed Dice are right on the way in Kefka's Tower. Plus, at the low levels you'll be at, I'm fairly certain the Illumina can't hit 9,999 damage. The Fixed Dice *can*, though a fair amount of luck manipulation might be needed. (Rolling 6-6-6, any character will do 9,999 damage at as low as 4th level!)
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Thanks, Truncated and Nach. That seems to have fixed my desync problems - I wish I'd thought to try that before I complained here.
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Thirded. MPlayer glitches for about two seconds then crashes, and Quicktime refuses to even try to play the avi.
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I'd second this... mostly because I have consistent desync problems trying to watch pretty much any smv from this site using the official SNES9x 1.43 for OS X. I'd be willing to try and patch it myself, but I've never dug around in the SNES9x source code. Are nitsuja's changes more or less platform-independent type things, or are they more Windows-specific (DirectX code or the like)? If someone thinks it's reasonably possible, I may try it, but any advice would be appreciated.
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Hi all, I'm the guy who made the FF6-ish fonts that Bladegash linked to much earlier in this thread. (I know that was several months ago; I only found out about this site recently. :-)) I just wanted to clarify that my fonts are indeed "FF6-like" rather than being precise clones of the original font. Most noticeably, they use diagonal lines rather than the pixelated stairsteps of the original font wherever it seemed appropriate to do so. (This should be apparent in the sampler image, particularly the letters "x" and "k".) One of these days I might get around to making a truer, pixelated font (actually, probably two fonts, to capture the drop shadows that the game uses), but for now, these should be a "good enough" approximation. I'm just flattered that someone might actually have a use for them. :-) Also, to reply to another old post, Jyzero, I noticed that you had found my treasure chest list and were looking into acquiring the Sprint Shoes behind Arvis' house. I know you've long since moved past that point, but if you find a glitch that lets you actually collect those, please let me know! The only way I was able to verify their existence was by hacking the ROM; it would be insanely cool if they were actually possible to obtain in a normal game.
In Kefkas tower, why does he cast Vanish + doom at the GtBehemoth and then Smoke bomb? Is it impossible to just cast smoke bomb?
GtBehemoth is an enemy you can't escape from, so Smoke Bomb won't work as long as it's still alive. I'm really looking forward to seeing the final version of this run, especially if you manage to productively make use of the Sketch glitch. It will be a sight to see!